Hi everyone! Since these are questions that I’m getting asked more and more, I wanted to address them here.
Q: Will there be another Vlad and Leila book after Twice Tempted?
A: Yes, the Night Prince series will be a trilogy. Expect the third and final Vlad and Leila novel out next year.
Q: Are you finished writing about Cat and Bones, then?
A: No. I’m writing Up from the Grave, Cat and Bones #7, right now. Tentative release date is the very end of this year. Cat and Bones’s storyline will end at book eight, however. I’ll be sad to say goodbye, but each book moves them toward their well-earned reprieve from the evils of my keyboard ;).
Q: Will Ian get a book?
A: Maybe. After the events in Home for the Holidays (my novella in The Bite Before Christmas anthology) Ian is starting to move in a direction where he could grow into hero material – or anti-hero, anyway. However, he’s not there yet, so nothing definite about a book unless/until he is. Ian as a hero/anti-hero would still be Ian, though, just as Vlad is still Vlad although now he and Leila are involved. It would take a very strong woman to handle Ian. Fortunately, I do have someone in mind, though I’m not saying who aside from assuring people that it is not Justina.
Q: Why don’t you travel to more places for signings and events?
A: My publisher sets my signing schedules, so I go where they point me. In addition to that, I also try to attend at least two conventions a year so that I can meet readers in person there, too.
Q: Why don’t you travel less so you can write more books?
A: Meeting readers, authors and bloggers in person, plus traveling to new places, has only enriched my productivity as a writer. If I’m shut up in my office all of the time, that doesn’t give me many chances to experience things that inspire creativity. I do limit my travel because of deadlines, however, which is why I will never get to meet most of my readers in person. That’s unfortunate, but until someone invents a teleportation device, it’s how it is :).
Q: How do I find out where you’ll be in the future?
A: The best way is to sign up for my newsletter. I promise I don’t share or sell your information and I only send out a newsletter if there’s a new release, a big promotional price drop on one of my titles, or an upcoming appearance. So, about six a year, I’d guess.
Hope that clears up some of what you’ve been wondering about! Now, to my recent signings.
On Thursday I was in Cary, NC, which wrapped up my “in person” scheduled events for Twice Tempted’s release. I still have some online appearances such as my upcoming Goodreads chat,and of course you’ll see me around the blog, but it’s nice to know I’ll be home for a while. I’m terrible about remembering to take pictures at events, but here’s one from the Cary signing. CPB73, one of my fabulous fansite moderators, is the lady holding Vlad close to her heart, heh. I’m amazed the book store was able to keep that poster with her there! *wink*. Thanks to everyone who came out. I made it memorable by putting my coffee on the podium in front of me and then flinging it to the side when I began to talk – as usual – while gesturing wildly. My apologies again to everyone for that! When I say that I’m a klutz, I really, really mean it.
Thanks to Rebecca from Bending the Spine, here is a picture from the Malaprops signing on Tuesday. I was also speaking behind a podium at that event, but I didn’t have a coffee cup up there, so no caffeine shower for the carpet, thankfully. What I did have was a great time chatting with everyone who came out, so thanks to all of you for making me feel so welcome!
If you weren’t able to make any of my recent events, I promised that I’d make a complete list of the stores that had signed copies of Twice Tempted available to order from, so here they are. For all of the below, please specify that you want a SIGNED copy as these stores also have unsigned stock:
Malaprops, 0rder page here .
Fountain Books, order page here.
Barnes & Noble in Cary, NC. Order by phone at 919-467-3866.
If I wasn’t able to make a personal appearance in your area, sorry. I’ll still be at the Romantic Times convention in Kansas City, MO in May and the Southern Magic Readers Luncheon in Birmingham, AL in November, so hope to see some of you there.
Now, back to writing Up from the Grave!
“It would take a very strong woman to handle Ian. Fortunately, I do have someone in mind”
Can you imagine if she is able to read vampires’ minds????
Ian would go nuts!!!!
I’ve just read Twice Burned and, seriously, I feel like punching Vlad lots of times! I loved it!!!!
p.s.: You should really try coming to Brazil…
I just hope is not Annette. I really hate her guts! lol
At this point, I’m just happy it’s anyone but Justina lol. BIG sign of relief when I read that bit.
I know I felt the same way I did not want it to be Justina either and i don’t really want Annette, also I think it should be Leila’s sister Gretchen 😀
I hope Gretchen dies, no one will raise her. According to me she destroys the whole book being so irrationally stupid
LOl, don’t you mean Twice Tempted ? Or Once Burned?
Will Maximus get a book? I felt a bit sorry for him and am curious who the essence Leila found on him belonged to. Her sister?
While i am sorry to know that the end for books about Cat & Bones is not far – I applaud you for having an end to the series. Too many authors that I have read continue to milk their books as cash cows – most of the time to the downfall of the quality of the books. I have read & reread your books too many times to count & always find something that missed the first several times thru 🙂 Twice tempted was so good – read in one night after work. It was so hard not to read during the day since I work from home & it was there on my NOOK just begging to be read.
I can’t wait to read Up From The Grave, but truly sad this will be the end and then only one more book for Vlad and Leila till there story ends! 🙁 ….. Please tell me you will be starting another series of some sort, these books were so entertaning I can’t tell you how many nights I stay up reading to see it was 5 in the morning!
I was so excited to hear everything you had to say about Ian at the signing! (Especially the “salty” bits:)) I can’t wait to read what comes next. Twice Tempted was so amazing.
Cat and Bones are one of my most fave couples. I’m both dying to see how their story ends and sad that it’s coming. For some reason I thought there were gonna be nine books so I was a little disapointed there would be one less than I thought but since it orinally was only gonna be a few books I guess I shouldn’t to be =)
I’m with you Emily. I had the distinct impression that there was going to be nine books. I’m seriously disappointed to hear that there will only be eight.
Hmm.. I thought it was 9 too… I coulda sworn it was.. Im sad its 8 and not 9 but Im super happy about Ian possibly getting a storyline.. YAY!!!
Love your writing, anxiously awaiting book 7 in Cat and Bones series. Just finished Twice Tempted, love it. Thank you for sharing your stories with us.
Are we ever going to find out what REALLY happened to Timmy? Or better yet, meet him?
I totally meant Timothy. My bad.
I think Gretchen DLton would be a great idea for Ian…she is not shy and just think of Ian and Vlad being related by marriage…ohhh yummmm
are you ever coming to the U.K? we love you over here
wouldn’t that be fantastic! I’m sure there are tonnes of uk fans who would love that.
Please don’t let Annette be Ian’s girlfriend!!! It would be so cool if he fell for a plain girl and stop trying to collect unusual women. BTW Annette and Layla’s father doesn’t sound bad, she can show him a good time 😉
Just finished reading twice tempted and I can’t wait for the next!! Going to have it pre ordered as soon as I can!!
I agree with the requests for Maximus & Ian to have their own books. I still like Maximus after everything & would love for him to have a HEA.
Just finished Twice Tempted…one word….AMAZING….could not put it down. Was really sad to hear that Vlad and Leila have one more story and Cat and Bones have only two more. Will be sad to see their stories end but there are plenty more characters in that realm to write for and the stories always intertwine. Keep up the great writing.
OMG, I am wishing my life away because I simply CAN NOT wait for your next book. Guess I will just have to go back to the beginning and start re-reading! Thank you Jeaniene.
As much as I love Cat & Bones, I definitely would like to see how their story ends…I loved how it began and I’m curious to see what’s next for them. I am excited about a possible Ian book!!! I’m just glad to see that he won’t be paired up with Justina. Not crazy on Annette either… I think the law guardian Veritas would be a good pick only because I see her being a challenge for Ian and won’t bend to his will. Can’t wait for the next book!!!!
Love your work!!!
I was thinking the same thing Ian liked her looks straight away and she is defiantly strong enough to handle Ian.
I’m sure that you will choose to Veritas for ian. Anxiously await the new book of cat and bones.. I <3 Night Huntress
Although I enjoy all your books,Night Huntress series is my favorite. I hate to hear of the end. So far, Cat and Bones are the most charasmatic couple yet. I hope to find another powerful couple in your future books. To date, no one surpasses them.
I’ll admit, I’m nervous about an Ian book because I adore his womanizing ways but I’m relieved it won’t be Justina!
I’m also sad that Cat and Bones will end at book 8 but I’m also happy that we get 2 more books of their shenanigans!
And finally, I ADORED Twice Tempted. Leila is such a strong heroine and her and Vlad are smouldering!
Please, write a book about Maximus. He’s a complex person and he deserves for a good story with happy end!!! There is any chance for it? *cheers*
Ian needs a sexy vampire viking princess. i bet she could handle him
I’ve recently foundJeaniene Frost books and have devoured them. While Cat and Bones are an amazing couple, the story of Vlad and Leila was my favorite. Mencheres running a close 2nd. I’d love to see what happens to Maximus in future stories. Looking forward to Up from the Grave.
Keep them coming — I can only reread these books so many times 🙂
Tate, Ian and maximus need their own books…..pls 🙂
Who is Tate? I forget.
Tate is from the first few books, the soldier guy that was obsessed with Cat.
I agree on a book for Ian! I thought that as soon as he was iintroduced. I don’t remember who Justina is, though.
I DEVOURED “Twice Tempted!” I adore Vlad and Leila, partly, I guess because Bram Stoker was the first vampire book I read back in high school…AND Vlad Dracul really lived. They are my favorite couple, followed by Mencheres & Kira, then Cat and Bones…sorry.
I think the law guardian would be great for Ian, especially if she’s coming after him for something he did.
Oh, and Maximus too. I would like to see him brought back into Vlad’s household with his own HEA. He and Vlad need to make peace. JMHO!
Bones is my favorite character, but he needs to stay a platinum blonde 🙂 He reminds me of Spike from Buffy.
Justina is Cat’s mother.
I discovered your writings about 3 months ago and have read everything you’ve published and want more. The romance is hot and there’s action where the characters abilities are shown. So many other books lack to show what these paranormal beings are. Love your action scenes and cameo appearances from the other vamps, weres, and others. I look forward to your futures writings. BTW, Vlad, Bones,….. stay true to who they are and still protect and satisfy their women.
I hope there will be a book for Ian and I wonder what kind of girl it would take to handle him.
Like Vald and Leila with there be more Mencheres & Kira and Spade & Denise books, or are they both just a 1 off??
Hi I was wondering if there was a book for Dave in the pipeline ? It would be great to see him with Marie and maybe explain her end game ?
No book planned for Dave at this time. He and Marie do show up in Up From The Grave, however.