I just realized that while I announced this before on Facebook and Twitter, I neglected to mention it on my blog (Bad author, no cookie!). First, sorry about that. Second, for a limited time, the e-anthology Under Her Skin is only $.99. Below is the description.
Order at:
- Smashwords , Amazon , Barnes and Noble , or iTunes
Please note that the limited time $.99 deal is only available for ebooks. If you want to read Under Her Skin for $.99, but you don’t have an e-reader, never fear, here are instructions on how to read an ebook without an e-ereader (hint: If you’re reading this post on a computer, laptop, tablet, or a phone, you can read an ebook the same way :)). If you only read in print, these stories are available, as stated above, in The Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance but the cost is higher because the printed anthology contains more stories than just these three.
Hope you enjoy!
This is a good one (great deal, too)! I’ve re-read these stories more than a few times. It’s how I discovered Meljean Brook too. 🙂
Thanks for mentioning this. I realize it may seem odd, but I’m not really into the whole social network scene with facebook and twitter. Consequently, I rely on your author blog to keep me up to date with your works, which you’re very helpful about keeping current with your news. Many thanks! (And I went to B&N and bought the ebook. It had been on my mind but this price made it too good to pass up!)
I don’t think that’s odd, Jenna. Except for my author accounts, I’m not on Twitter or FB, either :).
Hello Ms. Frost,
I just bought it on iTunes. Been waiting for it to be available in Kobo version but to no avail. Cannot wait no more so I guess I’ll be reading it on my iPhone.
Thank you for this great deal!
This is my quick fix while waiting for Once Burned and Cat&Bones Book #7.
May I ask, if you are ever planning on expanding on the “sexy werewolf” story line? I thought this story was really engaging. I would really like it if this were a full book. It was a short story but, found it very comprehensive. I really would like more of these characters.
Glad you liked the story! Maybe one day I’d write a novel set in the same world, but as I’m booked for the next two years with vampire novel deadlines, it wouldn’t be soon. Sorry!
Hello again Ms. Frost,
Just read “Pack” and I must say I LOVED this novella. It would be nice to have a series from this. I would definitely read it. But then again I would read anything you wrote!
Thank you for being such an amazing writer. You make my life so much more enjoyable!
Kind regards,
First off I want to thank you for letting us into you amazing world, and not to mention introducing us to your super hot men!
I have a problem with your offer for Under Her Skin. I can only have an Amazon account, and the price is $3.44 … I hope I’m not too late!
Kind regards,
Hi, I was wanting to know when the rest of the grave books were going to be finished. I am ADDICTED, and looking for my fix! You are my favorite author by far!
I can’t seem to buy your new book Night Huntress #7 Up From the Grave from Amazon why is that? Please e-mail me soon I need to read it. Need me some Cat and Bones. Thank you….. Robin.
Robin, Up from the Grave isn’t out yet. I’m not even done writing it :).
Oh ok I’m sorry. Glad I didn’t miss it. Do you know about when it will be available? So looking forward to reading it. Hope it won’t be the last of Cat and Bones. Not sure how many are in this series. Thanks for the stories.