I just realized that it’s been forever since I’ve done a giveaway. Bad author, no cookie! Let’s fix this right away. So, since summer means hotter temperatures, how about a giveaway featuring a vampire who’s known for raising the heat a bit? 🙂
The giveaway:
A signed copy of Once Burned (Night Prince, book one) and a signed copy of Twice Tempted (Night Prince, book two). Want more information about the books first? Go here and here.
There will be a total of five (5) winners for this contest. International entries are welcome. Good luck!
The rules:
1. Send an email to jeanieneprizes AT gmail DOT com. (obviously replace the “AT” with an “@” and the “DOT” with a “.” in your email.)
2. Make sure to include your name and the email address you want to be contacted at if you win, if it’s not the email you’re sending your entry from.
3. You can only enter ONCE. Duplicate entries will be deleted.
Winner will be chosen by Randomizer since I can’t choose between any of you ;).
Due to the sexual/violent content in these novels, you must be 18 to enter or have permission from your parent/guardian. Contest is void where prohibited.
Contest Starts: Now.
Ends: June 10th at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time.
Super cool of you to have this contest GOOD LUCK to everyone!!!!!!
Thank you so much for the giveaway! Sent you email 😀
I absolutely love everything that happen in the “Kat and Bones” world. The Night Price Novels are steamy and brilliantly written. I am obsessed with the audiobooks. Thank you for the wonderful writing that keeps me wide awake!
You are a Demi-God amongst mortals!! My wish is for you to release small side books of what some of the characters are doing day by day just to hold me over until your actual books comes out!! I suffer from withdrawals!! Frost Rocks!
~Samantha Dean
Thanks Jeaniene I would love to win this they’re my favorites!
Jeaniene sos la mejor, adoro tus libros **
I love you books, especially your Vlad with his heat.
Would love to own 2 more of your books since i’m reading your Cat and Bones series… OMG … I can just imagine what these ones are like. Turns out your contest ends June 10th which happens to be my birthday. Thank you for the great contest!!! E-mail sent!!
I really hope I win, but good luck to everyone else!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! 🙂
I wont enter this because I have them and they are a wonderful read. I hope that who ever wins gets to enjoy these books as much as I have and can’t wait for the next Vlad book. Good luck to everyone
Good luck everyone. Thank you for the giveaway.
I love this series.. I can’t wait for the next Vlad book.. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your contest.. Gook Luck Everyone 🙂
Thank you for this giveaway =)
Thanks for the great contest…love all your books. Are we going to get any Cat and Bones soon????? Thanks again!!!! 🙂
Up from the Grave, Cat and Bones #7, comes out in January.
con’t wait… (:
Thanks for the contest!
Bought both in the series on 5/26 thinking I would have two good reads for my flight in June. . Books are finished and I still haven’t taken my trip. What’s a girl to do? Would love to win. Email sent!
Thank for an incredible giveaway!!!
aku mau tanya buku ke 6 dan ke 7 dari seri malam huntress apa sudah terbit di indonesia dan apa judul nya ? thanks
Thank you a lot for this fabulous giveaway and for opening it to international!
How fun, and thank you! I love your books and tell my vampire-reading book friends all the time that they must read your books!
Just submitted my email for the drawing. Thanks for hosting this awesome contest!
Late last year I came upon your books by accident, and once I got started reading them I could not put them down. I have read all of your NH series books, the NP books, and the two single stand-alone books First Drop of Crimson and Eternal Kiss of Darkness along with the pre-Cat novella “Reckoning.” Just love, love, love your books and can’t wait for the next Cat and Bones novel. Thanks!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited! I dove into the world of cat and bones so thoroughly that husband had to give me “The Talk.” This talk is the one where I have to be sat down and reminded that there is a real world in which I must participate. Oops. 🙂 I Can’t wait to read more about Vlad, I love the friendship that he has with Cat!
Ahh, I’m so anxious. When do we find out the winners?
Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway! I just love all you books and I can’t wait for the next one in any of you series!
OMG — you kill me “Bad author — no cookie!” Thanks for the laugh — not only in your blog but your sense of humor that permeates all your books. That’s what sets you apart!!!
I love the Night Huntress books, but my favourt are A Night Prince ones of Valad and Leila. I am so disapointed that I hear only 3 books are going to be written when their is SOoo much more that could be done about these two amazing characters, Lelia has been turned into a vampire what other amazing abilities she could have.
Valad could be trapped by an old enemy and it could be Lelia who has to come to his rescue with the assistance of bones and cat.
Man three books are just not enough for these two fantastic characters.
I hope its not true only three will be written its just TOoo cruel.
Jeaniene, I was wondering if you will be writing anymore A Night Prince Novels. I have the first 2. 🙂
There will be a total of 3 Night Prince books.