Friday night (May 25th) from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST, I’ll be over at Goodreads for a live chat with the Gotta Have Paranormal With a Kick group. If you have the time (and hey, Supernatural and Grimm are re-runs now, anyway! :)) I’d love it if you came out and joined me.
Here is the link to the chat:
Here is the link to the group, if you’re not a member and would like to join to participate in the chat:
What will I be talking about? Anything you ask me, so if you’ve got questions about the books, characters, what’s next, or favorite paranormal creatures in general, pull up a chair and jump in. I’ll be waiting :).
I’m so there!! We need more demons I love the way you write them in your books they are badass (can i say that?) LOL
See ya tomorrow night!
Dang! I’ve gotta work! I’m gonna miss it. Will I be able to see some questions & answers on Goodreads later tonite when I get off? Will someone please ask if Tate is gonna get a book? by the way, I love the jealousy with him and bones. And my man Ian 🙂 When are we gona get his story? Love how outrageous he is, & his piercings mmmmmm!! Hope his special someone is just like him lol, Rock his world! That’s gona be fun, I can’t wait.
hi like to chat with u on facebook add me with ur friend bye
Yay! I’m so excited! Count me in!
I’d love to but tonight is family game night. I hope it goes well.
It’s tomorrow night, Vampy. Still booked? 🙂
Oh! Friday night! I can do that. I just have to set a reminder. 🙂
Drat Drat Drat!!! I meant to be there Snowgirl. I set an alarm and everything and it didn’t go off. I am so sorry I missed it.
Ähm… 7 – 9 pm EST on 25th May, that’s 1 – 3 am on 26th May in german time, right?
Adalheidis, I have no idea what time that will be in Germany, sorry. I’m listing the United States Eastern Standard Time, if that helps.
Well, the wise WWW says, we’re 6 hours ahead, so I’ll just cross my fingers and see if I can make it 🙂
I’d definitely love to!
I missed the chat:( when is the next Cat and Bones book coming out??? I love love love the Night Huntress series.
Angie, you didn’t miss the chat. It’s tonight (May 25th).
I will totally be there. I have a lot of questions, but one really long one.
How old is Bones?
HttG- 1790 he was 24(human)years. Cat “we’re almost the same age” Bones “give or take 217 years”. 22(Cat) + 217= 239yrs
OFitG- Ian “220 poppet. In pulseless years that is”… So, Bones is 219yrs + 24yrs= 243yrs. Which makes sence since 4 1/2yrs passed.
AGE- at the end when Bones and Ian are arguing. Bones “247yrs. I’ve had that arm”
Could not get a sence of time in TSotG so….almost a year? more?
FDoC- “Even over a year after Randy died”…(which was in AGE) 243+2=245 or 247+1=248. Spade said he was 30yrs when he died and he’ll BE 2570n his next birthday. 256-30=226 undead years and him and Bones were changed together… 226+24=250???
EKoD- Months
OGaaT- Months
HftH- “It’s not everyday someone turns 245”
Sorry so long but I was just wondering. Thanks! Hope to get to chat later on Goodreads.
I forgot TSotG- that was months too but it was in the summer just as DfaEG(which is the book I was lost on the time not TSotG). So at least a year in there. So, +1 more.
Wish I could chat but work calls!! Amazing books! Wish you were coming out west.
So what exactly do you have in store for all your favorite fans? My books are falling apart and I am absolutely intrigued!
Thanks! I enjoyed the Q&A! Even though it will be sad when the Night Huntress series ends I am anxious to see what Bones and Cat’s HEA will look like. :o)
hi will Ian get a book soon I think he’s very funny
Dear Jeaniene,
How could I know when the night huntress series give a new book to continue the story ???
I love this series, thanks yaa
Hey Jeaniene,
First off I just want to say I have been reading your
books since halfway to the grave came out. I will never forget
the first time I read it I stayed up all night cause I couldn’t
put it down!
I was just wondering if you plan on writing a book for
Ian at some point.. I’m very much in love with him! He needs
a woman to put him in his place.
sorry I missed your chat…love the books, all of them….can’t wait until Once Burned is out… June 26th is a long way off, especially if you have read all of your favorite books for a second or third time because you are waiting for a new release.
Just a thought, maybe all the great authors, such as you, Ilona, Patricia, etc. coordinate release dates to be one after each other, this way there is no gap between the good, no make that great series out in print. You could also think of it as a great service to us all who read to enjoy great literature, to reduce stress, etc…just a thought.
Oh, also just watched all your book trailers, you’re right they are neat.. loved them.
Jeaniene You need to come to the West Coast I know a lot of people over here who want to meet you! ME BEING ONE OF THOSE.
Your books are soo awesome! I love cat and bones so freakin much. I’m so glad you extended the series to 9 instead of 7. I don’t want it to end 🙁