Jeaniene is so excited to announce that Twice Tempted hit a bunch of bestseller lists in its first week out, such as # 8 on the USA Today list, # 8 on the New York Times Mass Market list, # 5 on the New York Times Combined Print and Ebook list, # 6 on the New York Times Ebook list, # 21 on the New York Times Combined Hardcover and Paperback list, #15 on the Publishers Weekly bestseller list, and # 9 on the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance list.
Been a fan for many years and have read every story, novella, anthology of yours, Ms. Frost. LOVE everyone one! But Vlad ghas always been my favorite Night Huntress World character, oh yes. I was thrilled to no end to read Once Burned and Twice Tempted. I am sad to learn it is only a trilogy! Do you have an anticipated release date for the third? I am already salivating.
Also looking forwrad to more Cat and Bones and the rest of the bunch!
Thanks for filling my book shelves with books I re-read over and again.
I truly am your biggest cheerleader!
Warm wishes , Barbara from NH