I’ve mentioned before that New Orleans is one of my favorite cities, so I was very excited to spend Halloween weekend there. Hubby, doggie daughter, and I arrived Thursday night in the Big Easy after a long drive in from Florida. The French Quarter was showing off its holiday spirit by having spooky decorations along many of the balconies or in store windows, and it was refreshingly cooler than in Florida. That first night, we had a nice dinner with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, my niece, and her boyfriend, who also came up for the weekend. After that, I might have snuck in some beignets for dessert, but I’ll never tell ;-).

Love your niece’s outfit! You and your husband looked dashing too .
So, did you see any ghosts? 🙂 And is your girl a shiba?
(Sorry, dog person question, never see any in my rings or classes)
Oh, I got audiobook 2 on the 28th:)
Hi Mudepoz!
Please do let us all know how Chapter 32 DOES sound! 😀
Haw…haw… tttt…*thud*
Warning. Do not listen, enthralled, while parked at a supermarket. With the windows open. Very, very, old folk will begin to walk passed you. They will stop. You will assume they will give you a piece of their minds.
They will cock their heads and listen, and smile. And not the sweet old man and old lady smiles:)
I am NOT a young person myself. Um. Then again, it gives me hope.
It is also not a good idea to listen on your Ipod where your grad students can over hear it…
Thanks for posting the picts. They’re great. How nice to have a hubby that will dress up. You all look fabulous!
I love Mike’s top hat 🙂
Love the costumes! I’ve been waiting for pics. What an awesome way to spend Halloween, tuba player notwithstanding. 🙂
Jeaniene it was a pleasure to have you and Matt. I’m just sorry he got sick. I do have pictures of the ball and Becci did take pictures so we can post some for you of panel and ball.
Becci is the President of Charlaine’s fanclub. Yes she is a Charlanten.lol So am I but we love us some Jeaniene Frost. I thought her ideal of being Cat was great. She’s a doll baby and we have so much fun at Halloween. She thought you would appreciate her as Cat.
I hope Matt is feeling much better. And I hope your little daughter stops putting the whammy on you when you travel. Will send you email later with more pictures. Thanks again for coming to NOLA. Teresa
Wish I could have been in New Orleans…sounds way fun…just read Nocturna story…LOVED IT!!!…I think Rageal may compete with Bones and Vlad for fav male character….would love to see him in his own series!..HINT HINT!
Love all the pictures. Your puppy is adorable!
Oh… i have a jealous… I’d so love to spend Halloween in New Orleans. maybe one of these years when ‘trick or treat’ isn’t at the top of the list for my monsters. O.o
Hi Jeaniene, just want to tell you that I am a huge fan, I live in Brazil, but got your books from some americam friends, and now I keep bothering them so they can get me all of them, please never stop writem…, And very nice be in New orleans in Haloween!!, surely I would be thrilled to do the same!!!
Looks like you had a terrific time, Jeaniene. I LOOOOOVE New Orleans and am determined to spend my next b-day there. Hubby gringed about being in N.O. at the end of August/beginning of September, but he’ll get over it. He loves N.O. almost as much as I do. LOL
Gotta check out the auto for One Foot in the Grave. I don’t often get a chance to listen to a book, but I’m curious to see how audio versus reading.
Looking forward to Cat&Bones No. 6.
Please drink an iced coffee for me. I flinlay got my vacation dates and I’m heading back home for the last two weeks of December. I have a feeling I’ll be crying the whole flight home…. that or smiling so hard that it hurts. I can’t say how happy I am for y’all and everyone else in the city.