At last, I have my schedule for signings to celebrate Once Burned’s release. If you’re in any of these areas and you have some time, I’d love to meet you! Also, after every signing I hear “I didn’t know you were in my city. I can’t believe I missed you!” so here’s a reminder that if you haven’t signed up for my newsletter (hoted by CoffeeTime Romance) I encourage you to do so. I don’t sell anyone’s info and I only send out about 6 per newsletters per year so your inbox won’t be bombarded. Plus, I make sure my newsletters are centered around new releases, signings, appearances, and special discount information. For example, did you know that all my backlist ebooks have been reduced to $5.99, and Eternal Kiss of Darkness is only $1.99 for a limited time? If the answer’s no, then this is the sort of thing you miss out on by not subscribing to my newsletter. Not me telling you the really cute thing my dog did yesterday (which I could go on and on about! Lol.)
With that aside, here are the signing stops for Once Burned’s release.
Tuesday, June 26th, 7pm – 9pm
55 Haywood Street
Asheville, NC 28801.
Thursday, June 28 7pm – 9pm
8029 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37919
Saturday, June 30th 7pm – 9pm
161 Lexington Green Cir # B
Lexington, KY 40503
Sunday, July 1 4pm – 6pm
Cary Commons
760 SE Maynard
Cary, NC 27511
Thanks, and hope to see some of you soon! 🙂
*Sigh* None near me!!! V””V
None in beautiful Arizona 🙁
Not near me either. When can you come to the Los Angeles area? Would love to see you!
Dang! So close, wish you were stopping in Nashville!
Will you come to Canada some day ?
Asheville!! Ya-hoo!! See you in June! 🙂
Bummer none in big ol Texas!
Come to Ottawa Canada!
YAY! You’re coming to my city :). See you in June!
Would love to see you in Denver sometime soon.
Dang, I’m in S.Cali. Don’t you want to visit the West Coast? 🙂
Like Olivia i’m in So California. San Diego welcome you anytime 🙂
wish u could come to liverpool uk
You realize that Houston Texas is really close to Tennessee and Kentucky? And I know there are lots of fans down here. I cannot WAIT for Vlad’s book, it’s on my calendar and I’m going to read and review it right off.
So sad not in Charlotte, NC. 🙁
You can do it, it’s only 2 hour drive for you.
Please come to Charlotte.
I was wishing to see the words Washington or Oregon. Bummer.
This is not on topic but I had a question that hopefully someone can answer. I’m re-reading all the books in order and had a thought about Justina after reading book 4. Wouldn’t she have technically been considered Ian’s property through Max bedding her? So by the time Gregor drank from her when Cat was 16 he was violating laws by going after Ian’s property since Max was not free from his line? Just curious.
YAY!!!!!!! i will be able to go to Lexington,KY im sooo excited ive been wanting to meet you since i started reading your books!!
Get the Aleve ready. it’s about a 7 hour drive but I might be able to zip up to Asgville so save me a seat.
oops Asheville
When are you going to come out to Arizona?
I hope you’ll come in France one day…
*Sigh* Maine never gets any love, but at least book signings exist, maybe one day I’ll move.
Ann Arbor, MI has a great little bookstore called Nicola’s Books. You should schedule something there, it would be lots of fun.
Even though the closest city to me is about a 6 1/2 hour drive I am seriously considering it. Mini-vacation for me…
bummer! To far from Illinois! Cant wait for Vlad! I gotta say though I CANT WAIT FOR IAN WHOOHOO!!!!
Hi Jeaniene! Found the comments box! Duh! Blond moment.
Was wondering about requesting a signed book plate please, if that’s at all possible, as per your message on your chat thread at GR. I have all the NH books in both paperback and Ebook (World books included, not easy to get way down under!) It would be really something special to have a bookplate to put in my paperbacks, Especially given I’m on the opposite side of the planet! Might be the only one!! Thanks again, for a great series and a great GR chat.
Hi! Actually, I meant the comment box on this page ( ) that goes to my assistant. It’s private so you can give your address safely and then she can send out some book plates. Thanks!
Dang, I was seriously hoping there might be a surprise Comic Con appearance in there! 🙂 That would be AWESOMENESS
I can’t wait to meet you when you come to Knoxville, TN. I am addicted to your Night Huntress Series!!!! I am currently on book #3. I can’t get enough of Bones!!!
Another vote for Ottawa, Canada please! Even Toronto would be good.
Come to NYC!
Gah! U hopscotched right around me! Haha would you consider going somewhere in Alabama??
Dear Ms. Frost,
you don’t have any texas locations. What about Dallas, Texas? We would love to see you!