Slightly stunned that it’s the weekend already. Is 2010 flying by for anyone else, too? This past week, I read through galley pages of Eternal Kiss of Darkness, making small changes that seem imperative to me but few others will probably notice. Then I searched through all my old computer files for the deleted scenes for the previous charity auction. Things that taught me: I have at least a dozen versions of each book on my harddrive, and none of them are in one, organized place. Thought I might not find a scene from At Grave’s End that I’d promised to kick in (and had a weird moment where I wondered if I’d actually written it or only *thought* I had) but eventually I located it. Yay for it being real and me not losing my mind – yet ;-).
Then of course, I had to edit those scenes. They haven’t seen the light of day in years in some cases, so they needed a little shining up. Still probably have some spelling/grammar errors that I’m blind to, but I’ll be mailing them off to the winner today anyway with the hope that she ignores any errors. Oh, and let me say again that those scenes will eventually end up on my fan site in the Deleted Scenes forum, just not for at least 90 days. That’s what I promised the winner in the auction terms, and hey, it was for charity so the wait is for a good cause.
In other rambling, spoke to my editor for the Haunted By Your Touch anthology that I turned in a week ago. She already read my story, loved it, and sent it back for me to do light revisions on it. It’s always a happy relief to get a thumbs up on a story, especially when it’s in a brand new world like this one is. Glad she wasn’t lost with how I built the supernatural system of demons, partial demons, and fallen angels in this novella and that her comments were more “Yay!” instead of “WTF??”, heh.
And since I’m getting things together for a trip to the post office, I thought it would be a good time to have an Instant Winner contest! Been a while since I’ve done one of those, and if you’re new to this, here are the rules. They’re simple.
If you want a signed copy of FIRST DROP OF CRIMSON, Night Huntress World, Book One, shipped to you no matter where in the world you live, be one of the first FIVE people to reply to this post and it’s yours. Any entries after comment #5, sorry, but try again next time because I’ll do more contests in the near future, promise.
Good luck!
Hopefully I will be one of 5
Winner! Email me at frostlight1 AT yahoo DOT com with your mailing address.
Thank you SO much. I just sent you my information. Cat, Bones and Now Spade, are among my top fav series. I can’t tell you how excited I am.
I am completly addicted to your Night Huntress Series and your Night Huntrss World series. I know your new one will be excellent also. I can’t wait to read it.
#2 entry. Winner! Email me at frostlight1 AT yahoo DOT com with your mailing address.
I love your books, can’t wait until the next Cat and Bones 🙂
#3 entry. Winner! Email me at frostlight1 AT yahoo DOT com with your mailing address.
I find waiting for C&B just painful. 11 months is too long. At least EKOD will help. Can’t wait to read the deleted scenes
#4 entry. Winner! Email me at frostlight1 AT yahoo DOT com with your mailing address.
YEA! I can’t wait. Thank you for the quick weekend contest.
I would love to have a signed copy of any of your books!
#5 entry. Winner! Email me at frostlight1 AT yahoo DOT com with your mailing address.
I love your books. Have a copy of FDC so I’m okay w/being #6. Thanks for the great reads.
Will be holding more contests next week so maybe you’ll luck out on one of those :).
I wasnt number 5 but still wanted to say love all your books
Thanks so much, glad you like them! Holding more contests next week so you might win something then :).
I’m late but I hope to be on time next contest cause I Luv your books even if we only have book 1 of Cat&Bones in Spain 😛
Just finished First drop of Crimson. LOVED it! Read it in three nights! Couldn’t put it down! Very excited to pick up your first book in the Night Huntress series and read all about Cat and Bones while waiting for #2 in the World series to release!