I know – I still haven’t posted a recap of RWA with pictures yet. Reason: my parents arrived from Florida last Sunday and they’re staying at my house. Because all the former places I lived in were too small for a guest room, we’ve never had anyone – relatives or otherwise – stay over for an extended visit, so I was unprepared for, well, a lot of things. Plus, we’re having other out-of-town relatives come for a mini family reunion. I’m delighted at the chance to see everyone again, but absolutely out of time for anything else.
So this post is a brief note to say…posts with pictures from the convention and other news will resume once I have time to breathe again :).
Hey Jeanine, I was getting restless waiting for pictures but now I understand. You go and enjoy your family – I’ll wait for the posting when you get the time. Have fun!!!
Thanks for the update! Family always comes first. Have fun!!
Hello Jeaniene! I’ll be waiting for the pictures. 😉
Oh you were talking about who could be Vlad in another post and I have to tell you that I finally found my perfect Bones and Cat. It was so hard to find them. Specially Cat… but I finally found. I even did a fanart, so you could se them together. Chris Hemsworth and Amber Hard. I know she doesn’t have red hair but I still think she fits well…
Switching topics, yersterday I was reading the amazing fighting scene between Cat and Bones from “destined for an early grave” I love it so much. Now I fell like everytime Im going to read a new night huntress book I’ll get a new one. LOL I looooove their fight scenes. But that one… jesus! It’s amazing! That piano thing… I fell my heart breaking for them everytime. It’s awasome! I love those kind of scenes as much as I love the love scenes you know!? Because a couple isn’t just happiness in their bubble. I feel like when they’re fighting the thing is more real.
Well… have a good family reunion! 😉 Enjoy it!
Hello Jeaniene! I’ll be waiting for the pictures. 😉
Oh you were talking about who could be Vlad in another post and I have to tell you that I finally found my perfect Bones and Cat. It was so hard to find them. Specially Cat… Chris Hemsworth and Amber Hard. I know she doesn’t have red hair but I still think she fits well…
Switching topics, yersterday I was reading the amazing fighting scene between Cat and Bones from “destined for an early grave” I love it so much. Now I fell like everytime Im going to read a new night huntress book I’ll get a new one. LOL I looooove their fight scenes. But that one… jesus! It’s amazing! That piano thing… I fell my heart breaking for them everytime. It’s awasome! I love those kind of scenes as much as I love the love scenes you know!? Because a couple isn’t just happiness in their bubble. I feel like when they’re fighting the thing is more real.
Well… have a good family reunion! 😉 Enjoy it!
i picture Bones as something like Jay Manuel you know host of Americas Next top model and as for Cat Lauren from the young and the restless
The other day, Lifetime aired a docudrama about J.K. Rowling and it made me think of you, Kim and Vicki(and others) and about how it must have felt to finally get your first book published.
No matter how many you sell, I imagine there is nothing that compares to the first one.
Have fun with yur family. It’s great you have room for them now.
When do you think you’ll ever get with in 250-300 miles of me again? The restraining order has expired.(:))
Hi jeaniene, i was just wondering, will you hopefully be bringing out a 7th book to the Night Huntress series? Write back soon..
There will be a total of nine Cat and Bones books. Sorry I don’t know when book 7 will be out yet. My publisher hasn’t completed their 2012 schedule so it may be next year, or not. In the meantime, there is a LONG Cat and Bones story in The Bite Before Christmas (October 25th) that you won’t want to miss. Big secrets about Bones’s past revealed! 🙂