Here’s a new podcast where I talk with the awesome Frost Fans moderators about the release of This Side of the Grave, and more, plus links to where my fan site administer made hilarious new tee shirts contrasting Chapter 32 from One Foot in the Grave with Chapter 21 from This Side of the Grave (make sure to see the back of the shirts!).
For the podcast and the tee shirt links, click the image below:
Or go here.
Now I’m dying to read Chapter 21 from This Side of the Grave. It might be the first chapter I read when I finally get my hands on the book! Can’t wait!
I just cant wait to read the book!!! I just finally was able to get eternal kiss of darkness and I could not put it down! This side of the grave is going to be excellent I just know it and its exciting for me to get it, because I am having a baby this Friday and then I will have something to read and relax too during the stressful mamma periods lol. The books are awesome in everyway. The spinoffs and the actual series. I love how you take them and make them glide into one as well. Cant wait for more!!
I just cant wait cause I’m hooked on the series with cat and bones I count down until the next book comes out and cant wait for the next book for The Nighthuntress World series to come out cause I like seeing how the other vampires fall in love with their lifemates
i am not a huge fan of reading books but since i have started reading this series i cant stop i can read the books over and over again and still surprised at what happens