Reader Interactions
[…] Jeaneine Frost released the trailer and initial chapters for the much anticipated One Grave at a Time, Night Huntress book […]
[…] Jeaneine Frost released the trailer and initial chapters for the much anticipated One Grave at a Time, Night Huntress book […]
[…] to One Grave at a Time (Night Huntress book #6) and the first three chapters of the book. Go HERE to check it out. I can’t wait to read this one!! Releases August […]
[…] Jeaniene Frost released the book trailer for her sixth installment in her Night Huntress series, One Grave at a Time, yesterday. It’s frickin’ wicked cool! […]
[…] Frost released the trailer for One Grave at a Time, and posted the first three chapters on her website. Is it August 3oth […]
[…] Frost released the trailer for One Grave at a Time, and posted the first three chapters on her website. Is it August 3oth […]
Wow!! What a beautifull, interesting, exciting trailer! I Love It! I have to say this is the best! I love how you put motion pictures in it instead of simple images! Can’t wait to read the whole book!
LOVE LOVE LOVE. J, it’s an awesome trailer. Kudos to Todd for an excellent job. Is it 8/30 yet???
OMG! I can’t wait that long. This like the summer of 94 when I had to wait to Aug 31st for my second born to arrive! But I think this is more torture! lol Awesome book trailer as always!
I ADORE this series so much, My favorite vampire series EVER! I can never seem to put the books down and I can’t wait for One Grave at a Time to be released!
Amazing trailer! LOVE it! Pre-ordered my copy long ago, can’t wait to read it!
I’m not reader the first three chapters, it’d be more teasing than I can bare!
Oh, Jeaniene! The trailer is HAWT! Seeing Cat and Bones IN BED! (Yes, GMS hard at work!) But the story itself sounds marvelously new and delicious!
Awesome! Can’t wait! A few more weeks! yey!
Awesomesauce!!! Holy goodness, I can’t wait. I love the book trailer and will be waiting rather impatiently for my pre-order….
Awesome. Even at work with no sound I loved it.
Wow, I love it!!! The music used is fitting so perfectly to the pictures!! I had the feeling that I’m already directly in the story!
Wow, now that was hot! The bed scene, oh so nice. Can’t wait for the release date, such torture. Todd – kudos and on a job well done and JF, love your books. Is it the end of August yet?
OOOOOH it looks so amazing! Can’t wait to sit down with the first three chapters!
This book sounds soooo good and the trailer is AWESOME!!
OMG, I LOVED it! It gave me chills lol. The good kind though!
That trailer is, without a doubt, one of the best book trailers I’ve ever seen. Absolutely loved it!
YES INDEEDY!!!!! Is it August 30th yet???!!???? Awesome job!!
Snowgirl! Very nice trailer. Looking forward to the book.
Okay, so, that motion picture in the end really blew my brains right out. xD
I love the trailer but I’m currently debating whether or not I should read the first three chapters or wait till August 30th. Gah, hard decision. >.<
Oh Wow! This trailer is amazing! Seeing this has got me even more excited which I didn’t think was possible lol. Can not wait to get my paws on this!
Wow, that was a fantastic book trailer! I’m dying for this book to come out already! 🙂
OMG! that was so so so…I don’t know,,I can’t wait,,,I love Bones and Cat,,
Wow, what a great triler. Can’t wait for it to come out.
The best trailer so far!!!! and the final scene with Cat and Bones ROCKSSSSS!!!!
Wow looks great. I can’t wait till it comes out.
It is breathtaking! love it!
OK, LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the preview. I especially loved Cat & Bones in bed. August 30th cannot come quick enough. I’m glad to hear it will pick off where This Side of the Grave left off. I want to desperately read the first 3 chapters but feel that it will just be more torture. August 30th, damn you, hurry up and get here.
The trailer is awesome~ Can’t wait until August 30th for the new book to be released. I have to say I LOVED the references to Memphis is This Side of the Grave because I’ve lived in Memphis all my life. The drive-in at Summer and I40 is not far from me and I went there often growing up.
Oh my GOD! Cannot wait to read the next installment of Cat and Bones! It looks like its gonna be a hot smexy roller coaster ride of awesomeness!
Thanks Jeaniene!
Awesome trailer! Cat and Bones are my faves, and I’m soooooo ready for the next book–can’t wait!!!
I was just wondering when you were going to put deleted scenes from “This Side of the Grave” on your website?
What an awesome book trailer… made me run to amazon and I got ALL excited seeing two reviews on it and then realized its still not out 😛 Thought maybe it was a typo and I could snatch the book right up *grins ruefully* Guess not today! 😉 I can’t WAIT to devour this one when it comes out 😀 Cat and Bones are definitely among my top 3 favorite Vampire series 🙂
Damn…my stomach is in knots…Thanks for one hell of a trailer…
I’m only on book 2, but like I mentioned to you before, my mom has read all of your books, which I bought of course…lol.
I have been reading about you and talking to you every now and then since you were a part of creating Fangs, Fur, and Fey. And now I’m so excited for the chance to meet you when you come to Charlotte. Yay!
WOW! I feel lame that I didn’t even know books had trailers… but wow! That made me all the more excited and anxious for the relief! One of my favorite series!
Oops, kids interrupted my post so it posted before I proofed…. that’s supposed to say “release” not “relief” LOL
Ok, that was hot. I have been on a Cat and Bones glom since my library got the audiobook versions of books 3-5. Love the stories and the interaction between Cat and Bones. They make me laugh, cheer, and even cry. Can’t wait to read the newest adventure!
Hola! me encanta esta serie. el amor entre bones y cat! woooow. por favor keep writing! no puedo esperar a que salga el proximo libro. estoy super emocionada!
republica dominicana
any chance the series will be made inro a movie series, have read all of them would love to see in movie format.
OMG!! LOVED the trailer!!! Can’t wait for the book! It’s the best GIFT for my 15 yr wedding Anniversary! LOL! So dinner with hubby and snuggle with “One Grave at a Time” ; )
Having a chuckle at Waverly Hills being in One Grave At A Time – my great grandmother spent time there and my senior class president broke his leg falling thru the floor there a little over 20 yrs ago
What an awesome trailer, i think its the best yet, i loved how there was motion pictures as well as still pictures! Can’t wait to read the book!!
I absolutely love this series. I am completely hooked. Cant wait for the next book to come out. Personally I think these would make a great movie, or tv show..