I might be buried trying to finish C&B6, but the wonderful people who moderate Frost Fans are here to make sure that contests for advance reading copies (Arc’s) of THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE still go forth.
So if you’re interested in reading Cat and Bones’s latest adventures before the February 22nd release date, click the link to see how to enter for your chance to win:
Remember, don’t leave a comment here. Contest entries can only be counted on the link above.
And if you happen to miss this contest, never fear. There will be two more after this one. I’ll announce them as they are posted, or just check out Frost Fans for latest info.
Thanks, and good luck to everyone who enters!
I would pick Denise and get her a nice pair of silk arm gloves to cover the Demon marks on her wrists.
Laura, don’t leave your comment here. I’m not hosting the contest – Frost Fans is. Go there and leave your comment for entry or it won’t count 🙁
One Touch is what I need… I want to meet like to dream about.
You’re Yes. I adore Yr Verb¡
I would love to be Vlad’s Secret Santa
On the first day of Christmas I would give him a fire extinguisher
On the second day of Christmas I would give him two first aid kits and fire extinguisher
On the third day of Christmas I would give him three Aloe Vera plants, two first aid kits and a fire extinguisher
On the fourth day of Christmas I would give him four fire alarms, three Aloe Vera plants, two first aid kits and a fire extinguisher
On the fifth day of Christmas I would give him five bags of sand, fire alarms, three Aloe Vera plants, two first aid kits and a fire extinguisher
On the sixth day of Christmas I would give him six fire blanket, five bags of sand, fire alarms, three Aloe Vera plants, two first aid kits and a fire extinguisher
On the seventh day of Christmas I would give him seven fire hoses, six fire blanket, five bags of sand, fire alarms, three Aloe Vera plants, two first aid kits and a fire extinguisher
On the eight day of Christmas I would give him eight pars of flame retardant pants, seven fire hoses, six fire blanket, five bags of sand, fire alarms, three Aloe Vera plants, two first aid kits and a fire extinguisher
On the ninth day of Christmas I would give him nine sprinkler systems, eight pars of flame retardant pants, seven fire hoses, six fire blanket, five bags of sand, fire alarms, three Aloe Vera plants, two first aid kits and a fire extinguisher
On the tenth day of Christmas I would give him ten fire doors, nine sprinkler systems, eight pars of flame retardant pants, seven fire hoses, six fire blanket, five bags of sand, fire alarms, three Aloe Vera plants, two first aid kits and a fire extinguisher
On the eleventh day of Christmas I would give him eleven arson investigator, ten fire doors, nine sprinkler systems, eight pars of flame retardant pants, seven fire hoses, six fire blanket, five bags of sand, fire alarms, three Aloe Vera plants, two first aid kits and a fire extinguisher
On the twelfth day of Christmas I would give him twelve insurance policies, eleven arson investigator, ten fire doors, nine sprinkler systems, eight pars of flame retardant pants, seven fire hoses, six fire blanket, five bags of sand, fire alarms, three Aloe Vera plants, two first aid kits and a fire extinguisher
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