I can’t begin to formulate a post on how awful the tragedy is in Moore, Oklahoma after the tornado yesterday. If you’re like me and you wish you could do something, anything, to help those who lost everything, here are a couple reputable charities.
American Red Cross via the Oklahoma Red Cross. 3 Star rating on Charity Navigator. Website is here. Twitter is @RedCrossOKC. Donations are also accepted via text: “REDCROSS” to 90999 for $10 donation (US).
Samaritan’s Purse. 4 Star rating on Charity Navigator. Website is here. Twitter is @SamaritansPurse . Donations also accepted via text: “SP” to 80888 for a $10 donation (US). Msg and data rates may apply.
If you prefer to donate to another charity, here is a link to Charity Navigator, which screens charities to weed out the scam ones.
And in the midst of all the heartbreaking stories coming out of Oklahoma, here was one that made me cry happy tears:
Woman finds dog in rubble on live TV.
From a born and raised Okie, thank you and God bless!
I am from Oklahoma and hearing seeing this from on of my favorite authors is a great feeling!
Thank you very much for your thoughts and posting about Oklahoma. I was born there and lived in OKC and Tulsa for many years.
There were indeed some incredible stories and I especially love the one above about the found dog.
I have lived in Oklahoma all my life and so over time you start to think tornado’s aren’t a big deal.. until something terrible happens (like in Moore) that throws you on your ass and truly humbles you. You realize that this could actually happen to you and makes you want to do anything you can to help all the people that went through this unimaginable tragedy. I want to thank you Jeaniene personally for your support and to all the kind men and women who donated their time and money to help these families rebuild their lives in this time of need. I wish there was a way you (Jeaniene) could be here, i know your presence would raise morale in so many people, more than you know. Thank you for all your support you are already giving us. You are truly an amazing woman. Yhank you
-Lsiney (to you my favorite auther)
During the May storms one of the schools hit by the F5 tornado was Highland East. The tornado went throw the center of their gym missing the main building of the school by just a few hundred feet. There was roof, water & structural damage to the main building. Teachers lost a lot, so if you know of any groups wanting to do something,teachers from HEJH have been encouraged to put their classrooms on http://www.adoptaclassroom.org/classroomdonation/results_classrooms.aspx?x=classroom&zip=73160&desc=1.
You can adopt one or many classrooms. Just search for the teachers name. If you are not familiar with any of the teachers names you can go to the school website http://www.mooreschools.com/site/Default.aspx?PageID=12961 and look under staff.