Hi everyone! Jeez, I never blog more than when I’m supposed to be on hiatus, lol. Well, I hope you’ll agree that this shouldn’t wait until I’m done with the antho and copyedits. I was finally given the green light to show off the cover and stepback for ONE GRAVE AT A TIME, Night Huntress, book six (releases August 30th). Yes, the model for Cat has changed. I was told by my publisher that the previous model is no longer doing book covers. However, I think the art director found a great replacement, and hey, Cat finally gets to let her hair down. After six books, she’s earned that, right?
Considering that Halloween is the holiday that’s prevalent in this book, I love how the cat (take a bow, Helsing, it’s your cover debut!), the somewhat spooky fog, and the orange font ties into that. I also love the stepback with its romantic pose. Clearly, Cat’s coat loves it, too. Look how happy it is to see Bones! ;-).
I’m once again delighted with the work Tom Egner does. I’ve been so fortunate to have him design all my covers.
Ohh I actually like this model more….She looks like a very young Emily Watson. I>3 the stepback. Verra pretty.
I just squealed at work. Luckily I’m on break! Excellent wednesday gift!
LOVE!!! LOVE!!!! LOVE!!!!
I really like the stepback, it is very intimate, almost makes you feel like a voyeur.
LOOOOVE it!! The new models look great!!
I LOVE IT!! May be my favorite cover of yours. Love the cat, the coat, and how Cat is curled on his lap in the stepback!! Oh, and the boots!! So cool!
Squee (quietly of course at work.)
Oooh..I love it!!
Those boots in the step back are awesome and image is true to what I would imagine Cat wearing. I can almost see the blades..((laughs)) Awesome job..
Holy hawtness! These are favorite of all the covers.
Love it!!! You know the first thing I noticed was her boots can you tell I have a boot fetish LOL….
Too Perfect! I Loved!
I’m from Brazil! I love your books!
Love the cover!
Squeeeeee! I love, love, LOVE the cover!!! I can’t wait until it’s released. In the meantime, I’m off to look for Cat’s boots.
Just love it! it’s so gorgeous and cute!! specially the stepback!
thank you so much for revealing it to us!!
LOVE IT! And the step back is gorgeous!
It’s beautiful! Love Helsing.
WHOA! I think this is the HOTTEST cover in the series!
Holy Crap! That cover is gooorgeous. I can’t wait for the next book. I devoured “This Side of The Grave” like a ravenous homeless person would chow down on a taco. Not that one could blame them….who doesn’t love tacos? I guess what I’m saying is I love this cover as much as I love tacos. I love Cat and Bones a considerable amount more than that!
beautiful boots
gorgeous cat…………
but even more so abolutely gorgeous beautiful bones.
a brilliant cover
And Cat let’s her hair down! How awesome and totally deserved. I just wish Bones was shirtless again. hehehe
God, I have to close my mouth with my hands! I love th covers – thanks for posting them, Jeaniene!
I Love It. One of the best series out there!!!!!!!!!
Love love the new cover!
The other model was hotter but the bones in the picture is wayyy hotter then the other one.
Oooh I love this!! Especially the stepback… mmmmh Bones

Lol yay Helsing!
I’m sooo glad I’m at home while seeing this because I squealed out loud (which I know I would have done if I was in public lol)
I can not wait to read it!
Thanks for posting Jeaniene
Like this model much better than the other one. This makes sense to me especially FINALLY letting her hair down. Thumbs up!
I love it! Probably my fave cover so far!
Absolutely beautiful!
I’d like to volunteer for the next cover model gig.
Especially for the Vlad book.
I’ll miss the old Cat model, but this one works too.
I LOVE your covers, Jeaniene. The stepbacks are amazing.
I love that Helsing appears in this one, too.
And just in time for Halloween, you say? Well done!
beautiful cover, and the new model is gorgeous, perfect for Cat much more of how I picture her in my head when reading the books.
I like the old Cat model better because she is what I am used to seeing but it is still a beautiful cover. I love how the moonlight illuminates their skin. Love that Helsing is there. Yah Black kitties! The Bones on the stepback is very, very hot. If he is a different model I like him MUCH better. Love the boots, Love the swirling coat, love how she is curled around him. Hubby and I do that every day when I come home.
This is gorgeous! I think it’s the best cover so far. The stepback is just stunning. The models are perfect! Great work.
Love the new look!
The new model looks more like my vision of Cat. Oh, I can’t wait until August!
Ian because her really isn’t a villian.
THIS is my favorite cover out of them all!
it’s a beautiful cover but i dont like this model. i was in love with the other cat. wont change the contents of the book at all though lol I CANT WAIT!!!!
This looks great! It even has Helsing!
Luv so much!!!
I freaking love it!!!!! It looks awesome.
I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THE COVER AND STEPBACK! The new model is absolutely beautiful and I can see her as Cat all sexy and bad-ass at the same time. Love the stepback and Bones holding onto to Cat! This has me so excited for the book! CAN’T WAIT!
Oh my cover love !!!!! ** flutters eyelashes** def nice on the eyes !! love it !!!! and the Stepback !!! swoon !!!
Love the new model. But especially love that Helsing makes an appearance!
ooooh those covers are smoking hot!!! can’t wait for the release.
you know, i reckon the new model suits Cat better coz Cat was supposed to have stopped ageing at the age of about 19 right? So this model looks like she can match the age. She looks younger then the other model.
I think its BRILLIANT, BEAUTIFUL and SMEXY! Love the stepback – the the model for Bones is gorgeous. I actually think I like this model for Cat better too – love that her hair is down.
I’m going to miss the old Cat & Bones- that’s just how I had come to picture Cat and the other Bones seemed more… I dunno? Words fail.
Still, very cool cover! Love the back-drop & Helsing!
LOVE IT! It is beautiful and Bones looks super sexy as usual! Can’t wait for it!
I Love it. It is to die for. I can’t wait to read the new book.
She should not be fake kissing him…I want to see her absorbing him when she kisses him…Otherwise..meh..
Cover looks great as usual. Of course I usually don’t see them thanks to my Kindle. I was already looking forward to August, now I have another reason to wish away 4 months of my life.
Stay Frosty,
OMFG love the cover, is my favorite all of them good i can wait to see the next one this model is super cute and she is doing a great job with cat, and she look a little like cat would look like
Okay I love this cover. The models are gorgeous, and I like that Helsing is there too. Now I’m already getting impatient for the next book.
Love this new cover. I like this new model better then the last. She is closer to what I envision Cat to be. I’m glad it won’t be so long for the next book this time. August won’t take long to come.
Wow that is one sexy cover:) and it’s onlt two days after my birthday. it will be a late birthdaygift to my self
OMG this book cover is hot. I will combust from here to August! LOLOL Jeaniene, YOU ROCK! Love the pic of Cat/Bones. It just helps with the mental picture. I am so ready for this book to come out. Does anyone know if there is a way to get the Audio books on your nook?
I love the covers. I just wished to see the same model as before. But the new one is almost like the old one. Great job on the covers,they are awesome!Cant wait to read the new book!
What a pity! I like the first one, not that. But the important is Frost doesn’t change
I completely agree, I love all the Frost books, but, I also thought the Model was perfect as Cat!
I Love the new cover and stepback for book 6. I agree that this new model is more what I envision Cat to be. She seems to have more spunk in her .
I love the new cover,it’s gorgeous.i hope your books will be published in my country.you’re an amazing author
Can I ask one question please? Where is her right arm? Uhh, can’t seem to find it!! I’m assuming it’s behind the coat-that-is-really-a-cape, but I hope you can confirm this? >.<
Love the second pic. Seriously. IN LOVE. Bones is so sexy! <3
What a beauty!
She is probably reaching for silver knives Alice… BTW Love dem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with Triz, its a shame the original model isnt available. I like the new one, but the original looks the part better.
no matter, when the covers opened and the read begins, I’ll still see the ol’ Cat!!
It’s beautiful, I love it! ^^
OMG!!! Absolutely LOVE this COVER! Just finished thid side of the Grave AGAIN! Can’t wait for this one!!!!
This model is more what I thought Cat should look like from the descriptions in the book. I like it.
Hi, loved book five ,love the cover for book six and looking forward to reading Cat and Bones further adventures. Thank You.
i love all your books can’t wait for the othter books. are u planing to having a spen-off ?
Have you seen the French Version ? It’s great too ! (?)
i am NOT liking the new girl on the cover at all. the other model was a much better cat, she had the tough, don’t F with me looks, really hard core kick ass attitude that you can just see in her eyes.
this new chick looks soft and will get knocked over by a brisk wind
but the novels are great, Jeaniene Frost is an amazing wrighter, but i just don’t know how much i will love Cat now that she has a diffrent face..she just won’t be the same to me.
Hi I was wondering when you would be coming to the mineapolis/st.paul area for book signing?I would like to meet you up close and personal and to thank you for writing such a wonderful series of books!
Love the new cover. I thought the last model needed to maybe lay off the twinkies, lol.
I think the cover is hot especially the pic of Cat and Bones I always wait to see what surprise I’ll get when I open the book. The only difference I found between this book and the rest is this model looks younger (maybe Cats sister if she had one).
I loved the other model much better, she did look like she could kick ass! This one does not have that same tough look! She looks like a barbie in black!!!
Sure you can’t move the release date up ;D
As much as I love all the covers to these books…. I still think that the other Cat is how I will always imagine her…. And I think the other girl is prettier…. Not that this girl isn’t pretty but I just love the other one more.
I like the old cover model better, but that’s not going to change how much I love this series!!!!!!
sorry, but where is her arm??? sorry if my english is not right, i´m from argentina jajajajaja! i love this cover! and i am in love with BONESS! i hope you will writing, because you doit so good………! okay, y must go now! byee! but, can somebody answer my cuestion(i don´t know how to write it) jajaja pleasee!!!??? thanks!
i absolutely love this series and the characters but I really think the other model was perfect as Cat…this one does seem too young and not bad ass enough
Perfect… looove this book and cover and especially the model considering Cat stopped aging at 19 and this model looks the exact part: Badass Boss. <33333.