Note: This post has nothing to do with writing or release dates.
I’m sure many of you have experienced this scenario – you’re driving along, and all of a sudden your car makes a strange noise/shudders or stalls/etc. If it’s still driveable, you probably make a mental note to have it checked out, and how fast you do that depends on how ominous the sound/shudder/etc. was, or when you next have some extra cash. But still, you rarely assume the problem will work itself out and thus ignore it completely. When our cars warn us that something isn’t right, we tend to act as fast as we can because we know that ignoring the problem will only make it worse.
And yet, how often do we ignore or put off entirely those warning signs that tell us something isn’t right with ourselves? Many times, we treat our cars with more care and respect than we do our health.
I am SO guilty of this myself. Last year, I had a lot of things going on. I turned in two full novels and a long novella, moved out of state, went to two conventions, went on two additional signing tours, had three new books release plus had six – count ’em, six! – digital re-releases of previously-published stories, all which required their own promotion (if I forgot to mention anything, it’s because 2011 still feels like a blur).
I also landed myself in the Emergency room four days after turning in that last novel, as I mentioned in a previous post. Originally, the doctors thought I had pleurisy (something I’d never heard of). I found out several weeks later, when I was concerned over still being in pain, that what I actually had was costochondritis (something I’d also never heard of). I’m doing several things to treat this condition until I – hopefully – get over it, including diet, stretching, heat and massage therapy, plus taking over-the-counter meds. But the point of this post isn’t to talk about what’s going on with me medically – it’s to talk about what goes on with some of us mentally.
See, I knew something was wrong weeks before that ER visit (costochondritis acute symptoms mimic those of a heart attack, which was what drove me to go to the ER that day). I’d previously had intermittent pains in my chest that I told myself were stress related because I was late on finishing a book. Those weren’t the only things I ignored under the I-dont-have-time umbrella. I also stopped getting my TMJ treatments, missed my Pap smear appointment, missing my thyroid checkup, and postponed getting a skin cancer screening even though I had a mole that concerned me because, hey, I was busy! And I was. Those last couple months leading up to that ER visit, I was working 10-12 hour days, six days a week. On the one day a week I forced myself to take off, I tried to relax, but I usually spent it worried about the work that still needed to be done.
Whether you’re self-employed like me, work for someone else, or are a stay-at-home mom, this may sound very familiar. We all have long To Do lists since life is very busy for everyone. On my To Do list, taking care of myself was at the very bottom. It didn’t move up until I was in the Emergency Room hoping that it wasn’t my last night on earth.
I’m very blessed because it turned out that I didn’t have a life-threatening condition. After I got out, I re-prioritized my To Do list. Yes, I still had work responsibilities (in fact, I returned home to find my Revisions letter waiting for me, with all the changes due back in less than three weeks). But I also moved my health from the bottom of my list to the second or third spot. I got all my postponed tests/appointments taken care of, and I’m grateful to say that putting them off didn’t have serious consequences. All the results were negative except for my skin cancer screening. The mole I’d be concerned about turned out to be nothing. Another mole I hadn’t given a second glance to came back as pre-melanoma, requiring a larger area around it to be excised. I think it’s an example of God’s sense of humor that this area was on my butt. No lack of real estate to carve from there, heh, and sometimes we need a sharp jab in the ass in order to remember that we can’t neglect our health indefinitely. I’ll require skin screenings twice a year now to make sure that nothing else crops up, and I intend to keep every one of those appointments when they’re due, not just when I get around to it.
If you’re at all like how I was and your body has been giving you signs that it needs a tune-up or some repair work, don’t put it off any more. Re-order your To Do list to include yourself as a priority and make the appointment(s). Then keep the appointment(s). If you don’t have insurance (and I worked for a doctor over a decade so I know how expensive visits and tests can be) because you have pre-existing conditions, there are still insurance policies you can get. As you know, unlike cars, we can’t save up to trade our bodies in for a better model if too many things break down from neglect, so please, don’t put off taking care of yourself any longer. I’ll try to do the same :).
oh my god! Thank GOD you’re okay!!! ~scolds you~ how dare you!!! I was worried for the better part of the first sentences you wrote here!!
I’m so glad you’ve taken a better view and action in your priorities your health comes first ALWAYS even if we all die from Jeaniene Frost books withdrawal! there are places we can go and deal with it! 😀 lol
^_^ So thanks for this wake up call and for letting us know that everything’s okay with you…on another note…WOW 2011 was YOUR year wasn’t it???!! Congrats on each and every single one of your releases and events! 😀
I am SO glad to hear that everything is looking up for you and your health. I will definitely keep your advice in mind. ^_^ It’s always cool to hear about what’s going on in your life. Thanks for sharing!
I am so happy to hear that everything is going good now for you. And yes we do tend to put everything ahead of our own health. We must realize that nothing else is going to get done if we let our health go. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I am very glad you are all right. I just finished up and was declared clear from Endometrial Cancer just two days ago. I ignored my health because before I always healed quickly and well, and I was working myself to bits to handle my school debt, and other various financial needs. During my treatment I made a promise that while I still may be in debt for my education I will keep my health a priority. I think we all forget for a while that we are growing and changing and we need to make time for those things. I am very glad you are all right. Take care of yourself and I hope the pain in the tail heals quickly.
My husband had a spot removed from his nose years ago– he never thought anything of it but the doctor caught it. It was just a spot, not even a mole. My dad, around the same time, actually had melanoma on his arm but it was caught in time and removed. I’ve talked and talked with my middle son about sunscreen but it never fails that he doesn’t use it if I’m not around. It’s scary.
I’m guilty of putting off things for myself, but I am trying to do better:) I’m glad you are too! Oh, and by the way– if that happened to me, it would be on my butt too:)
I’ve almost been the opposite. I know that there is something wrong with me and haven’t yet figured it out. Been misdiagnosed twice now and I’m currently going toward my third guess. Only this time I’m a bit more hopeful. All signs are pointing the same way and this guess is the best one we’ve come up with. Now to get some tests to confirm/deny or lead in another direction. This time if we are right, I’ve got my answer to my current pain and problems and even why I’ve had such bad migraines for a large portion of my life. I didn’t expect a possible reason for my migraines (bonus!). So, I agree… don’t ignore things and keep on pushing until you get answers.
Of course you added another thing I need to take care of… I really should get to that screening, but first things first!
I hope you are doing so much better now and do take care of yourself! If you don’t Bones may come out of your imagination and scold you. Wait a minute… that may not be a bad thing. Hm… if he does, send him my way to scold me as well, K? 😀
Ok, so I have chest pains like that all the time and chalk them up to the incredible amount of stress I have taking care of several disabled family members. I’m pretty healthy, so haven’t worried about it, and put everything off to take care of everyone else. Since you got in gear, guess i will also! glad you’re alright!
Glad you’re okay. Health problems suck, I know, I am a walking (barely) health problem! And, dammit, I am too young for this crap! I have 8 kids, and two of them have dangerous health problems. I’m scared to death 24/7. I need to be here for them but it’s not looking good. Your books, very newly discovered, have made things better for me. I finished “Destined” today. I honestly worried for pages and pages that Bones had actually cheated on Cat. You are the Mistress of Suspense! Fantastic job. I was excited to see there are ‘in between’ books. I am going to buy those tonight to read before I get into the last two Cat/Bones books, which might kill me, lol. I’ll miss them : ( Can’t wait for the ‘Vlad’ book!
Well, as always, I’m babbling. Thank you, Jeaniene. All the best.
I know how you feel. I had postponed my annual Mammogram for a year and was ready to do it again. A friend wwas just treated for breast cancer and talked me into getting the check up. Lo and behold I had breast cancer. The very early stages and completely treatable. Two years later, i’m cancer free. I never miss appointments now. Glad your alright. You must take care of yourself. You’ve got us all addicted to the night hunttress series. Bones is the man of my dreams.
Take care!
OMG Jeanine I’m so glad you caught it so early! I too was diagnosed with melanoma (early stage 2) back in 2010 and it was the most terrifying time in my life. My son first noticed a spot in a mole on the back of my arm in the summer of 2009. To make a long story short it took 4 specialists who kept saying it is nothing until I INSISTED to get it removed and checked out (mine didn’t look like the “typical” one in the medical books). A year later another specialist wanted to re-excise the area because she felt the original surgeon didn’t take enough area away to play it safe (even came back clear). I found a second one but it was pre-melanoma abut 3 months after I found the first one.
I’m happy to say I am all clear THANK GOD! I try not to think “will it come back” because stress is a big trigger. The key thing is I do my monthly check over of my entire body, eat healthy (though I still have the occasionally food I shouldn’t eat) and reduced my stress level tremendously. Life is too short and you learn to prioritize what is important and what is not worth freaking out about.
Take care of yourself Jeaniene and focus on your health and taking charge of it. Do your monthly body check over. I pray you never have to go through that again I know I never want to.
Take care! 🙂
I am very glad to read that you are going well now. Nobody is spared by disease. We must be vigilant. Let stop to think that things only happen to others! I really love your books, Jeaniene, I can’t imagine that your health prevents you from writing. Please take care of yourself! I am reading Eternal Kiss of Darkness right now and one more time I love your story. We have to wait a long time before having your books translated in French and every time it’s almost a suffering to have the sequel. I’m French and it’s why my English isn’t so good! Thank you for your fabulous stories! All the best.
So glad that everything is ok now…
I am so glad that you are ok. I have decided that this year is my year to get healthy. I will lose all of my weight from having a baby( she is 3, LOL). I am already done 30#. I hope that you stay healthy and take time for yourself. You deserve it, sounds like you work too hard! 🙂 I find that the hardest part. I am learning that I really do need that time, even if it is only a hour. I can’t wait to meet you in NOLA.