Copyedits for Once Burned have been turned in, my inbox is mostly caught up, and I have a decent start on a new music playlist. These are all good things because today marks my official “Back to new writing” schedule. What am I writing, I’ll assume you asked? Cat and Bones book seven. Last week I cleared the outline with my editor so it’s full steam ahead. The scariest words for me to write are Chapter One, but I got through those a few days ago so I’m telling myself the worst is over (Wrong! every writer exclaims with a knowing cackle). Okay, yes, there may be times when I rant to my friends over a plot point that isn’t working the way I want it to, or stare at a blank page while wishing it would magically writing itself, or gaze longingly at the window while fantasizing about chucking my laptop through it, but right now, I’m still pretending these things won’t happen (They will). Still, there will also be times when inspiration strikes out of the blue, when plot threads comes together in exciting ways, when a character surprises me with their actions or a new one shows up on the page unplanned (that’s how Tate, Vlad, Marie, Annette and Tyler appeared). For me, writing with an outline is like going on a long trip with Mapquest directions: I know where I’m headed, and I’ve marked the exits and the streets to turn on, but the details of the journey and everyone I’ll meet along the way are yet to be determined. Filling in these blanks makes writing fun and balances the harder aspects of the trip.
In non-writing chatter, what hasn’t been fun is my recent experience with a cable company. In fact, it’s made me worry that this commercial will prove to be prophetic:
When we moved to NC, we switched from Direct TV to Charter. Since signing a contract where I promised to stay with them for two years, and they promised to give me their fastest internet speed along with a set price on cable channels and phone service, we’ve had this very interesting relationship where I keep paying what I promised, and they keep lowering my internet speed. Then, we play a game where I call and complain and they send techs to the house who tell me that I have to upgrade my modem or other equipment. After I upgrade and the speeds are still lower than promised, they send more technicians who say they can’t fix the problem, but they’ll have a supervisor call (cue crickets chirping while the phone remains silent). I’m at the point where I’ll have to complain directly to the regional office, hope I’m not ignored there, too, and fight cancellation fees if I am.
The moral of the story that most of you probably already know? Think twice about signing a contract, especially if you’re new to the area and not familiar with whether the company is reliable. And if one day you find me in a roadside ditch, well, you’ll know that commercial was prophetic after all ;-).
YAY! Cannot WAIT to hear more about the next Bones / Cat story. Your comment about a ditch though, I keep laughing because I keep hearing in my head the insurance commercial for “Oh no. Did I do that? Let me get out my cellular and call you a tow. Oh wait I can’t. ‘Cause I’m a Pot Hole.”
i think it would be awesome if the books were made into books…..I know I would enjoy them… I have read the series like a million times and they never get old…
OMG I SOOOOO hope you keep Tyler around, he made me laugh so hard in Ong Grave & I fell in love with him. His thoughts & comments were priceless, keep up the good fight with the hot Bones & Cat & the great other character’s that make your books what they are….SPECTACULAR!!!
Good luck with the Cat and Bones book we are all excited for it!
I hope you window and laptop make it passed chapter 1 lol. Thanks for the advice on cable contract i have wanted to go to direct tv but hubby will not sign a contract and now i know what i would be going crazy if the service is that great they should not need a contract.
Your message…
Yay!!!!… news I have heard all year long. I can’t wait too be sucked into another Cat and Bones adventure!!
If you are looking for music playlist ideas, I like to go to TV show websites; sometimes they list the music they play in different episodes. I usually like the music from Vampire Diaries.
I love Cat and Bones…not going to lie though…I probably wouldn’t watch a TV series or movie based on the books because I think they would butcher the characters for me. ex. Harry Potter, Twilight. I would love to be proved wrong though.
Hello Jeaniene,
My name is Abby Catron, and I am a Senior Social Media Specialist for Charter. I am concerned to see you having trouble with your speeds because Charter has recently boosted speeds at no additional cost, and has been rated one of the fastest ISP’s by PC Magazine, as well as voted most reliable by the FCC. I am certain that we can find a way to solve your trouble and I would be more than happy to help. Please send an e-mail to with the name, address, and phone number on the account, as well as the best number to reach you. Also, please put “CharterAbby –“ in the subject line so that I can keep an eye out for the e-mail.
Here’s a link to the Charter Social Media Team webpage for your reference:
Looking forward to resolving your concerns,
Abby Catron
Senior Social Media Specialist – Charter
Abby, thank you for your comment. I’m glad that Charter has a social media department monitoring public complaints, but wish it wouldn’t have taken a public complaint before getting a prompt response. Yes, I’m aware of the updates that Charter does. When one is done in my area, that’s when we get most of our problems, in fact. The last “update” knocked out my wireless connection entirely and we couldn’t get a rep out for days. Then once the rep came and restored the connection, it was markedly slower, which led to the issues I stated in my blog. I will be glad to reply to you at the email you gave so I can relay additional details and also give you the supervisor’s name who wouldn’t return our calls. Thank you, I look forward to speaking with you.
Jeaniene Frost
Heh. At least your internet doesn’t disconnect randomly. I had to get onto a chat with a tech at our company, but he kept insisting that I need to bypass my wireless router to see if it was a router problem or my modem (my husband and I both know it’s the modem), but the problem is? My computer can’t connect to a modem directly. It doesn’t have a standard ethernet card. *sigh* Good luck with your company.
I really can’t wait for Vlad’s book!!! He’s one of my favorites! I was really excited to see Cat and Bones book 7 is underway. How about Cat getting pregnant? She is different then anyone else. It could be possible. I think her and Bones reaction would be great to read!! Are we going to get an Ian book? I really would like to see him get a woman who knock that ego down a peg or two!! ( Cat’s mom would be really fun)
I cannot wait for the 7th book. I would love to see more of Ian, though would not like him to get his own book. He has some of the most funniest lines (such as in DFAEG when Justina asks him if there is somewhere else he could be and he replies Certainly, pull up your skirt and I’ll show you), and I just would hate to see him tamed. That said, it would be good to see more of his sensitive side when it comes to his friends in between the leers and suggestions. I also would love for Cat to be able to read Vamp’s minds when she comes into more of her own power. I would imagine Bones would be able to sympathize a little more with her when he could read her mind and she hated it.
I am in Cat and Bones withdrawal!!!!! I am incredibly happy to hear you are starting on Book 7…I wish I could blink and the release date would be here next week :). Can’t wait for Vlad’s book either. UUUGGGHhh, it is so hard to wait.
If it makes you feel any better, I rant about cable companies on a weekly basis. Let us know how it turns out.
Good luck!
I’m over the moon to hear that you are already working on Cat&Bones Book7. I have read all the previous once in a speed of a light and I absolutely loved it! It would be interesting to see some developments on Cat&Bones Family i.e. maybe a kid and associated problems….Maybe Cat could have started her on line and become a Master Vampire with her own unique abilities…Anyways, just wanted to say I can’t wait for Book 7
Good luck!
I’m so glad to hear you’re writing the next book about Cat and Bones!! To say that I’m a new fan is to put it mildly…let’s just say I got my new Nook tablet for Christmas, which is when I first discovered your books (i can’t believe i’ve missed them all these years!) and since then I’ve read all the books plus the novelas and spinoffs and am starting to re-read them (which I never do!) coz I’m in withdrawal…LIKE them…MUCH?…you could say that ;-)…that’s with a 3year old and 7 month old in the mix, so let’s just say I’ve lost some sleep – gladly! Thanks so much for creating a wonderful new world to escape to, and more importantly such awesome characters to get to know!! Happy writing and all the best,
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ready for a new Bones and Cat book. I can’t wait to see what’s up ahead for them. And, I hope to hear more from Ian. In a VERY STRANGE way I kinda love that guy..not as much as Bones but would hate to have him not around!
I was looking for something fun to read, since I have already read all of the Sookie books and i found your books on Amazon and I am so happy I did. I am hooked, I love Cat and Bones. It’s so sad that I am in my last semester of school and should be studying, but I am reading your books LOL. I have read all of them now and I am up to date, I can’t wait for book 7. Hopefully school will be over by then so i can enjoy it w/o feeling guilty.
I too, am a huge fan. I own every book in the Night Huntress series, including all the spin-offs. I have passed them on to one of my friends and because I talk about them so much, my sisters and other friends are waiting in line for their turn to read them.
We are all so excited for the next Cat & Bones novel, my sister loves and Bones and was really excited to see a book about JUST Bones. I wanted to thank you for writing because these books have inspired my sister and I to become authors. My siser is writes more in the supernatural world than I do.
If you keep writing we’ll keep buying your books because they are awesome! IT gives us a place to go when things get tough, and it’s nice to have that. I hvae read all the books several times and keep wondering where you’re going next. The tentative title makes me courious because all of the other titles have had a death or grave reference (like going into the grave) and this one is is about coming up fromthe grave… Hmmmm.
I’m hoping you solve that little nagging problem of Madigon because he is in my head and on my nerves with his stupid car jingle. This has been long and thank you for taking the time to read it.
You biggest Fans,
Sarah and Bethany
I am the biggest fan of these facinating and wonderful books. I am obsessed, and am wondering if Tate will get a book in the future? I love the stories and they way all of the character seem to have this wonderful chemistry. Keep up the good work Huge Fan!