Hi all! No, I haven’t forgotten about the promised RWA post with pictures. My family leaves on Friday and the weekend is ear-marked for getting caught up on posts, my inbox, and everything else that has fallen behind. However, I have some news that I didn’t want to wait to share, so here goes.
First, I’m happy to announce that I will be promoting the upcoming release of One Grave at a Time (out August 30th) with a few signing stops. You can find me, plus fabulous paranormal authors Melissa Marr and Kelley Armstrong, at the
following book stores:
Malaprops Book store, August 30th at 7pm
55 Haywood Street
Asheville, NC 28801
Barnes & Noble, August 31st at 7pm
3327 Pineville-Matthews Road
Charlotte, NC 28226.
Flyleaf Books, September 1stat 7 pm.
752 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

wedding of the season…that everyone wants to miss.”

Man no one ever comes to Las Vegas it make me sad
At least you ARE in US. Nobody EVER comes to Europe, Germany!
That’s right. nobody ever comes to us poor readers in Germany
Sooooooo excited for all of the above!
Jeaniene, Thanks for the update. It’s exciting to know how close you are to finishing the first Vlad book. Yeah!
BTW, that is one fine photo. You look so nice with all the green background. I’m still jealous. Sniff.
I can’t wait for Vlad’s book. But I have to admit, I have a special place in my heart for Mencheres. He seems like such a tortured soul. I’m glad he found Kyra. Whenever I hear Coldplay’s “Yes” I think of him. Thanks for such a wonderful series and so many great characters.
Hmm I wonder if I could catch a bus to NC…
hi! i’m trying to find Happily Never after on iTunes and can’t. any suggestions?
Weird. I saw it on iTunes yesterday. Try looking under my name and see if it pops up.
Ordered and pre-ordered. Thanks.
Can’t wait to read One Grave at a time!
Ps: Jeaniene, when will you come to France?
Already finished Happily Never After great read JF!!
Woo hoo! I’ll see you in Chapel Hill. Can’t wait!
That sucks that you aren’t leaving the NC area but we loyal readers understand. However, I can’t wait until you are able to travel further and maybe even to the Los Angeles area. Good luck finished the Vlad book and can’t wait to get my hands on all the others!!
So excited! See you in Ashville!!!!!!!
I so wish you would come to the south (FL), I’m still trying to find a way to get your autograph on my Kindle cover. I’m in NC the fist week of August instead of the last….maybe another time
Finally I’m in the US but I’m in NY, pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase come to Hungary ;D
So glad you released these as individuals. Bought them right away & cannot wait for all that is to come!
Snowgirl! Charlotte? Be prepared!
Downloaded Happily Never After onto my Ipad from Itunes. Just love everything you write. Looking forward to August release of one grave at a time.
Can’t wait to see the trailer! you do such an awesome job with those! and I love the side-stories, Happily Never After and Devil to Pay… so nice to get a different glimpse into the world you have created. Thanks for the update, and looking forward to next week!
I’m so excited you are finally doing a book signing in NC!! I’ll see you in Charlotte!!! Also can’t wait for Vlad’s book.
I was looking for a new audiobook series and happened to come across your Night Huntress series,well I tried the first one and was hooked,went back on audible and bought all of them.In a 2 week period I have listened to all but This Side of the Grave which I just started….all I can say is I can’t wait for the next one!!! great books,great series and a great author!!
Thanks for many hours of driving pleasure,I am a truckdriver and am on the road a lot and your books made many miles fly by
I cant wait till the end of August! I don’t even remember the last time I waited for books continuously from one author lol! I love your bones and cat books, but I really love your spin off books. I would love to hear more on Veritas and possibly Ian. Or maybe one that shows “the man upstairs” leaving his chair to visit his children once again. I think that would be such a cool read. I wish you were coming towards WI sometime! Your books help me when my mind needs a break from reality lol.
Jeaniene, I will be at the Chapel Hill signing and wondered if you three would be up for something a little different during your Q&A session?
I will be there representing my blog I Smell Sheep, will do a blog post about , blah,blah,blah…but! I would like to do a little game with you three and the audience. It would only take about 10 minutes to do. Kind of a Newly weds game, but with authors. I would ask maybe 10 one answer questions, of the funny variety and we will see if the audience can guess your answers. I can give you more details if you think it would be fun to do
Sharon Stogner
Well I did love hitting the 50 yrs old mark, but I am so lost on this ebook business. So age and technology doesn’t always mix. I went to Amazon to read about it and because of an old computer can’t down load the apps to get the ebooks. So us older readers won’t be able to read your stories that are put on the ebooks, iPads iTunes and such.
I am collecting your books as I really like the Cat & Bones story and the spinoffs are great. I can’t wait to read about Vlad.
Keep writing these great books!!! I have been a fan since book one!
Hey Pamela,
The ebook stories are also available in print, but the drawback is that you have the buy the entire anthology to get them, so it’s more expensive. Devil to Pay is in the Four Dukes and a Devil Anthology; One For the Money is in the Death’s Excellent Vacation anthology, and Happily Never After is in the Weddings from Hell anthology. Hope that helps. Thanks!
are there going to be anymore Night Huntress World novels coming out anytime soon
I’m glad to see the Night Prince books coming out but I’d like to see more Night Huntress World books also too and the more Cat and Bones the better I’m always on top of when your next book comes out like I am with Lynsay Sands, Kerrelyn Sparks,Charaine Harris books I write them all down in a yearly planner on the days that come out on
Glenna Anderson