Hi all! Two weeks ago, you sent in questions for awesome author Ilona Andrews to pick through for an interview. That interview has been delayed, but for a happy reason: Ilona and her family just moved out of state. As anyone who has moved halfway across the nation knows, it’s a huge undertaking. As soon as Ilona is settled, the interview will go up. Thank you for your patience.
that not-quite-a-beard-but-more-than-five-o’clock shadow thing going on, he’d made a good Vlad. Previously I’d cited a Viggo Mortensen’s look in The Lord of the Rings as a decent substitute for Vlad, but then last night, at a reader’s suggestion, I started watching the now-canceled BBC series HEX, which came out in 2004.
Great choice! He is quite handsome for Vlad.
Keep having fun writing, August just can’t get back here soon enuff!
WOW! I think that second picture of Michael Fassebender nails it! And that last picture… well all I can do is Swoon!
Thanks for the update.
I absolutely loved Hex and was really sorry it finished. Azazeal is amazing and Cassie was a fantastic leading lady. Theme song was good too if I remember right. I’ve just started reading your night huntress series through a recommendation on ilona andrews’ website and I’m loving it. I got the series so far about a week ago and I’m already up to First Drop of Crimson. Can’t wait for more.
Yummy. That’s all I can say. 🙂
Michael! Oh I loved to hate him in that series! I can see it.
Oh and thx for sharing the man candy!!!
I’d like to see a pic of him smiling too. Yum. It’s really hard to dis Viggo. Sigh. Maybe he could be someone else in your books:) You know…just so you could dwell on his pic from time to time. LOL
Yes! Love the eye candy ~ pic #2 is my fav. So darkly brooding & of course gorgeous 🙂 perfect for Vlad
Oooh very nice 😉 Can definitely see him as Vlad.
Noooo!! So not my Vlad. I prefer Viggo Mortenson over this one.
It’s funny, I’m a huge Michael Fassbender fan (he was lovely in the latest Jane Eyre), I thought he was gorgeous in Hex, but it never dawned on me that HE could be Vlad! Yum! I love it….. now I will have him in my head when I go back to read Vlad scenes in the books and when the Night Prince books come our way.
THANK YOU!! I was sitting through X-Men (which I also enjoyed) thinking ‘where the heck have I seen that actor before?’. It’s been so long since I watched Hex that it didn’t come to mind. Hmmm I think he could work as Vlad but I do love me some Viggo.
OHHHH! yea!!!!!!!!!!Its so hard trying to please all of us. But yep could surely see him as VLAD> Love that guy!
Nice pics but I still picture Vlad looking more like Viggo. 🙂
Ummm..very very nice..the middle pic? Oh my….It teases the imagination 🙂
Another suggestion?…Have you seen Michael Sheen from Underworld 3 …Rise of the Lycans? His love/sex scene with female lead? SMOKIIIIN…Just a thought The man had a body to live for!!
This is a great candidate! Michael Sheen is a good one too, but biased from watching Rise of the Lycans as well 🙂 Those two links that were provided- All I can say is YUMMY! Ben Hill is HOT!!!
I picture Shane Brolly as Vlad. Especially as he looked in the movie “Underworld”
Beyond SEXY!
I absolutely agree with your choice in Michael. I loved Hex and loved him in it even more. And in 300, wow!!! I can’t wait to see the new X-men as I have seen them all!
O yeah, Michael Fassbender as Vlad!
Ooohhh..it’s like melting dark chocolate on my tongue….all those intense, diverse flavors that coalesce into divine yumminess.
I’m goining now to Netflix to see if I can find Hex. That man deserves some more drooling. I mean viewing! Viewing people! Someone help me get my mind out of the gutter!
And I have always viewed 300 as a feminine version of the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Issue (If you’re like me and like your guys sweaty, bloody, and flinging swords). Pretty boys just aren’t my thing.
Saw this on YouTube and had to share. The music made me lol, but the images were oh so nice to look at.
oh. my. GOD.
I need a cold shower…
Oh, my god. I’ve been a fan of Michael Fassbender for years, and whenever I read Vlad’s part, he’s who I thought of. Now my preference has been reinforced. 🙂
And also, he has the *sexiest* voice.
Love your pics, Jeaniene. 🙂
That’s a good choice! I love the 2nd picture, that really nails Vlad. Can’t wait for August to get here! *happy dance*
Jesus!!! I completely agree with you! Michael is perfect to be Vlad.
He’s handsome and sexy. But more than that he has that dangerous and mysterious thing in the he looks. Just like Vlad. I still didn’t had anyone in mind who could be him, its hard to find someone like him. Amazing! Good choice! Oh Im so excited to read his story. I hope Leila will be a badass… almost like Cat.
I’m a brand new fan, read all the books in 1 week, I can’t believe Johnny Depp was overlooked as the perfect Vlad.