When I released the cover for Once Burned the other day, dozens of readers replied, “Hey, that’s Paul Marron!” I didn’t know if this was true (I STILL don’t know who the Cat and Bones models are, btw) so I asked my editor. She consulted with the art department and was told that the model’s name was James Rizzo. So, being the diligent author that I am (HA! people who know me cry) I went about correcting people on the model’s name.
Then….(cue spooky music as the plot thickens)….The Reading Cafe told me they’d contacted James for an interview and he stated that he was NOT the model for Once Burned. My mind was awhirl! Who was this bare-chested mystery man on my cover??
A flurry of emails ensued between me and my publisher that boil down to this: Apparently two models did photo shoots for Once Burned, with the art director having the hard choice of deciding who he felt represented Vlad’s look and attitude the best (and let me pause here to say I’m sorry I didn’t also get the chance to examine many different photos of two hot, half-naked men because again, I am a diligent author! *wink*)
After much deliberation, my art director chose….(cue drumroll)…a photo of Paul Marron that you now see on the cover. Yes, ladies, many of you called it, and you were right. Kudos to you for being savvy readers who know your cover models!
However, when I first asked, James’s name was given to me out of a simple case of looking at one model’s invoice and not the other. My apologies for any confusion this caused.
And if you want to get a taste of what I would have gladly suffered through to help my art director – heh – here are links to both men’s websites: James Rizzo , Paul Marron.
Wa he is also the model of Lothaire but the styles are so different I wouldn’t even haved recognized him.
my idea of vlad was your stand in vigo god those eyes
Indeed! Eoin Macken would be awesome to =)
Paul Marron is definetly the better choice. My Vlad is actually a bit older in my mind but nevertheless i would also agree to update my brain with this pics
Greets from Germany
He was also the model for Rehvenge in BDB
He does a lot of Kresley Cole’s covers, but I have to say, with this totally different look, he fits the part of Vlad. I’ve seen him done in so many different looks (check out Lothaire, J.R. Ward’s Lover Avenged, and several other of Ms. Cole’s books, and you’ll see that he has such a diverse look!) It’s perfect, and yummy, and I can’t wait to read it!
He is definitely the better choice. I like the cover, it kind of fits the way I imagined Vlad!
And I think it’s time you put uss out of our misery and told us the names of the models on Cat’s and Bones’ covers too!
Awesome, still holy hotness! He does the image of Vlad in my head great justice! Definitely going to be featured in my little Daily Sexy Guy/God Dose album on FB lol.
Oh the trials and tribulations of having to look at half naked men….. Any time you want to relinquish that role, please let me know. I’ll gladly take over. Tell me, is there touching involved? Resume can be sent and I’ll provide references too *grin*
I have to second AndreaA
I knew it!! Would recognise him anytime anywhere!! lol
I think the end result was perfect and he makes an awesome Vlad! Even better than the one I pictured in my head. However the femal on the back cover is not to my liking. I think they could have chosen a better model to portray Leila.
I seem to be in a minority here but I would have preferred James Rizzo!!
You know after looking at both guys’ sites I’ve got to say I agree with you Rizzo is just more dangerous sexy to me!!!! LOL
To those of us who can identify Paul Marron by parts of his face, let alone his whole face, thank you for looking into this.
Yes, my avatar is Paul Marron.
You called it! And what pic is that as your avi? I would love to see the whole thing
You don’t recognize “the poster”?
He is a hottie…But I am way curious as to who the models are for Cat and Bones…Does anyone know? Can we find out?
I don’t know either, but I would love to know who they are, as well. Maybe Jeaniene can find for us.
He really is gorgeous! But when I looked at his other pictures and compared these to the one on the bookcover I didn’t recognize him.
I’m just not sure. I will have to stare at it some more. BTW Vlad makes me smile. And occasionly laugh out loud. (And cry on one occasion) I realize he may not have that giggle effect on most, and that may not have been intended. but I have a twisted sensee of humor. He is one of my most favorite secondary characters since Bubba in the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlene Harris. (please excuse any typos, I cannot see the greyscale very well as I type this) Cannot wait for Vlad’s book!
TY for hours of reading pleasure Jeaniene!
I am so glad that I am not the only one that thinks this twisted humor she has made him have makes me laugh. His character is so morbid at times yet he makes you smile about it. Ian is the same way. The way she writes him has me giggling as well. Maybe I should get my head checked…
Oh, Paul is great for Vlad and what do you know he is banging the covers of most of my favorites…!
The cover is HOT! I can see Vlad like that. No problem at all! You’re HOT Paul. So many looks from one talented man. Love him!
When I imagine Vlad from the way he’s described in the Night Huntress books, I don’t see him as handsome. Just my .o2.
Oh God I cannot wait…..I am literally burning for him lol
I think they choose a very good representation, but Jeaniene, you did not tell us your opinion. Does he look like how you pictured?