Just looked at the calendar and realized it’s been over two weeks since I blogged. Time, she is a-flyin’. In the past two weeks, I had a birthday, managed to finally get my inbox cleaned out (I’d just let emails pile up while I was in the last leg of writing THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE), completed four interviews that had been backburnered until the book was done (noticing a trend here?? EVERYthing gets shoved aside the last couple weeks of deadline!), renewed my driver’s license (seven hours and twenty minutes at the DMV. No, I’m not exaggerating one. frigging. bit.), saw the cover for THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE (awesome, but it’s still being tweaked so I can’t show it yet), got all the images together for the ETERNAL KISS OF DARKNESS book trailer (trailer will be releasing in about a week!), put up two deleted scenes on my fan site from previous Cat and Bones books (they’re located here http://tinyurl.com/24bof75 and here http://tinyurl.com/23dmj27), and discovered the joys of Netflix.
A couple months ago, my husband started saying how great it would be to get a Playstation 3 for the house. I don’t play games, but he does (World of Warcraft, mostly, with some Conan thing thrown in as well). Neither of those games require a PS3 so I didn’t think we needed one. He kept on it, and his sales pitch was that we could get instant Netflix movies from it so it wouldn’t be just for gaming. I was skeptical, but right before I left for Romantic Times, we got the PS3. Up until a little over a week ago, I hadn’t even had a chance to use it because after I got back from RT, it was all write, write, write.
Well, guess what? Now I loves it, precious. Through the PS3 we can get a lot of Netflix movies instantly, and for free, since a Netflix membership came with our PS3. I’ve been happy as a clam watching several B-level horror flicks over the past ten days or so. Still haven’t used the Playstation for games – nor do I see that happening – but it’s worth it just for the movies. Watched Altered (liked it!), Wild Country (decent story but awful special effects), The Last Winter (good story, oblique ending), Tamara (good, campy fun), and Vampiro (save yourself and avoid it).
Now that I’ve gotten caught up on my inbox and business issues that had been lagging, plus got a little R&R via Netflix, I’m ready to start Cat and Bones #6. The proposal has been approved by my editor and all systems are go. Chapter One, here I come! 🙂
Yay! I can’t wait for C & B #5! Neither can my friend. We love you. We both have all of your books. xD
Oh, god, I sound like a fan girl. Lol.
I’m like crying I’m so exicted!
(Your my fav. author.) ~~~~ <3 ~~~~
Thanks so much, Bailey!
AMEN to that! kat & Bones gave me sleepless nights!!! im so in love with bones that hes so oo in love with kat!!!
cant wait for the nest books!!
first drop of crimson rocks!!!
I’m counting the loooong days until C/B #5! Of course, I get Mencheres on my 29th birthday (July 27th) to tide me over!
I have a Wii, and Netflix, but haven’t hooked up to the instant watch yet. I LOVE me some NetFlix!
Happy early birthday! Hope you like the book. Yes, I’m now a Netflix addict, but don’t worry, that’s just for evenings. The day is still devoted to writing :).
Can’t wait for C&B#5!!! I know it’ll be a great read! Netflix is my bestie, and July can’t get here fast enough for EKOD!!!
Thanks! Waiting to hear what my editor thinks of #5. I agree, Netflix is the best. Love it.
i’m so happy i just hope to get a little more bones and cat i love this story so much i can wait to see what happen next and if you get a chance check my blog
Thanks! You can also see Cat and Bones this year in the Death’s Excellent Vacation anthology. They have a short story in it called One For the Money.
So glad you’re done C&B 5 and THANKS so much for the deleted scenes they were awesome.
If you want some complete, over the top cheesey horror try to get your hands on “Lesbian Vampire Killers” (2009) It’s soooo bad, but hilarious.
Lesbian Vampire Killers – ha. My husband likes the sound of that ;-). I’m a fan of cheesy horror so will have to check it out!
Yaaay.. can’t friggin’ wait till C&B #5 comes out next year.. And I’m glad to here #6 is underway.. 😀
I hope you keep writing lots and lots of C&B books.. trust me, we’ll never be bored!!
Thanks! Number 6 is scheduled to come out sometime next year, too. So two C&B books for 2011 :).
Can’t wait for EKOD or the Cat and Bones short story! Have both on order already, just have to wait for them to arrive and I’m very excited to see the cover of C/B 5 when you can share it with us. I love the covers of your books!
Thank you. I hope you love them both!
Okay, I have some DMV horror stories (“But I have all the paperwork you said I needed last time!” “Well, now we need to see your mortgage.” “I rent!” “That’s a shame, we don’t give driver’s licenses to renters.”) but how the hell do you spend seven and a half hours there?! I think I would have given up and gone for drinks. It’s five o’clock somewhere.
Oh, I *wanted* to leave. I’d left the day before after waiting a while because they told me I didn’t have enough paperwork. But it was a Friday and my license expired that Sunday, so I HAD to wait and get it done.
Netflix on PS3? Hmmmm… I wonder what the DH’s newest gaming system is…
I’m not into games unless it’s castlevania and so far, no new castlevania games are out-to my knowledge-and he’d better NOT hide that info from me.
But netflix? Hmmm. Not I’m studying the gaming system and trying to decide if I can tell what it is and how to finangle it.
Here’s how my hubby sold me on it: “It’s not just for games, honey, it’s also a BluRay player! And we can get instant Netflix movies! You know our DVD player is really old…”
Gotta say, though, I do love it for those things. I know he games on it, too, but it’s worth it alone for the Netflix.
I know it was posted where to read the first chaper of this side of grave book 5; however, I don’t know where to find it to read….
Can somebody help me???
Need a Cat and Bone fix!
Jessica, no, the first chapter of This Side of the Grave isn’t up yet. I posted that the first chapter of Eternal Kiss of Darkness just went up, which is Night Huntress World, book two (Mencheres and Kira). The first chapter of This Side of the Grave is actually at the end of EKOD, though, so when that comes out next month, readers can get an early peek at it :).
Seven hours at the DMV?! Oh gosh, that is terrible. I just renewed my license this week actually. It only took me an hour to renew mine though, which I think making an appointment helped.
I’m excited for EKOD soon! And I’m dying for This Side of the Grave! Once I got the first Cat and Bones book on my kindle, I downloaded all of them right after finishing the first. Love love love them.
About two years ago I discovered ‘DMV appointments’ and (much to my surprise) they actually work! I’m in and out so fast I don’t even have time to get in a bad mood. If you’ve never tried this approach I highly recommend it.
I cant wait for book five!!! Its coming out 3 days before my due date!! So I will have some hospital reading hehehehe
Hello, my name is Paloma, i’m 23 years old, i’m from to argentina. i read your book the Night Huntress 1 (Besos de Sangre), i loved. when I went to the Bookstore for the 2do book, dont have it in spanish .You know if they edit in Spanish soon??
I really want to have it, I read pdf version, translated by fans. In the bookstore I say that is not going to bring.
all who read the book they fell in love immediately.
With love, Paloma.
pd: sorry for my English is really bad.
Wow, you’ve been bizzee, bizzee, bizzee, Jeaniene.
Good to hear you’ve gotten yourself caught up. I haven’t been on the blogs lately because of the same problem. Too much to do and too little time.
Can’t wait for the next installments to come out.
i cant wait for eternal kiss of darkness to come out!
haha let me inro myself, Im Felicia Sontag and im 16 years old and ever since i picked up halfway to the grave ive been addicted, and im also courious if Ian is going to find anyone to love or hes just going to stay the way he is, anyway i just wanted to let you know that you are one of my top authors, so keep up the awesome work and i cant wait to see wat happends to Bones and Cat next!!!!!
ley el primer libro titulado besos de sangre y me gusto cuando va n a salir los otros 2,3 y 4 en espanol.