First, thanks to everyone who left a music suggestion on my previous post. I now have over 4 hours worth of songs loaded for Vlad’s book. No excuse to be unproductive! Heh.
Second, happy book birthday to my critique partner, Melissa Marr! GRAVEMINDER, her adult debut novel, hit the shelves yesterday.

While I, like many others, loved the Wicked Lovely series, I have to admit I think GRAVEMINDER is her best work yet. Of course, some could fairly accuse me of being biased, so here’s what Library Journal had to say about it: “You need to plan ahead to read this one, because you won’t be able to put it down! Haunting, captivating, brilliant!” And Charlaine Harris chimed in with “No one builds worlds like Melissa Marr.” Ken Olin (whose resume includes Alias, Thirtysomething, and Brothers & Sisters, among others) liked it so much he now has it in development for a new TV series. If you’re interested in checking it out, HarperCollins has the first 20% available for free reading here.
Speaking of awesome author friends, next week I’m having the hilarious and talented Ilona Andrews on my blog for an interview. As many of you probably know, the fifth book in the Kate Daniels series, MAGIC SLAYS, comes out May 31st. I can’t wait to see what trouble Kate and Curran get into this time!
If you’re familiar with this excellent series (and if you’re not, MAGIC BITES is where the adventure begins) want to help me harrass interview Ilona? I have my own list of questions, but if there’s something you’ve been dying to know about Kate, Curran, and the rest of the gang, please leave it in the comments and I’ll send that to Ilona, too. Granted, if there’s a slew of questions she’ll have to pick and choose because of time constraints, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? I know the first thing I’m going to ask Ilona is what it’s like to co-write the series with her husband *ducks from hammer Ilona swung at my head*
So, if you’re been wondering what to read while you wait for ONE GRAVE AT A TIME to come out, well, here are two suggestions for you :).
Happy Hump day, everyone! (Honestly, who came up with that saying? I can’t believe he/she didn’t know how it would sound *wink*)
Graveminder sounds like a great book, adding it to my “to read” list!
“I know the first thing I’m going to ask Ilona is what it’s like to co-write the series with her husband”
Dear Jeaniene,
I have used my incredible psychic powers to send every Smoky Mountain bear your way. I hope your cabin has sturdy doors.
All the best,
Why, that does sound like a threat. LOL
I too, would be very interested to know what it’s like to write with your husband.
Thanks Jeaniene!
I know I know ask her if they r going to have a cub or what
And the TBR now tips over on this reviewer. LOL thanks for the suggestions. I have to tell you I have to prepare to read any of your books before hand. Because I know when I start I won’t stop until I’m done. So it takes several days of prep work. LOL
i love to read, and lately i’ve discovered that i have a real knack for coming up with story lines. i was thinking of writing a short story and blogging it and see what type of feedback i get from it. do you think that is a good idea? these books look like they would be great reads! definitely adding to the must read book list
Chantriece, this is just my opinion, but I wouldn’t put a short piece of fiction online to see what people “think” and let that dictate whether you should pursue writing or not. First, your family and friends will probably offer praise because that’s what family and friends do, but that’s not real feedback for the same reason. Second, some people online like to be cruel for no reason whatsoever, and so that feedback won’t be helpful, either. Objective readers with valuable constructive criticism will be few and far between if you just post something online with a “tell me what you think” request.
If you’re serious about writing, I would suggest first deciding what you want to write: short stories, fiction, non-fiction, etc. Each of those has a different market and different method to publication. After you’ve completed whatever it is you’ve chosen, then you might want to check out some writer’s groups to see about getting feedback for revisions. Absolute Write forums is a great place to start. I also have a bunch of information and links on publishing here: but that’s for when you’re further down the line.
Good luck!
I’m going to have to check out Graveminder…maybe I’ll read the first 20% of the book and then when I’m so captivated by it then buy it just so I can finish the rest right then and there. 🙂 Looking forward to your interview next week as well! I haven’t been able to read anything by Andrews but she is on my TBR list from all the wonderful reviews!
As if I didn’t have enough books on my “To-Read” list! Will definately check these out, even though Night Huntress has set my standards pretty damn high. 😉
Please share your Vlad playlist!!
I will further down the line. I will probably add more songs between now and when the book is finished.
Oooh, ask Ilona a question…how cool. Let’s see…
Is there a book or books that helped you in your own writing (as an example of what to strive for)?
(Can you still ask her about writing with her husband? I’ll take the blame– she doesn’t know my address. *snort*)
I really enjoy Ilona’s books and the fact that she has help writing the male perspective so that Curran comes across the way “real” guys think and act. Please ask her how often she and Gordon “disagree” on Curran’s dialogue about what he would likely say as opposed to what we women want to hear. (Glad there are few bears in Texas)
Cant wait for Magic Slays, Thanks to you I am completely hooked on the series:) question: Aside from Curran and Kate, Who is her favorite character and why?
Looking forward to all the great new books coming out – Here’s a question for Ilona – does she ever role-play in bedroom as “Natasha” and “Boris” or even Kate & Curran and does this help relieve the pressure of working with Gordon?
(Thanks Jeaniene – quick, get some bear repellant!)
Okay, Ilona is a friend, so I have to veto this question because I don’t want to know what my friends do in the bedroom with their spouses. Some things are just TMI :).
1. When will the Keep finally be finished?
2. Assuming Curran doesn’t die in a fight of some sort, what’s the life expectancy for a First?
3. Is Derek going to have his own story at some point?
4. How did Dolittle become such a good medmage? I think Kate comments that he’s one of the best ones she’s ever been too.
Question to Ilona Andrews:
In the first book Kate mentioned that she had more tatoo than just “Dar Vorona”. What are they and where are they?
Now that Kate is living at the keep with Curran, what will happen to Grendel?
Ever since Ilona mentioned that her vision of Curran matched Chris Hemsworth in the movie Thor I can’t stop drooling.
My favorite characters in mythology are the shapershifters.
Oops!!! I mean shapeshifters. (extremely red face)
Ya know, I know maybe most of you don’t want to know what your friends are up to (sex wise), but I’ll admit to curiosity. Especially if I think the friends are more adventurous than me or have tried something I haven’t and may have advice….
Plus, I will admit to having a few guy friends who are pretty cute, so a little naked imaginings are not beneath me. 😉
Just being honest.
I don’t know if I should thank you for the new reading materials or flog you. My book shelves are straining as it is! I guess there’s some empty wall space where I could add more…
I have some questions that I don’t think have been asked:
-Did Jim become Curran’s best friend before or after he became the beast lord? If after, was it before or after Jim became chief of security? If before, how did they meet and become friends?
-On what job did Jim and Kate start working together?
-Can shapeshifter babies shift from birth?
Oh Gosh! Im so glad that you’re writing Vlad’s book now. I love him! He’s such a good character. This is going to be fun.
Well in the last post you asked for songs, and I actually have a special song for Cat and Bones. “Don’t Ever” by Missy Higgins.
I was adicted to this song when I read the first book, and end up being their song for me. And everytime I read a new NH book, I listen this song. It’s has nothing to do with them, but it’s a beautiful song. LOL
But for Vlad, I don’t actually know… but do you have ever heard about SafetySuit, Snow Patrol or Five For Fighting? They have great songs. I don’t know if you know brasilian music, but maybe you should try Tom Jobim, Gal Costa, Elis Regina or maybe Ana Carolina or Mariza Monte. They’re amazing. Veeeery good singers.
I am so excited for Magic Slays! I’ve whittled down the number of questions I’d like to ask:
1. Because Kate is immune to Lyc-V does that mean that any children she and Curran might have couldn’t be shapeshifters?
2. Is Kate still in contact with Anna (Greg’s ex-wife)? We never hear about their relationship after the first book, are they still close or not friendly anymore?
3. The pack council has fourteen members, but some of the alphas don’t have mates (Jim and Aunt B, maybe others?) who sits as their seconds?
4. About Julie (I love her!) and schooling in post-Shift America: Julie was doing remedial work at her school in normal liberal arts subjects, but she was granted a scholarship for her magical capabilities, do they train her to better use her powers or how does schooling for the magically gifted work?
Ah, I’m sure I’ll think of the most amazing question once I post this, oh well. Thanks for the opportunity to ask some questions. I love both your and Ilona’s series, can’t wait for the new books in either.
One thing I am looking forward to in Magic Slays is the peek into shapeshifter life and Keep life.
1. We know each Clan has their own home and private land other clans cannot step foot on, (outside of the Keep). The boudas and wolves for example. How close do the separate Clan homes have to be to the Keep? (I mean what if there is an emergency and the alphas have to get to the Keep right away?)
2. I know Jim and Dali feature in the short story Magic Dreams in the Hexed anthology. Are there any planned spin offs involving Jim and Dali? Or any planned spin offs involving any other side characters like Julie and Derek? (Please say YES!)
3. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER for Magic Bleeds: At the end of Magic Bleeds, Kate and Curran spend a lot of time together in their quarters because Curran is angry at everyone for constantly attacking his mate, Kate. Will we ever get a look at that time of life with Kate and Curran? Just them hanging out and getting used to living together and sharing a bathroom? (Any fights over someone leaving dirty laundry on the floor, stuff like that?)
Read Graveminder and I really enjoyed reading something a little different. I think Melissa did a great job going into the adult realm.
I don’t know if i can send question yet, but here it is:
Have you ever thought no longer write together? Do you have separate projects in mind? I ask this because even in a husband-wife partnership there should be discussions and different points of view. So how do you do to overcome these differences?
Sorry if I did a sticky question, but is a doubt I have. Sorry for my English, as well.
SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the 3rd book it says that her father controls blood since Kate is related 2 him would he b able 2 control hers 2 or is it 2 different ? Did I miss something in Ilonas book or will it be revealed later?
I wounder. Does anybody know if there will be movies based on these books?