As the subject line implies, after a long process where dozens of ideas were submitted and rejected, Vlad and Leila’s book finally has a title. Leila is a new character, but series readers know that Vlad is a pyrokinetic vampire, so we wanted a title that hinted at this. Leila has some unusual abilities, too, but I can’t say more about those until I’m allowed to release the book description. Until then, I give you…
ONCE BURNED, the first book in the new Night Prince series!
And while I can’t share the entire book description yet, I can give you the tag lines from the back cover:
She’s a mortal with dark powers…He’s the Prince of Night…
ONCE BURNED is tentatively scheduled to release on March 29th, 2012, assuming I can finish it soon. Cross your fingers for me :).
Speaking of that, time for me to get back to the keyboard!
Hurrah! Love the title and can’t wait to read ONCE BURNED!!
How exciting!
Zomg cant wait til it comes out now
That is awesome!!!!!!! I LOVE IT JEANIENE!
I can’t wait to see the cover of it now.
Isn’t that always like us readers…wanting the next part to the whole thing. I’m guessing you feel the same. Love the tag line. Oh I can’t wait! I’m makring March 29th as the tentative date…right…about…NOW!
I. Cannot. Wait!
Yay!! It sounds pretty good so far! March is so far away! Can’t wait to read it!
Oh, J, that is awesome!! Can’t wait til they let you share more info *G*
Is Vlad getting his own series????
So exciting! I can’t wait for some Vlad! Still wish Leila’s name was Leilani but I can just pretend
I am SO excited! :]
I remember when you announced it the day after I asked you in Comic Con XD I was crazy happy! Still am
So excited! Vlad has been one of my favorite characters since he was introduced in “At Graves End.” I think it will be interesting to see how his relationship develops with Leila after seeing how guilty Vlad was over his wife’s suicide.
Looking forward to it!
LOVE IT! Great title. Can’t wait to get more of Vlad. LOVE LOVE LOVE Him!
Hooray! Can’t wait to read Once burned. So is this prince series?? Please tell us more soon!!
Yay!!! I cant wait! Have been wanting a Vlad book forever!!!!
Why does the title just inspire images of flaming smexy sex with our favorite “Show dog” in my head? Tee hee…
Jeaniene, You are my hero!! you write awesome stories, characters, I’m your Mexican # 1 Fan. I’m very happy to hear about Vlad’s story, I totally agree he deserves his own series. Can’t wait to read it. Hopefully you’ll be able to visit Mexico in the future. God bless you! XOXO Claudia
Yay! I can hardly wait!
Vlad and Lelia’s book sounds intriguing. I hope the March date hold firm. Thanks for continuing your superb writing Jeaniene. I am a fan for life.
awesome title and so fitting for vlad can’t wait till march
That is so totally wicked. I kid you not that I just reread ‘One Grave at a Time’ yesterday, and thought, “Vlad needs a girl”. Now he gets not only a girl, but his own series. Whoo hoo!
Oooh! Once Burned… I like it, fits very well
Can not wait to read this!!
OMG! Cannot wait!! :D:D:D
OMG…Im so excited…LOVE the name!! I know it will be awesome!
Yay sounds like its going to awesome can’t wait!!
Awesome! I’m so excited! : D Good luck!
Sounds like a winner
OMG!!! I…LOVE…YOU!!! you give me a reason to get up in the morning!!! and now the fact that u have ANOTHER spin off seires coming out…im at a lost for words….*tear* u rock!! love the tile of Vlad’s book so can not wait to read it!!!
Fantastic. I cant’ wait for Vlad’s story.
SOOOO excited cant wait Vlad is definately a favorite of mine!!!=)
I so excited, can’t wait!
WooHOO!! This is great news! I look forward to meeting Leila and I can’t wait to see what Vlad’s up to!
Vlad’s going down! Another vamp “bites the dust” (pardon the pun) and gets hooked up! Can’t wait for the Night Prince series. Keep them coming! I’m gonna try to get to your book signing in Asheville NC on the 30th, since I’m scheduled to deliver a car to a family member. Can’t wait to get my hands on the new Cat & Bones…love those guys!
Oh my God, I love it! And I was so curious about if Leila will be an immortal, but no, she wil be mortal! Can’t wait! How many days are left until March 29…?
I love Vlad and can’t wait for his story and after At Grave’s End I am so happy he’ll get a HEA. Will there be a 3rd Huntress world book because i would love for Ian to get his just desserts and fall hoplessly in love with a woman that will keep him on his toes!
I can’t wait to read Vlad’s book! I can’t wait til March, so if I hold my breath could it get released sooner?
exciting i cant wait!!!
Woo Hoo!! I’m so stoked!
Yippee!! Love the title and can’t wait to get my hands on Vlad’s book!
YAY!!!! I can’t WAIT!! XD
Fantastic ! On my calendar now!
Oh.My.Gosh! My hands are itching for it! Thanks for the wonderful news and making my day today.
Big YAY for Jeaniene and Vlad.
Wonderful news. I can’t wait. Vladimir and his sense of humor has always been a favorite of mine. I loved him in Mencheres book.
What a yummy title! I can’t wait to read it. WRITE-WRITE-WRITE!
One of my friends loaned me book #5, and I liked it so much my boys got me the others for Mothers Day. Totally loving the series, maybe someday you can make them into a movie.
Keep up the awesome work that you are.doing…Bones seems soooo hot hot hot !!!
Oh geez I’m SO excited for this. Vlad finally got his own series. I love him. Jeaniene you’re amazing! I can’t believe we’ll get this series so soon. I loved the tittle. Great news. Do you already knows how many books it’s going to be?
w00t w00t! Love the name! Can’t wait for more info, and REALLY can’t wait for 8/30!
Oooh! I can’t wait. I just love everything you write. And I totally wish you would write more of Mencheres, too. Ooh, there’s only so much time in the day. Can’t wait for March!
Yes! A new Novel about Vlad ♥

I love him…..
March-I marked him immediately in the calendar !!!!
Best Wishes
Mercedes. from Germany and a big fan.
March 29th 2012?
Mark with a BIG RED in my Calendar..