It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not just talking about the loss of an hour from Daylight Savings “spring forward” a couple weeks ago – which I still don’t feel acclimated to yet, by the way – but it’s that time for me to announce a blog hiatus. That’s right, the deadline for Cat and Bones #5 looms so I’ll be avoiding (most) of cyberspace to concentrate on finishing the book. I’ll still swing by Frost Fans to check in on things, or maybe post the occasional Tweet (probably saying things like “must make word count!” )but the blogging and internet browsing must cease. I’ll miss all of you, of course, but it’s amazing how much more productive I am if I’m offline, lol.
Quick couple of notes: Thanks so much to the Darrell Awards. AT GRAVE’S END was given an Honorable Mention in the Best Novel category for 2009. Also, thanks so much to PNR for DESTINED FOR AN EARLY GRAVE finishing with an Honorable Mention in the Best Romantic Urban Fantasy category for the 2009 P.E.A.R.L. Awards. Very flattered by both distinctions for my books!
And thanks so much to Maria and Tamara from Last Bite. I did a podcast with them over the weekend which is now available to listen to here:

Spoiler caution for readers who haven’t picked up FIRST DROP OF CRIMSON yet: about 3/4 into the podcast, when I’m asked about my heroine’s being unusual, there’s a hint at the ending of First Drop, so fast forward a little bit over that part if you don’t want to find out before reading. Otherwise, enjoy! Tamara and Maria asked some great questions – and did some great editing, because wow, can I ramble, but thankfully they managed to make me sound almost coherent ;-).
So, until I get back to post my favorite words of “I’m Done!” I’ll see you all later. Try to play nice with each other until I get back :).
We love you Jeaniene! Have fun with the process and we’ll be eagerly awaiting your return and your finished product!:)
Sending my muse your way! (don’t feed her or she will never go away)
have at it! There are MANY of us out here cheering you on!
We’ll miss you, but for the love of having book #5, we’ll wait for any word or update from you. We love you!!!
I am so obsessed with the Night Huntress series. I can’t wait until the 5th one comes out. I already have the date marked on my calender.
Glad you’re still going to tweet occasionally– the one about being so tired if you wrote the sex scene it would be “boink boink splat” almost made me fall off my chair. So funny 🙂 I’m a HUGE fan of your books and love everything you write. Good luck with book 5– whoo hooo!
Okay my button in your blog roll is freikang you can size that mofo down. I won’t mind. And thanks for adding it. BDB brothers have some odd names. and well I am drawing a I will think of some later.
Wishing you luck on that word count! I’m doing Script Frenzy (NaNoWriMo’s sister event) so I know how it feels. Good luck and have fun! 😀
Okay, just throwing this out there… I loved the first book, but the seoncd one not so much.I actually had to go and look up chapter 32 to recall what was so scandalous.I do plan to read the third in the series as I do like Cat and Bones very much. But it wont be until my TBR pile is at least 1/3 of the size it is now.Chazz
Do your magic Jeaniene!! Can’t wait to see what you come up with. 🙂