The subject line says it all: Below is the the cover, stepback (picture on the inside cover flap) and description for Twice Tempted, Night Prince book two, out March 26th, 2013. In keeping with the theme from Once Burned, it features only Vlad on the cover but has both Vlad and Leila on the stepback. Oh, and apparently it’s illegal for model Paul Marron to appear in public while wearing a shirt, heh.
Like choosing between eternal love and a loveless eternity.
Soon circumstances send Leila back to the carnival circuit, where tragedy strikes. And when she finds herself in the crosshairs of a killer who may be closer than she realizes, Leila must decide who to trust–the fiery vampire who arouses her passions like no other, or the tortured knight who longs to be more than a friend? With danger stalking her every step of the way, all it takes is one wrong move to damn her for eternity . . .
As I stated in the post revealing the Once Burned cover, no, this is not really how I picture Vlad and Leila (and Vlad would set fire to anyone taking a picture of him in that pose, lol) but it’s close enough :). Soon, I’ll have downloadable wallpapers of the cover/stepback courtesy of the fabulous Syd Gill. Again, Twice Tempted comes out March 26th. As per usual, a couple weeks before that, the first 20% will be available to read online and I’ll release the book trailer, too. Next up after Twice Tempted is Cat and Bones book seven, officially titled Up From the Grave. Tentative release date for that is winter 2013.
And now, back to writing!
*My apologies for all the dots. WordPress keeps taking out the spaces and I’ve given up trying to fight it.
**ETA: Once I was done writing Twice Tempted, I realized that the Night Prince series will be a trilogy, with Vlad and Leila’s story ending at book three.
march 26th can not come fast enough as far as I am concerned, love the books.
Oh My GOD!!! Thank you Jeaniene for this awesome preview!! I Cant wait!!
Holy hotness! Love the orange!
OMG!!!! I can’t wait till this book comes out I have LOVED Vlad since his first showed up in Cat and Bones..
WOW! This one’s even better than the first one!
But the step-back makes me think of “Dancing with the Stars!” LOL!
I cannot wait. Vlad is giving Bones a run for his money in my Favorite Frost Character book! 🙂
Shirl, I am SO quoting you on that.
And to answer Leila’s dilemma – choose the knight. Vlad won’t be lonely long. Heh.
Live this cover!! Hotter than Once Burned!! Can’t wait to read it . Love Vlad and Leila together. Hope he doesn’t lose her. Bring on more Bones and Cat!!
Oh why oh why do you have to taunt us Jeaniene. I can’t wait until march.
Good to know that I have something to look forward to on my birthday!!! (March26)
Gorgeous artwork! Can’t wait to read it!
Haha, seems like Vlad has a rival in love for Leila? Makes me all the more looking forward to Twice Tempted!!!
I cannot WAIT for the next Cat and Bones book!
Oh, I love that cover. Vlad does manage to look even more amazing than the last book. I don’t suppose there will be any ARC contests this time around? Also, will there be a Night Prince three?
Right now it’s only contracted for two books but I am with you Susan, would love to see more of Vlad and Leila.
Laura, there will be three books. Once I was done writing Twice Tempted I realized I needed another book to fit Vlad and Leila’s entire story arc into it :).
I am so glad to hear about the third book. Two really wasn’t enough Vlad time. Happy to hear there will be ARC contests as well. Whether I get one or not, though, I’ll still be posting a review on my blog for this one as well just for the excuse to have that book cover with it on there. If my husband asks why I’m staring at the page for so long, I’ll just say I’m checking for typos…
Yipeeee,Thank you Jeaniene sooooo much, You just made my year. Gives me a clue how book 2 will end.
Susan, there will be Arc contests as usual. The Arcs aren’t ready yet, but stay tuned :).
Dear Ms. Frost,
I am in Love with your books, especially the ones with Bones and Cat. I happen to find your books by chance, I read the first and I was lost.
I have read all of them 2/3 times, and now I am sending them to my sister. I am waiting for another story of Bones and Cat, but anxiously waiting for March. Will the book come out in Hardcover?
Twice Tempted is being published on March 26th? That’s great, I’ll get myself one of the best birthday presents 😀
HOLY HOTNESS!!!!!Do we really have to wait for March? If you need someone to review an ARC please keep me in mind. Can’t wait for the book trailer, may need a bucket of cold water after seeing it if we can go by the cover!!!
And I’m the first girl who ever died of too much drooling…
I get your point though… Tepesh would kill whoever took a picture of him like that.. specially if it features someone he cares about-I haven’t read book #1 since my sister hasn’t finished it yet but SOON SOON”””!!!!.-
Oh Alba! Move over BDB. 😉 You will LOVE it!
I can’t wait! Hurry march
Yay! More Cat and Bones!
OMG! The pix is awesome! *pant, pant* I can’t wait for this to come out!
I lurve Vlad and can’t wait for this book! That cover has one hell of a do not frak with me vibe and I think it really suits his personality. Paul Marron may not be my pick for Vlad but damn is that boy smokin’ hot! Thanks for sharing.
*squeeeee* I sooooo can’t wait for this book! Loved Once Burned!!
and Jeaniene, Paul Marron may not be how you see Vlad and he was a bit different to how o saw him as well, but now I am enjoying seeing him as Vlad!! He’s one shmexy guy!! And this cover and artwork is just gorgeous!!! Especially the pic of him & Leila! *melt*
Love your books, your truly gifted and March is so far away, I am on my fourth read of Once Burned. Love the new cover. Noticing the bat, I’m sure Vlad would be rolling his eyes at that reference. The stepback looks equally hot. Though if true to the book, shouldn’t Leila be shorter, Vlad is said to be over 6 foot. Every time now that I see a Ken and Barbie, I think of Bones and Cat, nice reference.
I am so excited – I can’t wait to read more of this couple and see where the road leads….but seriously – Cat & Bones are so needed – and SPADE…. *THUD* ok that is all.
Now that’s a cover that does your Vlad well! Very nice! I love it.
Thank you!!!
Comes out 4 days before my b-day… Happy Birthday to me!! Can’t wait!!!!
Wow.. I loved the cover! Can wait to read it 😉
Has Vlad heard about British Monarchy claiming a link to him? Wonder what Vlad would say if he heard the claims about Prince Charles being related to him?
I heard Clarence house are denying it now, is that Vlad’s influence?
Love the cover. Your books are fantastic and I can’t wait until March! Vlad is a fantastic character and I’m so happy there’s more to come.
Wonderful….a new release for a fan girl on her birthday.
Looking forward to it.
OMG it just feels like March is too far away, I am so excited for this next book and that there is going to be a third. Jeaniene you keep me so enthralled with your books I love all of them. So glad I can enjoy your worlds.
Wait you mean our congress managed to pass a worthwhile law without a dog and pony show???
I am having a hard time waitting! Now I have to wait for the third?! Ugh. I LOVE your books and find that I have no restraint. I CAN’T WAIT!! I am so excited. Keep up the wonderful work, we all Love you !:)
Can’t wait for the March release date…love the Vlad series. And glad to hear that we’ll be seeing Bones again next year. Will there be more Cat/Bones after next year?
Love the cover!! and Cant wait to get the next book 🙂
Even if Vlad doesn’t look like that, it’s pretty to gaze upon none the less! Can’t wait for this book, and the new Cat and Bones book too. I’m starting a reread of all the Night Huntress books, but with how amazing they all are, I’m sure I’ll reach the end again before March!
Only three?!?! I’m already sad about the series ending and the second one hasn’t even come out yet.
I have been waiting for Twice Tempted since the day after I met you at Malprops. I finished OnceBurned that night. I can’t seem to put your books down once I start them. Soooo looking forward to Cat and Bones too. Love you and all your books. Thank you for your work.
March 26th – big release day, tough decision day as the next BDB book by JR Ward comes out that day too. Well, whichever one downloads first to my Kindle is the one that gets read first. I foresee a sick day from work on the 27th though!
If you have the first 20% out on March 7th, it could be a birthday prensent to me. (Just saying.) Really I know I have to wait, but I hate waiting.
Why are you already talking about Vlad’s story ending? Shoosh!
That’s not exact how I picture them either. Vlad’s more rugged. That Leila model looks too young and innocent, too.
Anyway… can’t wait for your captivating words, Jeaniene! <3
OMG…What Hawt picture….Love It!!
Holy Moly……………… the new pictures..just fabulous. Can’t wait for Cat and Bones though 🙂
What about audio book? Will Tavia Gilbert be the narrator, again?
I don’t know if Tavia will be the narrator for the audio book. I hope so, though!
I love the cover, but the inside pic is awesome!! Can’t wait until Vlad’s next book 🙂
I say this with all the love in my heart for you and all of your characters… WHY DO YOU HATE VLAD-LOVERS LIKE ME?! I hate love triangles.. I can’t tell you how much my heart plummeted when I read the summary of “Twice Tempted”… And I KNEW he was gonna send her back to the States! :'( </3
Remember it’s called the Night Prince series. That should set your heart at ease ;-).
I… Oh my gosh, you are my favorite author in the world!!! Your books have the ability to make or break me! I’m sorry, I know I’m gushing! I love you! And Vlad! And Leila! And Bones, and Cat, and EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!!!! <3
I am so looking forward to more Vlad and Leila. Am I the only one sad it will only be a trilogy? Once Burned was my intro into the Frost world and what an introduction. I was mesmerized. I plan to check out Cat and Bones asap. My bestie absolutely loves them.
Winter 2013!!!!!! thats far too long! lol.
Oh well, Vlad and Leila will have to occupy me for at least a week!
I love your books!
Gorgeous cover and images! a lot of flame…yeah, typical of Vlad ^^
I’m soooo happy that it will be a trilogy 🙂
Yet yesterday I watched a TV report about Dracula and I can’t think but Vlad! mainly when he says: “I’m the only authenthic Vlad. Everyone else is merely an envious imitaion”, imagining his arrogant way 😀
OMGGGGGGG *———————–* JEANIENE, I’M SO IN LOVE WITH VLAD AND LEILA, I CAN’T WAIT TO WINTER 2013, and also can’t wait for more cat and bones *—-*
When will more Kat and bones books be out?
Winter 2013, if I recall correctly.
Do you have any ideas for what’s after the last Night Prnce novel? I’ve heard that your ending The Night Huntress novels after 8 or 9 (can’t remember which I heard now) and wth leaving the Night Prince books a trilogy, I was just wondering if you had any fture plans as of yet.
Hi Lindsey, I have a few things set up after the last C&B book and the end of the Night Prince series. Can’t share yet but I’ll be posting about it soon :).
Awesome, I am really looking forward to the books. I was hoping if, after the Night prince series is ended, there may be time for an Ian Novel or two or three? Please I love Ian and have been waiting for his book forever!!!
yes! LOVE Ian and think you can make an hilarious book series out of his character 😉 really hoping you find inspiration to write about him more! 😀 love your writing Jeanine 🙂
Hello Snowgirl!
I love you books but I am starting to dislike the cover art. They look like girl porn(romance) novels to me. The good thing about Kindles is they often drop the cover art.
When are you touring again?
Hey Vampy! Yes, after several covers showing Cat that were more male-friendly, the women get some eye candy with Vlad’s covers. Turnabout’s fair play, right? ;-).
I don’t know if I’ll be touring for Twice Tempted, but I will be at the Virginia Festival of Books in March, plus the Florida Reading Festival, and I’ll have a singing at Malaprops in Asheville, NC around release date. That’s all I’m aware of so far. Hope to see you at one of those!
I really loved Vlad’s character.He’s not totally evil,not a perfect guy.Very dangarous,charesmatic,obviously irresistable,a perfect match for Leila.I really dislike the cover although the male model is hot…It doesn’t do the book genre justice.It’s more fiction than just romance.Can’t wait for Twice Tempted…
I agree that the covers of Vlad’s books don’t do the genre any justice. I wouldn’t pick it up if I didn’t know how good they are. The model is hot, not exactly how I pictured Vlad either, but It’s pretty close. I love Vlad’s books, I love the rest too, but Vlad is the best, wish you could’ve done more than 3 books in the night prince series.
I’ve been listening to all the series in Audible format, and have really enjoyed them. I’m very eager to see where you take the Vlad/Leila story, but don’t want to break the continuity. I’m already thinking about even though the release date isn’t till end of March!) Just wondering if you have an eta?
Phil, do you mean an ETA for Vlad and Leila #3? If so, no, I don’t have a tentative date yet.
The cover is great, I like it much better than the cover for Once Burned. The coloring rocks!
I was wondering if we’re going to get a snippet of Twice Tempted soon?
I’ll probably start posting snippets after the 1st of the year.
Happy New Years! Okay, where is the snippet? 😉 joking
Thank you for being true to your reader, characters, and yourself by not forcing stories that are not there. We can only hope that Vlad and Leila jump, holler, and raddle your ears for more if it is possible. 😉
No!!!! Please tell me you will not be ending it at book three??? Surely more can be done for this series?? I loved the first one and have already pre-ordered the second.
Please do not give up on the series.
Hi Mary. I’m not “giving up” on Vlad and Leila’s series by ending it at book three – I’m being faithful to telling the story that I have in my head. I don’t have a story beyond a third book so that’s why I’m not going to write a fourth. I wouldn’t want to throw anything onto a page simply to milk more out of characters. I hope you understand.
Please please pleasseeee…..write lotslotsss of night huntress and night prince novel.i’ve red them sooooo many times but i still love it so so very much
And can you please write a story about all of them mix together with bones cat vlad leila mencheres kira spade denise and ian too.gonna love it so so much..thAnkss
And actually im so sad why should rodney the ghoul die?? :(:(
I agree I wish rodney hadmt died . On another note I really really wanna know if leila gets her powers back? March is so far away to wait to find out. Pleaseeee?
I LOVE Once Burned!!!! i have read it about 10 times and each time its better!!!! In the whole Night Huntress world Vlad is my Favorite:) My calendar is circled in bright red for March 26th!! Jeaniene Frost your AMAZING!!!!!!!!
When can we expect to see a book for maximus? That guy is soo dreamy. Yea but seriously
Maxims is one of my favorite characters too… would love to read a book about him!!! 🙂
Okay, so I can’t find another way to ask you this. But I would really like to see Ian in a Night huntress world book. Do you know if that is ever going to happen?
Also can’t wait for the new Cat and Bones novel!
I really love these books!
Few days ago the book was published in germany and I read it in a day.
Now my favorite character isn’t Bones anymore 😀
I really really love Vlads character…
Can’t wait for the next books! I think I will buy twice tempted in English ’cause I can’t wait.
And it’s hard to wait for the next C6B novel.
But I don’t like the cover, don’t know why, but he’s not my image of Vlad..(:
keep on writing like this and ignore my bad English (:
Dear Jeaniene,
Firstly thaaaaaaaaaaank you for writing. Secondly I have no idea how I m going to wait until March 26th. I realize you are super busy but I wish you could release both remain g books of the trilogy on February 26 ! I(I realize that would be in the realm of impossible) anyways thank you for enchanting us all with the amazing world you have created.
By the way I loved both night huntress world book covers but while reading once burned I kept imagining Gerard butler in Attila
What do you think?
Marking off days until twice burned.
I love love LOVE all of your books! I never get tired of reading them! I can’t wait until Tempted comes out I’m so excited! I’m sad that there are only a few books left in these series. It would be awesome if you could do a book for Ian! All the other main characters you brought in found love it’d be sad if Ian was the exception but I understand you can’t force genius! Keep being awesome!
Dear Jeaniene,
You have outdone yourself. Oh my god I had heart palpitations while I was reading Twice Tempted. Here I was thinking Once Burned was oh so flipping amazing, how I was wrong! Twice Tempted is all that Once Burned was and more! I love Leila as a character; she is strong and likeable and her character traits are so human. Too often (as much as I love Cat), I realize how different Cat is from other human girls. Of course, so Is Leila but I find I can relate to her more.
Vlad? Don’t even get me started. His arrogance truly precedes him yet I was blown away by how true he was to his character, but at the same time manages to express his love for Leila.
The worst part of the book? Getting to the final page (ebook) and then realizing there’s no more!! I really really can’t wait to read your next works – the final book to this trilogy will be hands off truly astounding. Hats off to you Ms. Frost for being such an amazing writer.
I just read Twice Tempted! I loved it!!!! I want the third now, I have to wait a very long time for the third time for it don’t I?? :(:( And I can not believe the ending, that was mean..
Hi Jeaniene,
I just finished the second Night Prince novel an I’m looking forward to the third and final one!
I really like how you’ve written the character Maximus. He’s so alone in the sea of people in his life and wants to find love so badly that he lets himself get caught up in the idea of Leila, even if it splits up a half-millennia friendship! I think that his past makes him think he doesn’t deserve true happiness and it is so heartbreaking to read his struggle.
My question to you:
Will we get to read about him finally finding somebody that can love him as he should be? Someone strong that can put all of his doubts to rest? It would be nice to read about, but perhaps in something more substantial than a novella! I think Maximus deserves better than that! 😉
Thank you for your adventures, Jeaniene! They make for the very best escapes from ordinary life!
I’m hopeful that Maximus can redeem himself in the final Night Prince book, but as of now, I don’t have a “book length” story about him in my head, sorry. Maybe one day! Characters have surprised me before *cough, Vlad, cough*
Youre truly well informed and very intelligent.
Hi jeaniene, i just read all three book and enjoyed every single one of them hope we get to have a fourth one