Hi everyone! My apologies for being scarce on the blog again. As many of you know, last year I moved from South Florida to North Carolina. Northern Florida might have some hint of seasons, but where I was, there were only two seasons: Hot and hotter. Plus, last autumn I was behind on a deadline so I barely went outside during September and October. That makes this autumn the first time in, well, decades that I’ve been able to see the leaves change and enjoy the nice crisp air. So after I finished revisions on Twice Tempted a week ago, I’ve been outside instead of keeping my keyboard company. I could wax poetic about how the trees seems to drip with gold, amber, garnet, and citrine-colored leaves, but I’ll spare you :). I’m sure you get the idea.
Speaking of Twice Tempted (Night Prince book two, out in March), I’m happy to say that at the end, there will be an excerpt from the seventh Night Huntress novel, tentatively titled Up From the Grave (out sometime in winter 2013). Also, if you haven’t already read the latest of Cat and Bones’s adventures in my holiday novella in The Bite Before Christmas anthology, the mass market paper edition releases at the end of this month. In TBBC mass market edition, there will an excerpt from Twice Tempted. A reminder, however, that you do not have to pay to read these or any other excerpts. I always post them on my website leading up to release, so these are only bonus tidbits for people who wanted to get the other book(s) anyway :).
And speaking of free reading, the blog Supernatural Underground is having a Halloween giveaway that’s chock full of great books. Below is the description, copied with permission from Supernatural Underground:
On All Hallows Eve, the sky darkens, the wind blows, and everyone dons costumes, a futile attempt to disguise themselves from the supernatural creatures that are allowed to prowl the streets, one night a year. Ghosts, werewolves, vampires, shape shifters, mermaids and Selkies—these are the sort of creatures that make the rest of the world tremble. But here, on the Supernatural Underground, well, that’s a different story.
Here, we invite the monsters inside. We open the door willingly. Monsters and ghosts and shape shifters get the best seat at our table. We sit, rapt, as they tell us their Halloween Tale of Woe. We lean forward, eager to find out what happens next.
Their stories are like candy to us.
And isn’t that what everyone freely gives away on Halloween—handfuls of delicious candy? That’s what we’re doing, right here, right now. We’re giving away Supernatural Underground candy this month.
We’re giving away a Supernatural Underground Halloween Book Prize Pack, filled with 24 books, all written by Supernatural Underground authors. All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter at the bottom of the page.
The list of amazing books in this giveaway is below.
PLEASE NOTE: Some of these books are e-books, so the winner should have access to an e-reader.
The Body Finder and swag by Kimberly Derting
Nightspell by Leah Cypess
Ascension by Sable Grace
Afterlife + Fathom (e-book) by Merrie Destefano
A Blood Seduction by Pamela Palmer
Wrong Side of Hell + To Hell And Back (both e-books) by Juliana Stone
The Heir of Night, US edition by Helen Lowe
Dream of Asarlai trilogy (Secret Ones, Power Unbound, Rogue Gadda) in e-book by Nicole Murphy
Night Forbidden by Joss Ware
Angel’s Ink by Jocelynn Drake
A Devil Named Desire by Terri Garey
Tatsania’s Gift (e-book) by Kim Falconer
Darkness Becomes Her by Jaime Rush
Last Vamp Standing by Kristin Miller
Diamond Eyes by AA Bell
Wanted: Undead or Alive by Kerrelyn Sparks
One Grave at a Time + Once Burned by Jeaniene Frost
Diaries of an Urban Panther by Amanda Arista
Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
To enter the contest, go here to the SU blogpost and click the Rafflecopter. Again, DO NOT enter on my website because I’m not hosting the contest so it won’t count. Only enter on the SU blogpost here.
Good luck, and happy autumn, everyone!
Hi Jeaniene!! It is GREAT news to hear from Cat and Bones in Twice Tempted.. I am re reading now all your books from number one and I am enjoying them even more than the first time, if thats possible!! Cant wait for Vlad, Cat Bones, and all the gang!!
Just wishing everyone a great and Happy Halloween .
I love your books, You rock.
Thanks for telling us about it because I definitely wouldn’t have known lol. I’m gonna go to that site and enter.
Happy Halloween. Love your books
I really enjoyed meeting you @ Malprops in Asheville. Can’t wiat for ANY book by you to be released. *biting nails waiting*
Once Burned was great reading! Glad you are enjoying North Carolina. I have family there who love it also. I used to live in Gainesville, Florida, and I miss it terribly. I don’t like the cold, and the leaves there still changed, just not until the end of December. They just didn’t fall off without new green ones taking there place right away in February. Here in Colorado,it is cold most of the year, and I cherish the few months of green that we have. Love all your books and greedily looking forward to the next Night Prince novel!
Once read your books, I just don’t feel like reading other authors’ books. Your books are the best. Looking forward for your second Vlad story and also cat and bones. Take care and Happy Halloween.
Hi Jeaniene! Just a note to say how much I enjoyed reading Once Burned! I was a bit disappointed at the end though……..because I wanted more!! lol
Really looking forward to more from Vlad and Leila. :):):):)
Umm what is tbbc? Can l get it on amazon?
It is The Bite Before Christmas anthology…
Hi jeaniene! Adore the Cat and Bones series, and Vlad as well. Just wondering if Ian will find his true love like everyone else? Love your books and can’t wait to read more. Your books rock!
When you say “winter 2013” for the release date of the next Cat & Bones story, please tell me that you mean in a few months, not a year from now! I don’t think I can wait that long, lol!
Sorry, but I mean more winter a year from now. I haven’t even finished writing C&B 7 yet so there’s no way it would be out this winter.
If you haven’t written it, I guess it wouldn’t be available this winter, lol! Oh well, I’ll try to be patient & re-read the series (again
Will the excerpt from twice tempted be in the kindle edition of The Bite Before Christmas or just in the mass market edition?
Since the ebook edition is out now and it’s already been downpriced to match the mmpk price, I don’t believe it will have excerpts in it.
Jeaniene, I found your books on Audible and I have bought all that are available there and I must say I am hooked. I have read all the Night HUntress books up to #4 and both of the Night Huntress World books. I would love to read a book about Ian. Any plans for his story? I must say I was sorry to hear that the 7th Night Huntress book is over a year away.
Cannot wait for Twice Tempted!! A friend recommended your books and I read them all in about a month!!! Keep up the creative juices and keep on writing!