I had an awesome time at the Turn The Page book store signing on Saturday. The crowd was huge because of Nora Roberts being there, but I was happily surprised at all the Night Huntress readers who came out! A huge hug to you, and to everyone who mentioned my books to the other readers in line. At least a dozen people told me “I hadn’t heard of you before, but the people next to me raved about you so much that I have to try your books out.” Word of mouth rules! I’ll post more about that – with pictures! – later once I’m home from tour.
Well, today is the day. THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE, Night Huntress book five, should be on your local book store shelves or available to purchase online. I know it’s been a long wait for Cat and Bones, and all I can say is thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the latest installment of their story :).
As a reminder, for those who like to “try before you buy” you can read the first 20% for free here.
And, if you’re not quite caught up on Bones and Cat’s adventures, for a limited time, download the ebook edition of Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress, book four) for just $1.99, complete with a free excerpt from This Side of the Grave. Click the picture to be taken to the book on B&N.
. **Please note: The discounted ebook is also available on Amazon Kindle but the cover is wrong on Amazon. It erroneously shows the cover for This Side of the Grave instead of Destined for an Early Grave, but the promotion is for Destined, not This Side, so that’s what you’d be buying if you order it there. Cover will be fixed as soon as possible**
Also on sale today is DARKEST MERCY, the final novel in the Wicked Lovely series by my friend and critt partner, Melissa Marr. Click the pic to see the full image of her gorgeous cover!
And of course, my tour partner’s book, Pamela Palmer’s HUNGER UNTAMED, also releases today. Click the pic to check out her lovely cover, too!
Tonight (Feb 22nd), Pamela and I will be at Books A Million in Birmingham, AL from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. If you’re in the area, please come out! Address is 757 Brookwood Village; Birmingham, AL 35209
And tomorrow (Feb 23rd), if you’re in New Orleans, you can see me and Pam at Garden District Book Shop, 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Address is 2727 Prytania Street; New Orleans, LA 70130.
Thanks again to everyone, and more pics/news soon!
I’ve been looking forward to today forever! It’s a great day! Cat & Bones plus Melissa’s Darkest Mercy I can’t wait to read about my favorite fey!
Thanks for taking the time on this important day to let us know how you’re doing! I’m sure the book signing with Nora was more than coincidence and the fans were more then just there for her as they were for you. Word of mouth is so important, you’re right there and I think that’s why the place was so packed, once they heard you were going to be there!
Have fun on the rest of your tour and thanks for the updates!
Thank you Jeaniene for this wonderful story, I bought it on my nook as soon as it came out and what a nice Birthday present it was for me two days early! I read it yesterday in one sitting I could not put it down. I laughed so hard I had tears. Go Vlad! I am excited the next one is going to be released this fall. Thank you again Jeaniene for creating such a unique and exciting world which I wish I can join!
Thank you Jeaniene for bringing Cat & Bones (Mmmmm Bones) to us! I got my copy today at the bookstore and I’m excited to cozy up on the sofa and get reacquainted with Bones!
I have surgery tomorrow so I’m bringing the book with me to help pass the time in the hospital and during recovery. Cat & Bones are the best medicine (especially Bones to make you forget about everything and focused on something more pleasant)! 🙂
Hope everything goes well with your surgery! Wishing you a speedy recover.
Amazon delivered the book on my doorstep this morning. Quite the happy morning surprise!
I bought it on my Nookie at midnight – have been counting the days. I’m amazed at your plot twists in this one (well, okay, all of them), but this one especially. Please keep them coming!
I am really looking forward to reading This Side of the Grave! It has been a marked day on my calendar for months now. I hope to get your book soon, and thank you for taking time out on the release day to post on your websites, just to let us readers know what is happening.
It’s always fun to help a fellow reader learn about new authors, sometimes i forget not everyone knows about the Infamous Night Huntress Series
Can not wait for the next books in the series!
~a slightly obsessed FrostFan 😀
AWESOME job on “This Side of the Grave” 🙂 There were many points that made me actually laugh out loud when I didn’t expect it. SPOILER:…SORTA. When Bones said to “someone”… *If you ask me if I sparkle.. I’ll kill you*.. or something like that lol.. I laughed so hard lol. Was that your *tip of the hat* to Twilight? 🙂 lol. Priceless :)… even though I still enjoyed Stephenie’s books as well. Great job Jeaniene 🙂 can’t wait for the next Night Huntress World book :)… Your dedicated fan … Brandy Autrey
Glad you liked it!
I had to share that one with my 16 yr old daughter too. Not ready for her to graduate to Cat and Bones yet though. Great books Jeaniene can’t wait for #6 and Vlad is a personal favorite:)
I was dissappointed that “This Side of The Grave” was not received by Barnes & Noble in Issaquah. My friends and I have been anxiously waiting. And it would be wonderful to have a book signing in this area of Washington State. You have alot of fans here!
A time for celebration!
You are very talented Ms. Jeaniene.
More powers!=)
This Side of the Grave was awesome. I never laughed so hard in my life, i had tears streaming down. The quotes that you come up with just put a smile on my face. I love Bones and Cat but Ian is still one of my favourites. Can’t wait for the next book, and thanks again.
Merci de nous faire paratger vos livres, je lis énormément d’auteurs et vous êtes la seule à avoir réussi à me toucher profondément avec vos mots. Je regrette simplement le fait qu’ils sont très long à sortir en France.
I literally JUST finished the book, and I have to say it’s the best one yet!! Loved the “sparkle” reference! I am now IMpatiently waiting until fall for #6! Hats off to you Jeanine! You brought a smile to my face, tears to my eyes and made me laugh all at once! THANK YOU!!!
I am in New Orleans and going to Garden District Book Store tonight to get my copy and to meet a wounderfull writer. I have had the date marked on my calender for months.
Hi, thank you for a new story about Cat and Bones.
Yesterday afternoon Amazon delivered. It was two in the morning when I had to put it down because I was too tired to read the last 100 pages. At 7 a. m. I got up, I had a train to get to visit my parents. Four hours with nothing elso to do, than to read my last 100 pages! I got a seat, smiling to myself with a coffee in my hand, opened my bag, frowning … where was the book?! Of course its on the bedside table home!!! Now I have to wait a week – A WEEK!!!
Cat & Bones are great. I snickered, I laughed out loud, I even cried a little. I’m so curios about what Cat wants to do after all is over.
(I’m strong, I can wait!)
Greetings from Germany (so please ignore any mistakes, reading english is so much easier than speaking or writing)
Sorry you forgot it at home! Hope you like the last hundred pages :).
P.S. Your English is wonderful.
Picked this up last night and couldn’t put it down. Perfect mix of action, romance and humor. As always. Love these characters and the world you’ve created. Can’t wait for Vlad’s book!! Very interested to meet the woman who steals his heart.
I finished This Side this morning and I freaking loved it!!!! It was so worth the wait..Now Im on pins and needles waiting for book 6! Thank you so much Jeaniene!! You are my favorite author!
You’ve totally out done yourself! Best book in the series! I LOVED it! Keep it up!
The audiobook is very well done! The narrator, Tavia Gilbert, is perfect for Cat and her Cockney accent is spot-on for Bones.
Still waiting for my copy, but I cannot WAIT to get me some more Bones! Om nom nom nom!!!
I’ve just been introduced to this series (Little late I know) but I’m totally NOT disappointed, and its now my new addiction!
Thank you Jeaniene, I salute you for bring this series (and Bones) into my life!
I’m currently reading Destined for an Early Grave, but I should be done by the time This Side of the Grave arrives! **happy dance**
I love this book! I listened to the audio version and it was great as always (though this time, the reader got a little carried away with her breathing 😉
I absolutely love Bones, but Vlad is really growing on me too (the tissue and Hitman quotes were hillarious!!) I can’t wait for his own story to come out!
Please keep up the writing
Katrine from Denmark
I enjoyed this book immensely. The characters and places come alive so wonderfully. I was so excited to get the new book Tuesday. I am a huge fan of Cat and Bones but the person I really grew to love because of this book was Vlad. He cracks me up. I will try to patiently await the next Cat and Bones installment (it is so hard to be patient). 😉
Thanks so much for such a great series!!
I love your books…They are so amazing…..but it takes always long time until german release…!!!!
I hope the books from cat and bones is a never ending story…..
🙂 congrats on the release! I stayed up late last night finishing…
I’m in the middle of reading “This Side of the Grave” when I heard a news report an apartment burning down in Brooklyn because a voodoo sex ritual. Real life Bones and Cat? Probably not lol
Hi Jeaniene!
I just wanted to say I absolutely loved the new book, Its good to see previous couples in the spin off series are still well and together! I cant wait for the next one!! (which I will probably read in one setting like I did the others)
Sable- South Australia
Wow!!!! I’ve been waiting for the new release and you did not disappoint!!! I’ve been reading some other books to pass the time but you have them all beat!!! I love Ilona’s books as well and Michelle Reads, they have some good stuff too but cat and bones are so fun!!! Great job!!! Keep it up for those us that totally LOVE what you do!!! Thanks so much for all you do!!!
Hi, Jeaniene,
I am half way through my second reading of TSotG and all I can say is THANKS!! I really like how you have further developed all the characters including the deepening of Cat and Bones’ relationship, and the inclusion of the evolution that occurred with Spade, Denise, and Mencheres, in FDoC and EKoD as well as the short story in Death’s Excellent Vacation — it really deepens the story in TSofG. And, as usual, so much to laugh about as well — the Twilight reference on page 82 had me rolling!! Thanks again for another book in this fabulous series — can hardly wait until Fall for One Grave at a Time.
One request — it would be great if you could make your way to So Cal — would love to attend a book signing and meet you in person!
Thanks for a great series and a great escape!
This forum needed shkiang up and you’ve just done that. Great post!
Love the book!
I hope you’re going to give us more on Vlad next time- perhaps he gets his own book?
Hi, didn’t you know? Actually there will be two books with Vlad and his heroine 🙂
I have read all of your books with delight I can’t wait for #3 and #6. I like the earthiness and strength of your females and the
passion of your males Thank you for hours of bliss.
Dear Jeaniene Frost!
First of all, I apologize, I do not speak good English, but I hope you understand what I write? I live in Hungary, but often you visit the web site, because I’m curious about your books.
Part four of us, unfortunately, still does not mean it! I do not understand the label, you’d think the people that are not running out of books written by you. But that belie the fact that people on the internet every day looking for your books, and publishers are interested in the new text after! Unfortunately, this date varies each week, or do not say anything! Beleolvastam preview of the fifth part and a little better if you speak English, I would have already! I love the series and I hope soon to see Hungarian as well! Further a lot of good books and excellent health, I want to! zsuzsa
Love the book.I love all of them and I can’t tell you how many times I reread them. This last one I got it as an e-book and now I’m thinking of buying them all, all over again so I can have easy access to my favorite parts (of the book). I love to hear them in the car as well(I know,I’m a little addicted to it, but it is a healthy addiction.I don’t drink often or smoke at all so…). With all due respect and admiration though, can I please tell you that I was a little disappointed with whoever read the part of Bones in A drop of Crimson. Didn’t get the others in audio cause I couldn’t take the high pitch in Bone’s voice.Is the same intonation used in the others?Thank you again for making me laugh and enjoy the characters as though they were real.
P.S English is not my first language so excuse the little mix-ups
I really love the series and I’m waiting for another one in the Huntress World Series, which I figure will be Vlad?
Anyway, this was a good book, but it made me wince a little when it seemed I saw some ‘Anita Blake Bigger than Life’ peek through. Along with the ‘having to have sex’ after meeting with Marie and those Revenants.
Please don’t turn Cat into another Anita! Thanks for all your hard work on writing!