As the subject line states, Once Burned is now available! I’m thrilled to have it out in the wild and I hope you enjoy Vlad and Leila’s story. Note: Audiobook readers, there’s a glitch where, as of now, it’s not available on or iTunes. My publisher is working to get that fixed asap.
As a reminder, here is where I’ll be this week to celebrate the release. If you’re in any of these areas, I hope to see you! If you aren’t local to these stores, never fear: The Malaprops event tonight is being livestreamed so you can listen in and ask me questions. Links below for more details.
ETA: If you want a SIGNED copy of Once Burned, Malaprops still has some. Order here:
Tuesday, June 26th, 7pm – 9pm EST.
55 Haywood Street
Asheville, NC 28801.
Thursday, June 28 7pm – 9pm
8029 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37919
Saturday, June 30th 7pm – 9pm
161 Lexington Green Cir # B
Lexington, KY 40503
Sunday, July 1 4pm – 6pm
Cary Commons
760 SE Maynard
Cary, NC 27511
I’m looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of that book!
I wish I live in the USA 🙁
Happy release day ^^
Happy Book Birthday!
trusty Amazon delivered it at just gone 1am, already part way through and hopefully will read more once work is over LOL
HAppy book day. I waited tell midnight last night and bought the ebook and started to read. i couldnt stop tell i finshed it this morining at 5am.. and let me say wowowowowow LOVVVVVED it know i have to wait a whole year for another taste.
You will happy to know, Audible has the book available now!! Just logged on and its right on the home page! Yippie!
I got the ebook from B&N last night at 10:36 PM MST. Read the entire thing in one sitting. When UPS delivers the paperback from Amazon today will reread the whole thing in one sitting (again)! Have to say I really loved this one Jeaniene and I’m looking forward to reading more about Vlad and Leila.
Woo hoo. I am so excited you will be in Lexington. I live 10 mins form Jo Beth. See you there!!
Another good book. Was hoping for Vlad’s POV but he is quite out spoken. 😀 Totally left it up for book 2. Was also hoping for more then a flash of the “gang”. And was REALLY hoping for a teaser for book 7. 🙁 But good non-the-less!
Happy book release day! I’m planning to stop by B&N on the way home to see if they have it. I read the first 20%, and now I can’t wait to finish the rest of the book.
I woke up at midnight last night just to read it when it was delivered to my kindle- I read it in 3 hours! It was excellent, I really liked Leila and can’t wait to learn more about Vlad. I’m probably going to read it again tonight. Do I really have to wait a year for the next book??? AAAAAAAAAAAAA
I wish I could afford to buy any new books right now but congratulations on your release! Can’t wait to get the book, hopefully soon.
Just finished reading it. I love Vlad and Leila, couldn’t put it down all day 🙂 looking forward to reading more about them next year, Though the wait will be hard!!
Best of luck for today even though you don’t need it ,you already ROCK , I just love love your books with Cat and Bones in them they have to be one of my all time favorite people’s . And i so can’t wait to read Once Burned And i am looking forward to your interview tomorrow at The Reading Cafe.
I’m already rereading it a second time. Now I need Twice Tempted except lolol. I need to learn to read slower.
I preordered my copy. Can you sign that? Speaking of that, I should have that today!
What an awesome first book in the series! It is going to be a long wait for book two. Thanks for making my Tuesday so wonderful.
LOVE IT!!!!! i didn’t finish yet and i love it already. Congrats for another great book, and i hope the next one won’t be that far ahead…..
I would love to know when is the next book of yours coming.
The next book out is Twice Tempted, Night Prince # 2, in March 2013.
Happy release day Jeaniene!! Ugh I kept on missing the live chat event. So tired today, I didn’t sleep till 3 o’clock in the morning. At exactly 12:01 A.M on the dot, I immediately logged on my kindle and started on the book right away. Trying my hardest to savor the chapters by reading it very very slowly, but I don’t know how long I could do it.
I’ve always been a fan of Bones, but now I’ve changed my mind. Move away Crispin, make room for Vlad! He’s such a gorgeous bad@ass…Could hardly wait for the next book (going to be a long torturous wait)
Loved it!!!Amazing!! When is the next one??
I’ve got mine and so far I am liking it a lot.
Hi, i’m a German Fan and i just want to know When vlads Book is releasing in Germany?
I don’t know. Germany did buy the book, but I don’t have a release date yet.
I have the best husband because I had to go to work early in the morning so he surprised me by buying Once Burned and brought it to me at work…Finished it one day….Should have drawn out the pleasure but could not resist. I dreamed about it all last night!! Keep the books coming!!
I just finished reading it, and I LOVE IT! I just posted my review of it on all my sites, and as I said in the review… I can’t WAIT for Spring 2013!!!
I really hope the audiobook issue gets sorted out for iTunes, I have a gift card that I’d like to use it for. I was really looking forward to it coming out…
I downloaded the Audible version around 11 a.m. yesterday, and finished listening to it this morning. It was BRILLIANT! I loved every second of it and I cannot wait for the second one!!!
It will be a long rest of the year!
Thrilled to be listening to the new book release “Once Burned!” It has been a long wait and I’ve been needing to jump back into this world! Congratulations on another literary accomplishment, and please keep em comin! 🙂 Have a wonderful day!
I got my eBook on June 27 and read it in a couple of hours. The next book will only be out in Spring 2013 (*pulling hair*).. Meanwhile, what are your other books which will be out this year? I’ve tried to search for the next release date of anything written by you.. but couldn’t find the dates.. I have to say I LOVE YOUR BOOKS! Team Bones? Team Vlad? Arggh! Congratulations on yet another wicked accomplishment!
The only other release I have this year is Night’s Darkest Embrace, a digital ebook re-release of my novella previously published in the Haunted By Your Touch anthology. But hey, if you didn’t read it before, then it’s new to you :).
OH MY GOD!!!!! Once again Jeaniene you have blown away my mind, and you did not disappoint. But then again I never believed that you could!!!!!! Oh Vlad 🙂 he is soooo overly confindent and arrogant isn’t he? But damn I love him, well technically I love you (and I do…trust me I do) because you made him up but let a girl dream and let’s say that I LOVE HIM(cuz I do…I really do!!)
But the again I love all of your characters(Bones….yummmm)
But really 2013…. Ima die you know, from waiting. But then again like Cat would say, if I was for e to wait, the pleasure would be all the more delicious! Ahhh I just get all happy just thinking about it…. Let’s hope that the months passes by fast and my iPad doesn’t break from the constant pressing of replay of all your books!
Well I really love you and I really wished you would come to Miami!!!!
LOVE YOU (team Vlad………….defiantly….yummm)
Just finished reading Once Burned and I thought it was AWESOME. I love Vlad but I must say THANK YOU for adding another kick-ass heroine in Leila. She’s just amazing. I wish I can do some time traveling to get the second book in 2013 because I’m impatient to know their story next.
PS: I would love to see the list of the songs Leila used to block out the vampires to reading her mind :D. Do they all come from the 80’s?
I read the book the 26th and 27th and finished it. So sad not to know what happens when Vlad comes back into the room. He is so much more than I imagined from all the Cat and Bones books. He is just TOO LARGE, MORE THAN LIFE SIZED IN MY MIND. Could not get enough. The only problem I see is I purchased the e-book through I am sorry to say that the editing was abhorent. There are so many mistakes in the book that sometimes I did have a difficult time staying on track. Please contact your editor and have them look into the person who edited the book. I really loved it even with the typos. Can’t wait to find out more.
A interview with Charlaine Harris and Janet Evanovich had Charlaine Harris list “Once Burned” as one of her picks for a summer read.
Just finished, and I must say I love Leila. She’s a full blooded woman, sexy, strong, and with just the right touch of darkness to be interesting.
And Vlad? I always liked him more than Bones. He didn’t show all he’s worth (although he’s as arrogant, as I expected), but, fortunately, he still has time. It’s only fist book in this series, after all.
Sorry to say, but… well, I was also disappointed with some of his ways. And it’s not a matter of morality or ethics – fear is a formidable weapon and sometimes a ruler has to be cruel and make his enemies fear him. It can save more than a few lives.
The point is, torture can work, if you need specific information from someone. But torture to determine whether someone is guilty or not? Please! If you torture people long enough, they will eventually say anything you want to hear, just to escape the pain (Ever heard about Inquisition and witch trials? They never sentenced people to death without confession. And how many of their victims really were guilty?). Anyway, people will confess, even if they are innocent. Or they can hold on long enough, even if they are guilty. Either way – it doesn’t prove anything. If someone says differently, one’s either stupid or likes to hurt people any time he has a chance (exactly like Rend).
And Vlad really should know it.
AWESOME READ! I finished just in one day. So happy with the book, loved Leila, she’s a kick-ass sexy heroine.
Vlad? Couldn’t get enough of him. I’m lovestruck.
Thank you so much, Jeaniene! Your rocked my world! Can’t wait for the next one. Congrats to a brilliant book, again!
(Thank you for the superfast delivery only two days after publishing date!)
LOVED LOVED LOVED the story, I have to admit you got me with the ending! I can hardly wait for the sequel to this hot sexy book.
Loved the book! Selfish of me but I wanted Leila to get it all straight away!Love and all that…ah well,Vlad is a handfull and it does me there is so much more to come!
Just a regular girl dreaming….ha ha…love all your books,look forward to yor next!
Vlad came out on my birthday, June 26! I got to the bookstore and searched for Once Burned. It wasn’t on the shelf. I was so worried that I’d have to wait until they got it in. I went to the “help” desk, but the lady was crazy busy. So I assulted her push cart of books yet to be shelved. I found it and happily trotted of to have a very fantastic birthday reading all about Vlad 😀
Oh my,oh my….Dear Ms Frost,please do not be horrified by my previous post.When I logged back in I noticed it was rather lacking….that is the polite way of saying I’m uncouth and illiterate….lol…
Tha is what happens when you post a response without checking it,after reading through Vlad(*sigh…sigh*)and Laila’s book.
I wonder when leather pants will come back in for men in a big way…well,a girl can hope…Laila may just be falling in love,but I am truly smitten!!!Woof!
I just finished “Once Burned”. It is GREAT. I can’t wait for the next Vlad and Laila book.
Hy Jeaniene; first of all I would like to congratulate you for your books which are absolutely breathtaking. I would really want to know if after ONE GRAVE AT A TIME will come more books about BONES and CAT, of course and if so when will that happen?
Thanks a lot, I hope we will have time for an answer and keep up the good work.
There will be at least two more Cat and Bones books. #7, Up from the Grave, will be out in winter 2013.
I just finished Vlad and Leila’s first book…OMG it was fantastic. Took me 3 hours, and man oh man this next full year will creep by til their next story. Thank Jeaniene, I love your characters. I love he fact your female main characters have some backbone! It’s so refreshing to see! Look forward to the next 🙂
Thanks for your answer and I have a little hope that maybe the story will go on even after these 2 books that you have planned because the story is absolutely fabulous.
What song did you hear in your head, to turn Vlad off of reading Leila’s mind? I am thinking it was Whip it by Depeche Mode. Is that even close?
I don’t recall a particular song for that plot point, sorry.