I’ve mentioned before that I write to music. It helps keep me focused because it drowns out other noises in the house, plus I just like music :). Below is the playlist that I listened to while writing Once Burned. Don’t read anything more into this than what it is: songs I enjoyed listening to. There’s no hidden meaning for the book in these songs. A few of these bands I found through reader recommendations, so thank you for that! If you find anything you like from this playlist, great. If you hate my taste in music, well, that’s why there are as many different music genres as there are fiction genres :). None of these are brand new songs since I wrote the book almost a year ago, and you’ll see the occasional Really Old song in there, too.
P.S.: The ‘ ‘ means the band is the same as above.
Song Band
This is War 30 Seconds To Mars
Kings and Queens ”
Pages 3 Doors Down
The Silence Remains ”
What’s Left ”
Soft Shock Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Maps ”
Empty Eyes Within Temptation
Where is the Edge ”
Fire and Ice ”
Faster ”
Shot in the Dark ”
The Fool The Winners
The Promise When in Rome
Underwater Vertical Horizon
It’s Over ”
Forever ”
Give You Back ”
Miracle ”
Best I Ever Had ”
Your Love is a Song Switchfoot
Fields of Gold Sting
Nothing Left to Say Staind
Raining Again ”
Tangled Up in the You ”
Lost Along the Way ”
All I Want ”
Save Me ”
Believe ”
The Way I am ”
Breakeven The Script
Nothing ”
Running Up That Hill Placebo
All I Wanted Paramore
Raise Your Glass Pink
Who Knew ”
Please Don’t Leave Me ”
Sober ”
F*cking Perfect ”
Come Home One Republic
All We Are ”
Apologize ”
Shattered O.A.R.
If Today Was Your Last Day Nickelback
Never Gonna Be Alone ”
I’d Come For You ”
After The Storm Mumford and Sons
Winter Winds ”
All You Wanted Michelle Branch
All In Lifehouse
Already Gone Kelly Clarkson
E.T. Katy Perry
Firework ”
Who Am I Living For ”
What Do You Want From Me Grant Scott
Before It’s Too Late The Goo Goo Dolls
Notbroken ”
Stay With Me ”
Falls On Me Fuel
Wasted Time ”
Heartbeat The Fray
Syndicate ”
Cosmic Love Florence and the Machine
Dreams Fleetwood Mac
Sweet Dreams Eurythmics
Here Comes the Rain Again ”
Princess of Chine Coldplay and Rhianna
Paradise Coldplay
Charlie Brown ”
Every Teardrop is a Waterfall ”
Arms Christina Perri
Amen Omen Ben Harper
Lighters Bad Meets Evil
Someone Like You Adele
Set Fire to the Rain ”
Rolling in the Deep ”
There’s a few bands/singers in there that I like listening to, as well! Although, I personally prefer listening to video game soundtracks while writing, because those songs generally don’t have any lyrics that can be distracting.
I love your music list! You should try some more Florence + the Machine. I’ve thought that it would make the perfect soundtrack to some of the books I’ve read more than once.
I love a good playlist, especially while writing. This seems to be a pretty good one. 🙂 Thanks and I love your work! ♥
Wow! Love this. I just saw Sting in concert and I’m sill high on his music so I’d add more than ‘fields of gold’ 🙂
very cool, but let me indicate Brazilian music to inspire you in the next book
God I must be showing my age but I only know 3 songs on that whole list!
Sting Fields of Gold
Fleetwood Mac Dreams
Eurthymics Sweet Dreams
I don’t listen to the radio much anymore as all the talk,talk, talk drives me crazy. I’ll just curl up with a good book and entertain myself. That’s a hint that I’m waiting (patiently) for the rest of the Cat & Bones books along with the second Night Prince. I can no longer read your paperbacks as I’m afraid they’ll fall apart so my ereader is really getting a workout lately!
When I was reading Night Huntress Books I was listening to Florence and The Machines, and now when I hear Florence I have pictures of Cat & Bones in my head 🙂 If Night Huntress become a movie Florence should be used as soundtrack 🙂
That is one awesome playlist! 😀
I need background noise to write…no music. When I’m working out? Well that’s a different story entirely.
I am resisting my urge to bleach my eyes over seeing Nickelback on your PL, though. The urge is strong.
OH MY GOSH! I can’t believe you’r a fan of 30 STM! I love them so much, you can’t imagine how their songs have changed my life!
You should listen to from yesterday and the kill and revolve, others amazing songs 🙂
Anyway, I will be very glad to read Vlad’s book knowing that you’ve listen to them writting it 🙂
xoxo from France
Damn, you basically have my mp3 player’s list up there xD
Love the playlist. Was wondering, I saw the birthday contest too late but I really like the bracelets! Are they available to buy? If not will they be soon?????? Here’s hoping! Keep the books coming my daughters are now reading them all and we just can’t wait to read about Vlad. Bri
Finally, someone else who likes 30 seconds to Mars.
Wow! Love your music (most of it)! I miss the awesome alternative station that I used to listen to when I lived in Toledo. But since I moved here to Farmville, OH (no, that’s not really the name), I only get country, Top 40’s, or Classic Rock. I generally stick to country, or Classic Rock… or my Paramore/Lacuna Coil/Adele/Evanescence CDs. xD
Another couple bands you may be interested in are THE SCISSOR SISTERS and anything by PINK FLOYD. THE SCISSOR SISTERS are more of an upbeat, retro, club kinda music. PINK FLOYD just transports you to another world. I cant pick my favorite album they have produced, but if I were to reccomend one, it would be THE DIVISION BELL. Oh, and I’m counting the days for ONCE BURNED! I can’t wait!!!! I love, love, love your work!!! Also, maybe another Cat & Bones book soon??? They’re my fav!
I have heard a lot of those but some I havent. I will have to check them out! Thanks for sharing. I seriously have a count down going until tomorrow morning when I can buy the book with my Nook!! SO freaking excited. I have told so many people about your books and they all have really enjoyed them. So far I havent been able to find another author I have enjoyed more. Your books are just to good!!
So excited that Once Burned comes out tomorrow! I’ve been waiting sooooo patiently – not lol! Love your book and can’t wait for Ian’s story. It’s going to take a special girl to reel him in for good…
This is a great playlist Jeaniene! I know a lot of the songs, and those I don’t I’ve looked up and love. Great taste.
I live in Australia, and it’s already the 26th here, but of course I have to wait for America to roll over the days before I can buy my ebook. The anticipation is killing me! Ahh!
This week I’ve gone back and read all the book for the millionth time (haha, I don’t think there is a month where I go without reading one of them at least once), as well as the 20%.
Come on America! I’m waiting. Catch up already would you, I need my firestarter.
I have been refreshing Amazon every hour, on the hour, and it appeared 5 minutes ago.
Hang on while I just get some tea and say goodbye to the world for a few good hours.
P.S. Jeaniene Frost, thank you for existing. My level of excitement is through the roof right now.
Hope you like it! 🙂
Finished it already! In one sitting 😀 I had to go to bed after because it was early hours of the morning, but it was worth the wait and more.
Can I just say itls already my favourite! Seriously, you did a fabulous job. Great insight into each of the character, awesome action scenes and DAMN! I didn’t think I could love Vlad more, but you made it easy to.
I adore Leila, too. So feisty! She has the most interesting abilities 🙂
Bones! Oh god, did I laugh at everything he said! He was so hilarious, and seeing everyone from someone else’s point-of-view is always fun.
Finally, I just have to mention that shower scene 😉 I won’t spoil anything for the others but…best one yet in all departments 😀
You’ve got my insides warring for who’s my favourite couple now, and which book I want next more. Either wait, I am eagerly awaiting it’s arrival.
Thanks for making my life awesome,
Your playlist is great, though if youare going to listen to staind then you have to listen to its been awhile. Also far away and lullaby by Nickelback are really good songs.
When will the audiobook for Once Burned be available?? i looked on audible.com today and nothing 🙁
Thank you!!! I’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of this book and June 26 couldn’t arrive fast enough. Bought it yesterday morning, finished it yesterday, and am rereading it today. A well written, engaging and fast paced story that remained true to the characters. My ONLY complaint? Having to wait until March 2013 to continue reading about Vlad and Leila.
It was on Audible yesterday. OMG…. It is sooo good. My eyes crossed on the love scenes. Vlad is so hot. LOL I wish I could find the song she sings in her head that is so irritating. 🙂 I’ve already listened to it twice and I’m sure I’ll listen to it about 20 more times before the next one comes out. Also can’t wait until the next Kat and Bones. Love you Jeaniene!!!!!
But what is the song that’s supposed to send Vlad Running? I gotta know..
Love your playlist! I have most of those on several of mine!
I LOVE your taste in music! Very diverse. Much like mine ^_^
Its so cool that you listen to O.A.R because that’s my cousins band. If you really like them then I could hook you up with some concert tickets… But anyways your books rock!
Devoured your books in the span of about 1 week! Love! It’s awesome you post your writing playlist, I always have songs running through my head when reading & I was ecstatic to see The Yeah Yeah Yeahs listed! You might enjoy Metric & The Knife (Heartbeats is one of my favorites). Thanks for writing & entertaining my head with great characters & other worlds!