Happy New Year, everyone! Hope you had a good one. I finished Cat and Bones #6 a little past 1am on New Year’s day so it is finally in my very patient editor’s hands. The amazing feeling I get when I type “the end” hasn’t diminished even though I’ve got several books on the shelves now. I wanted to write for so long, and for so long let fear and procrastination stand in my way that completing a book is still a magical experience for me.
Speaking of books, THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE got a nice early review from Vampire Book Club, and my fan site currently has a contest running for an advance early copy of it. Details and how to enter are here. DON”T LEAVE A COMMENT ON MY BLOG if you want to enter – go to the link and follow the instructions. I’m not running the contest, Frost Fans is.
In other book news, Destined for an Early Grave came out in audio format last week, so if you’re into audio books, you’re welcome to check it out. Links and info are on my Audio page. And now, I have to tackle my inbox. I’ve let it grow wild and scary while working to finish the book, so time to take a weed wacker to it and carve a path :).
HappY New Year, Jeaniene.
Wish U happiness in New year.
I’m alway follow your projects.
It’s really nice.I luv it.
And now waiting for ” This side of the grave ” LOL
Cheer !!!
Thanks so much!
I’ve been writing since I was…um… twelve? And finishing is still pretty awesome. 😉 If somebody lets it get not-awesome, I feel sorry for them.
If finishing ever got not-awesome, I’d probably have to find another job. This job is already hard enough.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I’m a toasting for another wonderful year of reading about Cat and Bones!!
Happy New Year to you, too!
How can 2011 be anything other then fabulous with TWO Cat & Bones books PLUS an anthology!
I’m super excited, if you couldn’t tell. LoL
Happy New Year!
Thanks, same to you!
I was introdused to the lovly cat and hundsom bones by a dear friend from work when i informed her i need’d a good vampire book i devour both the side novles as well as the first 4 in just 2 months iam counting the days to the next one intense excitement .I have fallen in love with all of the characters and my friend and my self have offten dream this would make a great movie ..agine thank you for such great books
So glad you’re enjoying the books!
2011 Best Wicj, Kisses and Blessed Be¡¡
You’re Yes.
Not sure what that means, but thanks! I think 🙂
2011 Best Wish, Kisses and Blessed Be¡¡
You’re Yes.
Happy New Year Jeaniene!
Wishing you have a wonderful, happy and successful 2011!
Thank you for bringing Cat & Bones to life (especially BONES!) You and Bones brought sunshine into my life during a time in my life when everything was bleak for me and still bring sunshine and hope to me. For that I am forever grateful to you and cherish Cat & Bones and their story with all my heart!
You are the best!
Thanks so much for saying that. Books have helped lift me up when I’ve been down so it’s a real joy to think something I wrote might’ve done the same for someone else.
Happy New Years. And thank you so much for bring cat, bones and all there loved ones in my life.
I am 25 years old and never finshed a novel in my life tell i picked up your books i locked my self in my house and didnt move tell i read all of them. I never was much of a reader BUT once i started to read your books its amazing how i fell head over heels for reading.
SO I JUST WANT TO THANK YOU for bring reading in my life.
Keep up the great work and more non readers like i was will become readers.
Thanks you! And please check out my Links page for lists of my favorite authors. Need to keep you on the reading habit! :).
I should say after i read your books that was the first place i checked…. I amazed to say i am know a daily reader.. I started with your books and your fav authors and know i have a small collection going of diferent books.. Which I can say Thanks to your great books brought me to be a daily reader..
SO thank you again..
LOVE LOVE LOVE Vale Im from Romania..So it brought a little giggle when he came in the door..
Happy New Year ! Hey I was wondering if we’ll be able to get the audiobook on the day the fifth book comes out ? I can’t wait for it too long. Thanks !
The audio book is scheduled to come out on the same day, yes.
I know the feeling Jeanine when you type The End. It’s nothing short of Euphoria. I have to tell you I appreciate how you expound beyond the series with Denise and Mencheres. It’s what I do as well. Sometimes you have characters that begin as secondary then demand to become first and it’s all crazy cause you like wait your turn I have deadlines. LOL or it is for me.
Excited to see more
Thanks so much! I’ve had tons of fun building books around the side characters.
Happy New Year, Jeaniene. Congrats on getting book #6 in. Can’t wait for it to come out.
Even though I’d read “Halfway to the Grave”, I ordered it on audio, but to see what it was like. Gotta say, I enjoyed it thoroughly. Something about just laying back and letting someone read to me was wonderful. I might have to check out the other audios.
Happy New Year, Liz! Hope 2011 is a great one for you. Glad you liked the audio version, too :).
Happy New Year to you too Jeaniene! I am so happy to hear that you finished book #6 and you have that wonderful feeling about finishing it. I can understand that in many other ways, not in the writing a book aspect, but I get when you have worked so hard on something and finally get it finished that giddy feeling you get! Enjoy it for as long as you can and kick back your feet to relax a bit. I’ll continue to follow you on Twitter and Frost Fans! 😀
Thanks again for bringing your wonderful ideas for your books to us to be able to read and escape into the wonderful world of Cat and Bones and all the other supporting characters.
Thank you, and Happy New Year!
I really love the story about Mara and Rafael in Haunted By Your Touch. Are you thinking about continuing their story? I vote YES!! 🙂
Love Cat and Bones too
So glad you liked the story. I’m booked for the next two years with Night Huntress/Night Huntress World deadlines, so probably won’t be revisiting that story again soon.
What’s next??
Maybe another Spade????!!!!! Just introduced my friend to your books, and she’s HOOKED!!
I know I’ve said this a few times BUT your books actually got me PREGNANT!! Chapter 32….You’re a GOD!! hahaha Have a great 2011!
Was also wondering…if I sent my books to you, to have them signed…..where would I send them??
Congrats! Are you telling me that chapter should come with a warning? “Caution: Reading might lead to pregnancy.” ;-).
Send me an email through the contact form and I will send out some signed bookplates to you.
I have passed on my NH series to 9 friends…my books even have their own bag….
Each time I have handed them over – I have said the same thing “Book 2, Chapter 32”
BONES is THE BEST….edward who??
Dear Jeanine,
I just love your books. I have been a huge fan of the sookie stackhouse series and thought nothing would ever be as good. Although I am a freak for all things sookie and eric…nothing has been as touching as the love between Cat and bones…not even sookie and eric. You don’t leave us hanging for pages on end to get back to the only people we really want to read about. Please don’t stop after the next 3 books…it would be awful. I just finished first drop of crimson…in one day! I called out of work because I could not put it down. Do you plan on adding to the books about them? I really hope you do. All the best…a HUGE FAN
Thanks so much! Denise and Spade will show up as side characters in This Side of the Grave, so you’ll see them again soon :).
And is it wrong of me that I’m flattered you ditched work to keep reading? Lol.
I keep typing “The End” but I feel nothing. Am I supposed to type something else first?
Happy New Year and let me know when you get in range again. 🙂
Yeah, writing something first usually helps *snort*. I don’t know about touring for this book. My publisher is talking about it but it’s still up in the air. Will let you know as soon as I have concrete info.
Happy New Year!
Hey Jeaniene i love your books! but i have heard people say that cat and bones#6 is the last on in that series, please tell me its not true 🙁
No, #6 is not the last. There will be nine Cat and Bones books in all, so three more after #6.
I am excited about the release date coming closer for “This Side of the Grave”! Its sad to think that there will ever be an end to the Cat and Bones books. The series is so entertaining I wish I could just keep reading :). I personally enjoy the audio books :). I like how the accent of Bones is depicted especially :). It was a relief to have Tavia, the narrator, for the other books as well :). Your doing an amazing job Jeaniene, keep up the great work :). Authors like you inspire aspiring writers such as myself to continue working towards our own stories :). Thank you for wit, personality, and dedication!
Sincerely Brandy
Jeaniene, you are cruel! I became so engrossed reading those first two chapters, I forgot that it ended after chapter 2. I got a rude awakening when it I couldn’t read anymore. Now I have to wait until February 22nd. Oh well, I guess I can forgive you and buy “This Side Of The Grave”. I absolutely love Bones!