Hi all! I’m still buried in my Deadline Cave but I have a couple quick announcements. First, if you are attending the Authors After Dark convention next week, I hope to see some of you there! Full details on my schedule will be up later this week. If you’re not attending AAD but you’re in the New Orleans area, the book signing with all of the AAD authors is on Saturday, August 11th from 2pm – 4pm and it is open to the public.
Second, I am frequently asked about books and authors I recommend. The full list is on my Links page but I wanted to give a special shout out to Ilona Andrews for Gunmetal Magic, which releases today. From the back of the book:
Some people have everything figured out—Andrea Nash is not one of those people.
After being kicked out of the Order of the Knights of Merciful Aid, Andrea’s whole existence is in shambles. All she can do is to try to put herself back together, something made easier by working for Cutting Edge, a small investigative firm owned by her best friend Kate Daniels.
When several shapeshifters working for Raphael Medrano—the male alpha of the Clan Bouda and Andrea’s former lover—die unexpectedly at a dig site, Andrea is assigned to investigate…and must work with Raphael. As Andrea’s search for the killer leads her into the secret underbelly of supernatural Atlanta, she knows that dealing with her feelings for Raphael might have to take a back seat to saving the world…
Read the first chapter here: http://www.ilona-andrews.com/books/gunmetal-magic
If you’re new to Ilona’s books, good news. Although Gunmetal Magic is set in the same world as Ilona’s bestselling Kate Daniels series, it features side characters as the main characters so you don’t need to be caught up on previous books (much like my readers didn’t need to be caught up on Cat and Bones to read Vlad’s book). Also, Gunmetal Magic is a stand-alone novel, so if you’re already keeping track of umpteen series and don’t want to add another one, it’s one-and-done story. Of course I think once you try Ilona’s books you’ll want to read more of them, but as a stand-alone, Gunmetal Magic does not mean a new series commitment if you’re looking to limit those. And while the back cover description highlights the excellent urban fantasy aspect of the story, what it doesn’t go into is the chemistry between Raphael and Andrea, or how hot Raphael is. Seriously. Call me shallow, but that man makes me want to reach through the pages and pet him.
Ahem, where was I? Anyway, as many of you know, Ilona is my very good friend so some might say my opinion is biased. That’s fair. But to see what people who are NOT Ilona’s BFF have to say about Gunmetal Magic, click here to be taken to its Goodreads and the slew of glowing reviews there.
Interested? You can order Gunmetal Magic from these retailers or your favorite local book store: Amazon| Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Books-A-Million | Powell’s Books
And now that I’ve given you some new reading material, back to writing Twice Tempted!
Adding it to my Goodreads to-read shelf now!
Awesome shout out for your fellow author’s new release – you can both be depended upon to publish absolutely-fantastically-amazing stories that I want to dive into and never leave. Now it’s time for me to live in Kate Daniels world for a bit, then it will be back to anxiously awaiting your next release
UPS just bought me a great present. GUNMETAL MAGIC!!
Jeaniene, I’ve gone through all the books you rated on Good Reads and read a lot of them. Not surprising our review ratings were similar. Not only do I love the books you write, but anything you recommend is surely to be a page-turner too. Thank you!
I’m a huge Ilona fan, so, I’ve had it on pre-order for a while, and I started reading it this morning, but as this is my day off with my husband, we’re trying to spend it together, so, I’m limiting my reading.
Ok, so I didn’t think anyone could top Bones–maybe even Vlad–but damn you weren’t joking. Raphael is hot. Thanks for the advice about the book. I was jonesing pretty hard with no more Cat & Bones reads. At least now I can add this series to my ‘Methedone list’. By the way, do we have a date on the next Night Huntress book?
Thanks again for the suggestion!!!
Love Cat and Bones, and now can’t wait for the next Vlad book. Any truth to the rumor that the Cat & Bones saga will soon end? Please say it isn’t so!1!!!