First, thanks so much to everyone for the congrats on the wonderful bestseller news for This Side of the Grave! Writing is a very solitary pastime, so all your comments remind me that Cat, Bones, and the gang have a lot of people rooting for them.
Second, expect things to be quiet around the blog for the rest of the month. No, I’m not kicking up my heels basking in the comforts of my couch (oh, how I wish! Lol). This month, I will need to finish my Cat and Bones novella for The Bite Before Christmas anthology, and I have copyedits for One Grave at a Time (C&B #6) landing Monday that need to be completed by the end of the month. So March will see me busy at my keyboard working on both of those two projects. Note to couch: I will miss you.
And for those of you following me on Facebook, a reminder: Because I’ve reached capacity on my personal FB profile (the one over here) I’m shutting it down next month and moving everything over to my new FB page located here. If you sent me a friend request on the soon-to-be defunct page, I can’t approve you because I’m over my limit. Please go to the new page here and “like” it. If you’ve already friended me on my old page, be advised that next month, I’m wiping out all my friends to avoid confusion as to where people should go to get updates on me/my books. So if you see that I’ve removed you from my friends list, no, I didn’t all the sudden decide that I don’t like you. I’m just trying to be efficient and keep everything in one, correct place. Same goes for people who “tag” me on Facebook. If you do it on the old page, I won’t see it after next month, and wiping out all the info so people know this is the wrong page to find me may “untag” anything you’ve done. Again, nothing personal, and since I love seeing all the pics and fan art, please join me at the new FB page and tag away over there :).
Hope everyone has a wonderful March! Back to work for me…
Good luck on the focusing! I love Cat and Bones, your books have been a great escape! 🙂
If it means we will get more cat and bones then I’m all for it….. hope you dont miss your couch too much! and if the new stories are as good as the all the others they will be well worth the wait.
loved This Side of The Grave finished it in one day, but still waiting for Ian’s Story
Looking forward to a fun novella with Cat and Bones! It will be so fun to get a nice burst of them even if it’s for a short story. Good luck with the rest of your March, I completely understand why you are going to be so busy but in the end it will really pay off. 🙂 I’ll have to go like your facebook page so I can get updates there with your change over.
Loves the books. Just found out about Bones and Cat 4 weeks ago. Just finish “2nd book of Night Huntress series” last night.
Thank you, I haven’t felt excitement about my fiction reading since before I married.
Can’t wait to read the next book:)
Thank you so much for giving us Cat & Bones (especially Bones) and I can’t wait to read the novella and One Grave at a Time. Can never get enough! 🙂
After searching for the “perfect” vampire series to keep me occupied my friend directed me to your books. The big difference in your books is that, thus far and hopefully always, Cat and Bones stay together. I love your writing! Can’t wait to read more and more 🙂
“I’m wiping out all my friends…”
Sounds a bit harsh. You’ll never get me… 😛
Finished TSOG a while back, loved it of course. If you ever get in range again, I’ll come see you except for Charleston maybe. To hard to find a parkin’ place. 😉
Good luck with holing up in your writing cave, Jeaniene. Like Maria, I think I blasted through This Side of The Grave in a day. Well done.
Thanks for the best vampire series that is completely real to life. Everyone has everyday normal problems and no unreal plot settings. This Side of the Grave was an awesome read. I own all your Night Huntress books. Keep up the good work and try not to miss your couch too much.
Just a stroke of luck that I pickup up the 1st book on Cat & Bones…..oh my….I’m now ready to start reading book #5! I haven’t been this interested in a series of books in years….I also love the spin off books…keep them coming and thanks for getting my reading interest going again!!!
Love Cat & Bones so much. Thanks for bringing them to life.
You’ve written two other novellas that feature Cat and Bones as part of other anthologies. Where in the series should these be read?
A complete list of the reading order of my books, plus anthology stories, can be found here (scroll to the bottom):