Ah, my birthday. Another year older and hopefully another year wiser, but the jury’s still out on that. Anyway, I’m in a celebratory mood so here’s a giveaway contest. Of course, I’m not Oprah so these won’t be OMG-a-new-car! prizes, but I have my last Arcs of Once Burned plus some character-themed bracelets, if you’re interested.
Four Birthday winners will receive an Arc (advance reading copy) of Once Burned.
Twenty-Five Birthday winners will receive five bracelets (one of each character or no more than two of the same character, winner’s choice which).
Front of bracelet (click to enlarge)
Back of bracelet (Click to enlarge)
The Rules:
Send an email to JeanieneFprizes AT yahoo.com . The contest is open to international entries. Due to the sexual/violent content in Once Burned and the risqué messages on the bracelets, you must be 18 to enter or have permission from your parent/guardian. Void where prohibited.
Starts: Now.
Ends: June 14th at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time.
Good luck!
Happy Birthday! I sooooo love your books!
Looking forward to Vlad’s story!
Happiest of birthdays to you!
And thanks for the contest to celebrate!!!
Your message…
Happy Birthday, Jeaniene! Hope you have an awesome day!
Thanks for the contest!
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a great day, thanks for letting us celebrate with you.
Happy B-Day Jeaniene! Have a wonderful day!
Happy birthday Jeaniene!! Hope you have a fantastic day!!! I love,love,love your books, especially The Night Huntress series!!!!! I’m going crazy waiting for next book in series!
Happy birthday!!!!!
I really like your books!!
I hope to see you in France one day!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope it’s as awesome as your books are. Waiting like crazy for my Vlad
So excite.. Happy Bursting into the World Day
Happy birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day.
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!
Thank you for the awesome contest!
Happy Birthday! And I’m loving these prizes haha
and thanks for the contest! xo
It’s my son’s birthday too today – Happy Birthday!!
Wow, happy birthday to you!!! And thanks fo rthe giveaway!!
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the contest.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!! This is an awesome giveaway!!!! I love all your books. You are an amazing writer.
Happy Birthday!!!! Have a wonderful day and you are great to give us a present!!!
Happy Birthday!! Hope it’s the best one yet!
Have a wonderful birthday!
All the best Jeaniene! Thank youuuu
Happy Birthday to you. Wishing you many wonderful years ahead. I love your books.
I’ll hope to win an ARC but actually the very best gift you can give us for your birthday is to simply just keep on writing the terrific characters that you do.
Happy Birthday!!
I hope to win an ARC because I don’t think I would be able to wear the bracelets. I have a severe latex allergy.
Happy Birthday! I hope you have an awesome day. Can’t wait for Vlad’s book!
Happy Birthday!! It’s been a long time since I’ve read a series of books I loved well enough to keep, but your books are permanent members of my personal library. Thank you so much!!
P.S. I hope because he got his own bracelet that this means Ian gets his own book as well.
Happy Birthday!! Thank you for this Contest..and for MENCHERES!!! LOL
Happy Birthday Jeaniene.
My comcast email said that the address you gave me is not valid but it appears to work for others.
It was telling me the same thing Sherry.
Did you copy/paste and replace the AT with an @ sign? Perhaps there was a mis-key. Or the inbox might be temporarily overloaded. I’ve already gotten close to 200 entries in a very short amount of time.
If you’ve done all the above, try again in an hour or so. This post just went up so it’s a little crazy now but it should slow down soon.
Sorry for the trouble!
I was able to get it to go through from my aol account…I think. lol Hopefully it worked.
Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for the contest. Can’t wait to read Once Burned!! Vlad is my favorite
Have a wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday to my all time favorite author Jeaniene Frost… I bow before to wish you a wonderful day filled with love,laughter, and more hot books! lol Thanks for making my reading experience mind
Happy Birthday to you!! Great treat for your fans…your the best!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Love your books. I am so looking forward to Vlad’s story! Hope today makes you as happy as reading your books has made me (happier might just kill you and we cannot have that! ;-D)
Hope your birthday is amazing! Enjoy yourself and enjoy the puppy.
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Jeaniene
Happy birthday to you!!!!
Have a magical day.
Thanks for the comp.
Email sent
Happy Birthday! remember Geminis are like fine wine, we only get better with Age!
Happy birthday, Jeaniene!
And thanks for the chance to win!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Jeanine. I wish you many years, full of inspiration so you can give us other amazing reads. By the way, romanians read your books, too.
It keeps telling me it’s an invalid email address.
But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you have an amazing day!
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day.
Thank you for the giveaway!
Happy bday !!!!””!
Happy birthday!! Hope you have a great day!!!!
Happy Birthday! Thank you for writing such a great series. It is my favorite and I recommend it to everyone! I can’t wait to read Once Burned! Have a great day!
Hope you have a bloody fantastic birthday, Jeaniene!! Hands down, you are one of my favorite authors and I’m sharing you with my friends. Thank you for your creativity, charm and humor!
Happy Birthday to one talented lady. May there be many wonderful books in your future. Have a wonderful day and I hope you will get spoiled rotten. And thanks for giving presents on your Birthday, instead of receiving them.
Happy birhtday to you from all the way from Norway… BTW I LOV your books..
Happy Birthday!! Thank you so much for bringing Bones and Spade into my world! I absolutely adore your writing and cannot wit to get a hold of Once Burned! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene! All the best, enjoy your day and live it to the fullest (and not only this one of course)
Wishing you a VERY happy and exciting Birthday! May you have MANY, MANY more!
Happy Happy Birthday. Enjoy your special day.
Love your books……
Happy, Happy Birthday to you Jeaniene !!!

I hope all your wishes come true and I hope you will write more and more books
I love all your series and I always looking forward to the next one :))
Thank you so much for the contest and the giveaway
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day filled with all your favorite things, people and party like never before. Then after the euphoria is over, rest up and get back to writing, as we are all anxiously awaiting the next installment in the world of Bones and Company! Thank you for all your great stories and keep em coming!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!! May all your dreams and wishes come true on this special day you deserve it ; )
Wishing you a very happy birthday. Hope you have a fabulous day. Thanks for the great books.
The best of wishes on your birthday!!
I was just yesterday at my local Kel Bookstore convincing a saleswoman to put in a request for them to bring your books to Argentina. After half an hour of explaining why your books totally rock she was converted to the Jeaniene Team and will now do her best to have the guy at the imports sector to request your books be added to the next shipment. YEY!
Thanks for the giveaway by the way!
Happy Birthday!!!
Email sent!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Bday! Hope it’s bite-worthy!
Happy Birthday! Hope it is a GREAT one
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a perfect day AND an even better year to come –
Happy Birthday!!!!!
You’ve given us much already in your books and now this! Thank you!!!!
Happy Birthday!! – I was also celebrating my birthday just a few days ago (June 1st). I hope you have a wonderful day and have tons of fun!
Happy Birthday!!! Can’t wait to read the book!!!
Happy Birthday!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day! And thank you for the give away!
happy birthday
thanks for making this an open contest to all countries
great idea!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday! You deserve it since you have brought a lot of readers so much happiness and hot nights!!!!
Happy Birthday!!! Looking forward to Vlad!
Happy Birthday to You, mine is on June 18th…and Oh thank you for the Contest, I hope I get a prize that would be a Great Birthday present.. Yay for Contests..
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite authors.
HB2U! Thanks for the great contest!
Happy Birthday! Have a great day and thanks for the contest.
Hope you have a fantastic Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you will have a fantastic day and thank you for the contest!
Happy Birthday, Jeaniene….mine was yesterday, LOL I hope you have many many more. Thank you for the wonderful worlds you take usa to with your books, keep up the great stories! Have an absolutely wonderful day!!!
Happy Birthday!! What a great way to celebrate! ;0)
Happy Birthday, hope you have a really great day
Happy Birthday! Enjoy this special occasion and celebrate to the fullest
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!!! Thanks for the contest!!!!!!! I hope you have an amazing day!!!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene! Hope you get a red velvet cupcake to celebrate *G* Thanks for an awesome giveaway :).
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!!!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!! Hope your day is xtra special!!
Hapoy birthday to you! Hope you have another prosperous year!
Happy Birthday!!!
Have a Happy Birthday Jeaniene…hope your day was as great as mine a few days ago…i was surprised with a BBQ party…I received your first book as a girft and looking forrward to buying the rest of your set. Have a great day with many more to come!!!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!! Do something just for you today & enjoy the day to the fullest!
Happy Birthday!! I hope you have an awesome day today and all your birthday wishes come true!
Happy Birthday and many more! Hope your day is filled with fun and joy!
Hi Jeaniene, happy birthday!!!! Hope you have a wonderful time and a special day, full of happiness. Make each moment worth it. Congrats!
Happy birthday!! Wish you plenty of happiness and much much more
Happy birthday Jeaniene! Wish you to be just happy!
Happy birthday Jeaniene!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!!
Happy Birthday . hope you have an awesome day !!
Happy Birthday!! Thanks you for the contest!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene, here is to many more yet to come.
Happy Birthday!!! Us Gemini’s always have great B-day’s, mine was yesterday and it was AWESOME!!!!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene. I hope it is as wonderful as you are.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!!!

Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a lovely day and thank you for the competition!
Happy birthday! Wishing you the best.
Happy B-day to you
Happy B-day to you
Happy B-day Dear Jeaniene
Happy B-day to you
Wishing you a very Happy 39th Birthday
From Sarnia.Ontario,Canada
Love love your books
Keep up the great work
Happy Birthday! Can’t wait to see you July 1st in Cary!
Happy Birthday to a fellow Gemini! Mine’s on Monday. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing day.
Happy Birthday Jeaniene hope you have a wonderful birthday!!
Have a great Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!! Have a wonderful day. For some reason it wont let me send an email to that address
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!!! These prizes are better than what Oprah could offer!!! Have a fantastic one!
Happy birthday!
I hope you have an amazing Birthday. Many happy wishes!
Hope u have a fantastic birthday!!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene! Thank you for creating this amazing little world I like to escape to. As Bones would say, “This is a party, mates. Let’s have at it!”
Yay prezzies!! Thanks Jeaniene, and Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene! I hope you have a great day!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!!!
Can’t wait for Vlad.
Lorraine x x x
Happy Birthday Jeaniene! I love Your books, I read them non-stop. May Your days be filled with sunshine and all your wishes come true! I hope You will write for us many more fascinating adventures of Cat, Bones and their friends! Best wishes from POLAND!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!!!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have an amazing one!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day!
Happiest Birthday wishes to you!
Thanks for sharing your birthday swag with us. Wishing you a fabulous birthday week.
From the land of Vlad,Romania, I wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thank you for everything!
Happy Birthday. I hope your day is full of love, laughter and a lot of sexy hunks
**~~~*Happy Birthday*~~~** Mines tommorrow!!
Happy Birthday!
H@pPy A££ @bOuT ¥0U dAy!!! Because Awesome is Ageless!!!
Seems like every interesting person I know is a Gemini, and some of my favorite authors. Have a Happy Day.
Happy Birthday and here’s to many more!
Happy Birthday finally 29!!!
Happy Birthday! You share a birthday month with my oldest boy
Happy birthday!!!
Oh, and one more thing…my birthday’s in August, could you send Ian my way for the day? *wicked grin*
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have the most amazing day ever!!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene!!! I hope you have a fabulous day!! I think being wiser is a bit overrated, I just want to be me for another year. Thank you for writing your stories which gives me something to read and enjoy.
Happy Birthday Jeaniene. I hope you have a fantastic day, and thank you for the giveaway opportunity!
I just recently started reading your books. I have a LOT of catching up to do, but I’m looking forward to it.
Happy Birthday!! I hope you have many more brilliant years ahead of you!!!
Happy b-day!! I hope you have many more brilliant years ahead of you!!! <3
Happy Birthday from Hungary
You have many fans here! 
Happy Birthday Jeanine…I hope you have a relaxing day, but try not to relax too much because I cannot wait for the book to come out…smile!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!
And many moooooorrrree!!!
Happy Birthday Gorgeous!! Enjoy your day!!
Happy birthday! Who cares if you get wiser as you get older! As long as you have fun doing it ;P As a friend of mine once told me, “You could be ugly and going through the same thing.” hmhm! ^_^
Happy Birthday! Thanks so much for a contest!
Happy Birthday!! enjoy your day… Loved all your books, Cant wait for Vlad, and the new adventures of Cat and Bones!!
Happy Birthday I hope you had a great day.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day
Looking forward to catching up with Vlads adventure 
Have some cake for me?
Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy it :))
Thanks for the giveaways and happy happy birthday!!!
Happy b-day!!!! Oh and wiser is definately over-rated!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday
and thanks you a lot for your generosity
Happy Birthday!! Have a wonderful day, Jeaniene
Happy Birthday! love your books! cant wait for the new book!
Happy Birthday! Thank you for the gift of your writing!! The escape into the world you create is appreciated greatly!!!!!!
Happy Birthday !!! Love your work
Happy Birthday!! *throws confetti*
Hope you´re having a great day!
//Linda xo
Are you kidding??? An ARC of Once Burned is better than a stinky ol’ car! Oh and I’m sadly over 18 so I can enter.
Happy Birthday!! Rock it and then rock it some more!
Happy….Happy….Birthday. I cannot wait to meet you in August at AAD.
Happy Birthday!!! Can’t wait to read Vlad’s story. Have a great day!
Happy Birthdayyy!!! you’re books are amazing! I love them and you’re a very talented writer can’t wait for the books. It comes out a day before my birthday! pfff i hope you have an awesome day!
ahem.. i meant *your…. XD
Happy Birthday!! I hope you are having a fantastic day!
Hoping your birthday is a warm and joyful one to start off a year full of good things!
Happy Birthday Jeaniene. Hoping your birthday brings you everything you wish for and more. Thank you sooooo much for your Night Huntress and Night Huntress World books. They’ve helped me escape through many many of my problems in my life. Thank you again. Enjoy your day!
Eat lots of cake! Don’t worry, it doesn’t have calories when it’s YOUR birthday cake. ^.~
Happy, Happiest Birthday!!! May you will always be inspired and loved <3
Holy moly – Happy Birthday! I hope you had a very special day. Thank you for the ARC giveaway and all of your bracelets are hilarious! *hugs*
Happy birthday, wishing you the best of days another year better women are like fine whiskey we just get better with age!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Your message…
Happy Birthday Hon!
Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day!
Happy B-Day!!
Those bracelets are great, I want them all lol
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great birthday and another great YEAR!
Happy Birthday, may this day be filled with love, pasion and gifts
Happy birthday hope your day is just as good as your book’s becuse there alsome …..I also can’t wait till vlads book ,becuse the day it come s out is also my sons birthday ……
Happy Birthday from a fellow Gemini…
HaPpY BiRtHdAy Pimp Momma J!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Belated Birthday!!
Happy birthday jeaniene!! Hope u did something exciting on ur birthday. Thanks for the contest, I could hardly wait for the book to come out, been counting down the days till the 26th
Happy Birthday! I hope it is wonderful! Thanks for the contest, and an advanced reader copy of your book is far better than a car anyway!
happy birthday:)
many many smiles everyday:)
Happy Birthday! ^_^
Happy birthday!
What a great way to celebrate a birthday. Have a happy one! We get the presents. Aren’t you a giving soul. Thanks for a chance to win.