Huge thanks to my readers! THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE debuted at # 2 on the New York Times, # 16 on the USA Today, # 1 on the Barnes & Noble mass market, # 1 on the Publishers Weekly list, and # 1 on the Borders Romance bestseller lists.
Cyber-hugs, kisses, and champagne to everyone! 😀
Congrats, Jeaniene!!!!! You totally deserved this honor! The book was awesome. Without giving away any spoilers, let me just say that I cried my eyes out, but was laughing hysterically at that last line! I can’t wait for the next book!
Congrats! Can’t wait to read the latest book! Any change you ever come to Ft Myers FL for a book signing?
Awesome news Congrats Jeaniene!You deserve it . Hope you come to New Jersey .
Wow that is really awesome I’m so happy for you! It must be really cool to know that you are so popular. 🙂 Well congratulations but I must admit that I am one of those really anxious fans who bought the book in advance and waited for it to come through UPS!
Yeah! I love all the Night Huntress books! You are doing great, thanks for all the stories! I sit in front of a computer at work all day and just plug in my ipod and listen to the audiobooks, it makes work great!
I am a truck driver and I have listened to all the Night Huntress books and I cant wait for the next one.. You are one heck of a writter and please dont change your reader..I love the way she reads the characters..she is awesome..Thank you again for your awesome books.. Lori :)Congrats on an award truely deserved
This side of the Grave was a long wait, and worth the wait. Congrats, to you and your great characters.
KUDOS!!! You so deserved that. Your writing transports many of us to a world we couldn’t even dream of. Thank you so much for bringing Cat and Bones to life for us all to drool over. 🙂
I, too, waited what seemed a life time after preordering on Kindle. I actually sat up at midnight waiting for it download. Some would say how sad. To them I say, you must’ve not read a word yet. Keep up the awesome work. You’re a Jewel!
Congrats! You deserve it – one of the best series out there…period.
Can’t wait for the next one!!!!!!
Hey Jeaniene Congrats on this latest book!!!! I relly enjoy All of the characters adventures in All your books. I have each and every one of them. See im 49 years old and raising my 2 year old special needs grandson and books are my only indulgence. Cant wait for Vlads book!!! Love Viggo as Vlad too!!! thats a good looking hunk of man!!!!! I do have to say i didnt like the hints you made about killing either Cat and or Bones!!! Come on ya cant kill them it would ruin the whole series!!!! They are my heroes!! plus if you do kill one or both of them I can never or will never buy any more of your books….EVER. Just let them retire to alaska or somewhere PLEASE!!!! thanks for your time, Keep writing great works!!!!!
Congratulations, Jeaniene! Your books are fantastic. Just finished reading all Cat and Bones books in a month. Thanks for writing about a love that is timeless and unconditional. I read you are contracted to write 9 books on Cat and Bones. Please reconsider and continue to write more adventures for these lovers. Your chartacters are genuine and honest. They touch our human spirit and cause us to stop and think.
great book! luv the series! i tend to buy as soon as they come out, a really big thumbs up!
I just started reading the night huntress series a few days after “this side of the grave” came out. There was a lot of hype about it on an online readers chat group I’m in and I decided I needed in on the action! Let me just say I AM NOT DISAPPOINTED!! It’s not even been a week and I’m 3/4 of the way through the 4th book and will moving on to this one tonight, I’m sure! I can’t believe I didn’t find your books sooner…oh well, better late than never! You are an amazing writer and I’m completely in love with your characters! Thank you!!
What a great addition to the series! The emotions are so powerful and real! The characters are the kind of people I’d like to have for friends: funny, flawed, loyal! Can’t wait for the next one! Thank you!
Way to go, Jeaniene. That was a terrific book. I think I read it in record time. Loved how you brought in Joan of Arc in.
I’m soooo happy for you right now. You deserves all of this.
I’m right now reading this book, and loving every single page.
Thank you so much for this amazing history.
I absolutely LOVE your series. I look forward to the upcoming books! Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with the world!
In gratitude,
Stacey Voss
I would love to know more about Tate… in a world series ; )
Many congrads, your novels are fantastic and you manage to keep the characters alive and vivid more and more. I’m looking foward to the next book and maybe a book on Vlad? Congrads again, what an accomblishment and well deserved.
Many congrads, your novels are fantastic and you manage to keep the characters alive and vivid more and more. I’m looking foward to the next book and maybe a book on Vlad? Congrads again, what an accomblishment and well deserved.
You definitely deserved it! Very talented indeed. Thanks for sharing your gift to us^^ Congratualtions.