As I approach my 39th birthday, there are days when I manifest a respectable amount of dignity. Some days I’m even professional without trying too hard. This is not one of those days. Here’s why:
*throws dignity and professionalism aside, assumes annoying high-pitched voice with dramatically extended vowels*
I have a puppy! A cute, widdle, cuddly, wiggly, oooooohhh soft and fuzzy puppy! Oooo’s my new widdle baby? Yoooouuuuu are! Yooooouuuuuuuuu are!!!!
(Click pics to enlarge)

OMG! SOOO much cuteness!!
Your message…
whoops, filled the form in wrong! Doh!
So cute !!! And i’m sure Older Sister will like him soon. She just think he is too annoying. Being a puppy and all…
Wow, that is just too much cuteness! My puppy isn’t really a puppy anymore, he’s a five year old 80lb monster. He’s still cute though!
Oh-Oh. Big sister looks supremely ticked. You probably know to expect the view of her back (directed at you) for a while. More treats? More petting? Perhaps surrender and get on your knees?
By the way, Loki is a sweetie. I hope your shoes are up and out of reach!
Very cute but I can see where this is going. INC werewolves!!!!! hehe Very much congratz. Please tweet all cuteness pics of the little guy as he chews up everything in your house. And no we will not accept the excuse of sorry guys I wrote a chapter but the dog ate it. 🙂 Congratz again I hope you guys have tons of fun.
awh so cute!! I’m sure the big sister will come around! she is a beautiful puppy 🙂
So cute!
And great picture of Loki’s older sister too.
So cute! I want one too :/ and thats a great name for a dog, although you should hope he won’t be the best behaved dog ever, that would suck with that name xDD Aaand you should hope Hulk doesn’t get hold of him 😀
congrats Jeaniene! He/she is so cute!
Absolutely adorable Jeaniene! And wow, now hubby has two somethings to pay attention to him when you’re buried nose deep in your writing.
Awwww Loki is precious. His sister is beautiful too. My friend has a Shiba Inu.
Awww 2 doggie kids now 😉
Congrats !
Can totally relate. Currently have a 11 week old puppy, and 2 older dogs that are nearly as thrilled he has joined the family as he is about being there and having older siblings. lol Toys, toys, toys . . . it’s the name of the puppy game.
Oops. the older dogs are NOT nearly as thrilled as he is.
I had no idea you had Shibas! I am hoping and praying to own one in the future. I love Asian dog breeds.
Enjoy your new pup! *scratches his ears*
Awwww! Loki is so cute. I’m sure “older sister” will come around soon as long as mom and dad still give her plenty of attention ;).
Thank you for sharing Loki with us.
You know, times like these, when you get a cute new puppy, you are 1000% allowed, and actually expected, to throw dignity out the window and scream your joy on the rooftops! 🙂 Congrats on your new family member, Loki is adorable!!
OoooOOOOOOoohhhhh! Me want! So cute! This is a breed I was thinking my mom would love. I’ve been trying to get her to look at them and I just know if I had her read up on them, she would fall in love. Good luck with the big sis thing! 🙂
You’re right, dignity be damn. Loki is adorable! Very cute.
OMG, omg, omg!!!
Makes me want another new puppy. We got a shiba almost two years ago so our husky could have a playmate and stop eating my furniture 😛
Teh Cootness!!! I could diez. (Although I’m more of a cat person – Go Curran! – I love all animals).
(Sorry about Bones not being Alpha enough – I blame Ilona’s bribes)
Cuteness! I have two huskies myself, I adore them….
The puppy is so cute. Sometimes you just have to show off pics of new family members.
Amazingly cute! What is it about puppies that makes your average professional women turn into a high pitched 5 year old :). I am exactly the same way. Loki is incredibly cute and it looks like he has a few toys to keep him busy. His sister on the other hand looks as though if she were human she might be showing her expressing with one finger….if you know what I mean. 🙂 She will get used to her new brother!
Have fun and keep the great pictures coming.
Beautiful puppy, but trust me ours has four older sisters who still are not happy, but they have learned to tolerate him on their terms. He is now four and is still looked on as the boy who will not leave.
Your baby is very very cute you should be very proud there is nothing wrong with that
I don’t usually comment but, that baby is just too cute!
Happy Soon-To-Be Birthday! And congrats on the new puppy! ADORABLE!
HOLY PUPPY PRECIOUSNESS!!! I just wanna kiss that precious Loki baby face! (squeezes squeaky toy)
OH MY GOD…hes is soooo cute. I bet you want to just squeeze him! I guess naming him Loki is an omen of things to come…..LOLLOLLOL! Enjoy the puppy phase! And Gypsy will come around…eventually. *snort*
AAAWWW!!! I LOVE that breed!! She is ADORABLE!! I am so jealous! ;P Gypsy will learn to love her new sissy I’m sure of it ^_^
Congrats! He’s adorable!
So Cute!!! I have a year old Siberian Husky also named Loki and he honors his Enjoy your new puppy!!!
Awwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! He is so adorable!!! And I hope you don’t mind me saying, but your husband is hot..
So cute. Someday when my husband and I move to a house I want a puppy. For now the insane cat keeps me company.
ZOMG! <3 Shiba Inus! My dad has one like your female. I didn't know they had black ones!!! 😮 Super cute! Love the name, too, although, aren't you kind of asking for trouble, naming him after one of the trickster gods? xD
Dear Jeaniene,
Our Shiba is red sesame and 11 years old. Once you fall for the breed look out. You’re gone for good. Keiko believes everything is hers, but what shiba doesn’t? Happy belated birthday. My daughter is June 14th. She is 24 and profoundly autistic. She is more a cat person.
Just Finished Vlads first novel. I have loved all your other books. Vlad around Cat, Bones or Menchers has hit the right note. It’s probably just me. I have no right to criticize as I can barely write a grocery list. Did this new book move as smoothly while you were writing it as your other have?
Feel free to tell me I’m crazy. I own a Shiba inu on purpose. lol