Wow, thanks so much for your enthusiasm with the blogger/reviewer contest! When I posted it, I thought I might get twenty, maybe thirty entries. Instead, around a hundred and forty of you entered. Again, a hearty thank you to everyone who participated! If you weren’t eligible for this contest – or didn’t win – please know that more Arc contests are forthcoming with no entering requirements aside from an interest in the book :).
Now, let’s get to the contest results. As stated in the prior post, there were five Arcs of Once Burned up for grabs. Winners were chosen at random because I couldn’t begin to pick among everyone. If you see your name and comment below, please reply to me at frostlight1 AT yahoo DOT com with your entry information, full name and mailing address. Don’t leave that information in the comments because I don’t want to be responsible for spam mail sent to your address.
The winning comments are…
Missie, The Unread Reader / April 4, 2012
I love this contest! Thank you for such an amazing opportunity.
A review link:
Search tag on my blog:
Thank you!!!!
Dulcy / March 29, 2012
Wow! A contest! That’s awesome. I can’t wait to get my hands on Vlad’s book and would love to win this ARC. Thanks so much for hosting this contest.
Here’s my review of One Grave At a Time:
Tarra R. / March 30, 2012
Love your books! It would be better than chocolate eggs at Easter to win an ARC. I was going to send you the link to my goodreads review on “One Foot in the Grave” but I basically said there was no time to review, re-reading chapter 32!
I love gushing about your books, so here’s one of my reviews:
Suzie / March 29, 2012
My name is Suzie though I use the moniker “Mistress of the Dark Path” for my reviews on Amazon and my blog. The following is one of the reviews I posted for the Night Huntress series, This Side of the Grave, on Amazon:
The other is where I listed your series as my number one favorite for overall vampire series on my blog:
Thanks for doing this contest!
Julie / March 29, 2012
What a great giveaway. And the beginning of a new series to sink my teeth into, too.
Okay, here’s the link to a review of Night Huntress 2:
Thanks for the giveaway.
Missie!!! I’m so jelly I’m now going to stalk you even more. LOL At least one honeybee got the coveted ARC! YaY!
Congrats to the winners! 🙂
Congrats to the winners
*squee heard round the world*
I’m so happy! Thank you so much! Can’t wait to see you at ADD!!! 🙂
I’m squeeing with Missie. So excited! Thanks, Jeaniene.
CONGRATS!!!!!!!! To the winners!
Thanks for the chance to win Ms. Frost!
Hi i love your books! i REALLY cant wait for the new Night Prince book with Vlad!!! I wanted to enter the contest, but i dont personally like hardcover/paperbacks. I have all your books in their ebook format. (lmao i also have parent and i dont want them seeing the book come in the mail 😛 –> im under 18). Well, other then my personal life, my question is: In the future, will there be contests much like this one, only instead of physical copies, the ebook version will be provided instead? If so, i would definitely apply! Your books are amazing, and no series, and i have lots of experience in this genre, no series in this genre beats the Night Huntress series. I cant wait to read Vlads book- i read all the excerpts/snipits i could find (the scene you posted online, and the scene were they meet and talk, and she tells him where she is and how she found him and her predicament and all that… -.-), and it seems like its going to be STEAMY and just so sweet. I love sweet stories with a world of action, and Once Burned really seems like its going to provide just that. 😛 Cant wait for Vlads books, and srsly, when is the next Cat and Bones book coming out?!?!?! 😀 Take your time to write the stories your best at, but cmon lmao i want to read it already!!!!!!!!!! Can you put more excerpts/ snipits? CANT WAIIIIIT lmao 😀
Thank you so much!!! I’m stoked to be a winner!