First, my apologies since I promised you this contest last week. Short explanation is that my mother’s health took another bad turn and we rushed back to Florida. Between hospital visits and trying to juggle other pre-scheduled work events, the contest fell through the cracks. Good news is, Mom’s doing better and should be released from the hospital soon, which leaves me trying to get caught up on work.
However, in my rush to get to Florida, I forgot to pack my Arcs for Twice Tempted. My publisher stepped in and rummaged through their offices to find enough Arcs to fulfill my previous contests and this one (thank you, Avon!). Since Avon is shipping them directly to the winners, the Arcs won’t be signed (except for the Goodreads contest winners because I had signed those and given them to my assistant before I got the call that Mom was in trouble and to leave right away). So if you won the previous Facebook, fansite, or Twitter contest, that’s why your copy isn’t signed. I will be happy to send signed bookplates to those winners, if they prefer, once I return to North Carolina, which will be the end of the month.
Also, since my publisher is shipping this last Arc to the winner of this contest versus me sending it, I have to limit the geography to US residents only. Normal blog readers know that I always try to make my contests open to international readers, but due to the circumstances, I can’t this time. My apologies and I hope you understand.
Now, to the contest. It opens now and ends Wednesday the 13th at 11:59 pm Eastern Time. To enter, simply send an email to jeanieneprizes AT gmail DOT com. Only one entry per contestant, please, as we will delete duplicate entries. Make sure you include the email address that you want to be notified at if you win, if it’s different than the email you’re sending your entry in on.
Good luck!
You don’t ever have to apologize because I understand that your mother’s health definitely comes first, no matter what. I’m glad she’s doing ok.
Don’t worry about it, family comes first. It’s a week away so I’ll just wait for the final copy! LOL!
Awesome! hope your Mother gets better.
My thoughts and prayers are with your mom and your family.
So glad to hear that your mother is doing better Jeaniene. I know this has to be hard on you so my thoughts and prayers will be with both you and your mother.
Glad to hear your mom is doing okay. By the way: thanks to a TRULY amazing friend, I has discovered The Night Huntress series, and I am IN LOVE! Bones and Cat are my new fave couple!
Family first! Especially moms. My mom was sick last summer and it was so hard being so far away from her. I was so thankful for the week we could go to NY. Prayers and healing thoughts to your mom!
I’m glad for you that your mom is doing better!!!
NO apology needed!!! Hopefully you have another contest soon that I can enter. I live in Canada. Hope you catch up on everything and keep on writing you have a REAL talent that so many enjoy!!!! 
Wishing a speedy recovery for your mother and some much-needed rest for you. Can’t wait to read Vlad and Leila’s next adventure
Great news about your Mom doing better and that absolutely has priority. Thanks for running another contest so more people have a chance to win
I’m sorry to hear that your mother had to be admitted to the hospital, its a wonderful thing when you can take them home feeling better than when they arrived. I think most readers would agree that we are very greatful that you do these contests at all, giving us the chance to participate. We’re waiting with baited breath for the second book following the explosive couple’s journey.
I`m sorry to hear about your mother and hope she will get better soon
I love your books and my favorite couple is Cat and Bones. Would like to see them in a movie.Could be awesome. Love from Norway 
Great news about your mum. I hope she is well soon right.
Many greets from germany
Hug your Mama…lots! Hope she’s 100% soon!
I’ve been praying for your mom and your family and will continue to do so!
I am so happy your mother is doing better. I wish the best on her staying that way.
So happy to hear you’re momma is doing better! And I wish you and your mother good health and lots of smiles
Hopefully all will be well with your mother for a long time to come. I love your novels but we will be here waiting for the next one. Family is most important!
I’m happy to hear that your mom is going to be out of the hospital! I hope that she’s back to good health soon. Thank you for another opportunity to win an ARC.
Can’t wait to find out what happens now that Leila has lost her abilities. Will Vlad treat her tthe same?
Thanks for all you do for your fans….but some things are just more important. Happy to hear you mom is better!
Life is way more important!! No worries!!
I hope ur mom gets better soon.
Can’t wait for the book!!!!
Your mother’s help is way more important. I’m glad that she’s doing better. I hope she’s able to be released soon.
Sending you lots of prayers for your mom’s speedy recovery. Bless you all?
Glad to hear your mother is doing better. I’ll keep her in my prayers.
Hope your mommy gets better!
Saying a prayer for your mom to feel better. Can’t wait for the new book to be out!
You could not be the fantastic writer you are without your family. You’ve created amazing worlds for us to get lost in, and characters to love. Take all the time you need. Your fans love you. We’ll still be here.
Shelley above got it so right. We – your fans – will always be here. And actually we all kind of owe your mom for her being there for you to become the talented person you are. So take care of her. And take care of yourself, seems a lot of stress going in your life right now. Remember we love and support you / Laila, sweden
All of you fans seem to know how much you care and appreciate them, so an apology isn’t necessary. Family comes first. I hope your mom recovers quickly.
On a side note, I recommended your books to several of my friends by calling Cat and Bones the Eve Dallas and Roarke of the vampire world. Since these friends read and love J. D. Robb’s In Death series, I thought it was a good way to explain the relationship. They read your Night Huntress series and are hooked.
I hope you see the comparison as a compliment as it was intended.
So glad to hear your mother is better. Would rather hear great news of your mother than a winner of a book ( even if it is by one of my favorite authors!)