For the past two weeks, blogging/Tweeting/etc has been scarce while I’ve been busy finishing a novella. Coincidentally, in the past few days I’ve gotten questions from people asking, “what is this?” Well, this is the link that just went up for the story I’ve been working on. It’s an anthology called HAUNTED BY YOUR TOUCH and authors in it are me, Shayla Black, and Sharie Kohler.
Some specifics: this story is not related to the Night Huntress universe, so there’s not a vampire to be found. Instead, it’s a completely new paranormal world featuring fallen angels, demons, and partial demons – three supernatural societies that don’t necessarily get along with each other ;). Again, don’t expect any similarities to the demons in my NH books because none of those rules will apply. It was great to write this story because I’ve had this alternate paranormal world in the back of my mind for a few years now.
Anyway, I finished the novella yesterday and emailed it off, which doesn’t mean it’s done done since there will still be editorial revisions, but I’m done for now. That’s good enough for me to do the “I’m done!” celebration, which for me consists of going out to dinner with hubby and then planting my ass on the couch. I get serious couch lust when I’m on deadline because that’s the zone I’m not allowed to enter, lol. The couch is where I can relax, watch TV, and read, things I’m not allowed to do while in deadline crunch. So this weekend, I’ll be on the couch, reading galleys of ETERNAL KISS OF DARKNESS and checking for any last-minute corrections. And on Monday, I’ll start back on writing Cat and Bones #5.
To head off any cries of “You stopped writing C&B5 to work on a new novella? Blasphemy!!!!” let me explain. Writing the novella meant absolutely no delay in the release of Cat and Bones 5. I’ve been informed that the release date for Cat and Bones’s fifth book (still untitled as of now, but it’ll have the word “grave” in it) is February 22nd, 2011. I asked if the the date could be earlier, but my publisher has a lot of books to release and this is what they had available. When I was told the date, I switched from working on C&B5 to the novella because that anthology comes out this year, so the deadline for turning it in was much sooner, obviously. I expect to be finished with C&B5 the end of this month or beginning of April, and then I’m starting on C&B6 right afterward (no idea when that release date is, but I’m told they’re planning for later 2011).
So, here’s my remaining release schedule for 2010:
July 27th ETERNAL KISS OF DARKNESS, Night Huntress World, book two (Mencheres and Kira)
August 3rd DEATH’S EXCELLENT VACATION, anthology (Cat and Bones short story, set after the events of Destined for an Early Grave)
October 26th HAUNTED BY YOUR TOUCH, anthology (new world of fallen angels, demons, and partial demons)
And again, Cat and Bones, book five (title to be determined) comes out February 22nd, 2011.
Now, I’m off to read galleys, try to catch up on emails, and otherwise reclaim the couch. Come Monday, it’s back to Cat and Bones and all the supernatural mayhem they’re dealing with :).
Honestly, as much as I love Cat & Bones (and I do LOVE them and their crazy, hot, whacked out world), I’m excited to see absolutely ANYTHING with your words in it. I’m adding all the new dates to my book club’s calendar, and we’ll be happily spreading the word like wildfire 🙂 Enjoy your couch days, my dear 🙂
Yay J! Congrats on finishing the novella (which sounds super cool!) and enjoy your couch time!
OMG! Can’t wait to read the novella, sounds exciting. Really don’t want to wait until Feburary to get my Cat and Bones fix but what can you do! Jeaniene, you are an amazing writer. My friend and I LOVE all your books!!!
I am a big fan of the library that’s how I do most of my reading I just can’t afford to buy all the books I read. That being said I own all of your books, after all a girl does have to own the ones she KNOWS she wil read over and over again!Keep doing what you do, your work is FANTASTIC!
I love both the Cat & Bones books as well as First Drop of Crimson. I cannot wait to read Eternal Kiss of Darkness. I also have added all the release dates above to my calendar and will be anxiously awaiting for those days to come.
Are there any more Night Huntress World books in the future? I would love to see Vlad and Ian. I think they would both make great stories.
I second Vlad! He had such a hard time as the impaler…he deserves some love!
I completely agree! Would love to see Vlad and Ian in their own books. I have read all 4 Cat and Bones books and First Drop of Crimson and am in withdrawl! It seems no other author is measuring up at the moment! 🙂
Planning on more Night Huntress World books, but nothing definite yet. Hopefully will have good news about more in the near future!
Thank you for the updates. I can sit tight and await C&B 5 w/o complaint. It’s not like you’re leaving us high and dry. We get three more stories this year :).
Thanks for posting the release schedule. I can’t wait to read Eternal Kiss of Darkness. I recently discovered your Night Huntress and Night Huntress World Series. And I think they are fantastic. Excited to see the next adventure Cat & Bones will be taking.
OMG cant wait till feb 2011 but I was thinking it would be so cool to have a few Bones POV before then just to keep us excited (like we need more of that!)haha 🙂
Thank you so much for the release dates. I can’t wait to read your new books! I fell in love with FDOC and Spade is amazing! I hope you do more books about him and Denise. Would love to see books with Vlad and Ian as well. I have to say I like Ian after FDOC. He was so funny! :0) Enjoy your couch time! It is well deserved. Thank you for all of your hard work you do for all of your readers!
i second the idea for books with Vlad and well as Tate! He needs a book of his maybe even Juan and Anette…haha..needless to say, anyone you want to write about…I want to read about!
I second the motion for a Tate book. i find him intriguing. he alwayed hated Bones but yet when they brought back Dave as a ghoul he let Bones have a drink from his neck. pretty impressive gesture i thought. there is far more to him than what we know. Bones knows how Tate feels for Cat, but yet Bones trusts Tate with Cats life when they are fighting etc because he knows that Tate loves her to much to let anything happen to her. No too sure about Annette…..but i do agree that id would read any book you wrote about any of the characters.
Ohhhh, sounds great! I can get into some demon/angel action, as long as you don’t mind me rooting for the demons 😉
I’ll second (third? fourth?) the “I love Cat and Bones, but love your style more!” comment. You can count me in for anything, and I do mean anything!
… is it just me, or does that sound dirty outloud?
Anywho, I look forward to your releases! I mean, book releashes, not… I need to stop now.
Can’t wait til July! And the thoughts of you and Shayla, conspiring together, well hell, my windows just fogged up at the sheer thought.
Keep up the great work!
Oh, man, I’m going to die of jealousy… Shayla gets to be in anthology with you? Dying.
Um. is it July yet, btw?
well how many books are there going to be to the cat&bonnes series???
At least seven in total. Four are out now with three more on the way.
With all the fans of the Cat & Bones loving the series, how can you possibly end it. Love the books
Thanks for all the enthusiasm, everyone! Those good vibes help when I’m writing :).
Grade A stuff. I’m unquestinoalby in your debt.
AeInf1 kxhlrkuokeak
Ok..I am so excited to know what you have coming up..and I am really excited about the Cat and Bones short story..I am in desperate need of a Bones am so in love with him..I cant wait to read Mencheres book as well..I know it will be wonderful..but Feburary 2011 cant get here fast enough for for being such a fantabulous writer..I cant get enough of your work!
Will this short novella be the start of a new series?
Wow, I’m really excited about the releases. Your novella sounds fascinating, so I’ll be sure to check it out. And 2011 for your next Night Huntress Book of Bones and Cat?! REALLY?!! That’s a downer, oh well, it builds suspense I guess, anymore and I’ll go bonkers. Hope you have some nice down time, being a hero around the clock for us paranormal fans can be quite a handful.
Rocking on the edge here, awaiting the book on Mencheres. It’s bound to be an action-packed adventure.
Now, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but do you have any plans to write a novel/novella for Vlad “Drac”? I find myself quite intrigued by him, and craving more.
Thanks for all you do, I wish the best to you and your family.
Just the fact that there are going to be more Cat and Bones book is more than enough to make me happy- although I will admit to being slightly crestfallen that I’ll have to wait for them so long. I’ll be sure to read them in english, ’cause I don’t think I’ll be able to wait until they get out the german translation…
Still, I’m sure I’ll have fun re-reading the books you’ve written so far (did the same while waiting for the final HP). I’d like to ask, though, if it isn’t too impertinent of me, if there will be any more spin-off novel of the Night Huntress series? About Ian, Timothy, Vlad or someone else?
In any case, I’d like to thank you for inventing all those wonderful characters and stories. They’re so much fun!
Am not a big fan of deadlines myself! hey but cant help myself from saying… me missing C&B verrrry much! As for the Vlad and Ian books… umm lets see… am not sure i would want a book on Vlad. Cos the best thing about Vlad is that he is mysterious and a puzzle of his own (one of a) kind! It would be nice to keep guessing on him than to have his past/present disclosed! you know what i mean!!! Anyways Ian’s book would be a good idea ;-D! Oh do enjoy your days on the couch, am missing mine now!! Regards to gypsy.
I love all the Night Huntress books, I read First drop of crimson within a day of getting it. As much as i luv Cat & Bones I would also love to see a Vlad book, I fell crazy in luv with him from the first time he came into the books and it just got worse as he cared for Cat in destined for an early grave. He also has a wicked sense of humor I luv it when he takes the piss out of bones.
i am awaiting FDOC, i love your books and was very sad to hear that book 5 is coming out feb next year, but happy now that there is a cat and bones short story coming out this year. looking forward to book5 and book6 next year. YOUR ROCK!!!
i am with Cherie, i would love a Vlad book, there is more to him than what you have given us. im sure he has a connection to Cat. or is that just how im reading into things. perhaps. but i love Vlad, just as much as i love Bones, but in an entirely different way.
I loved reading your Night Huntress series, loved reading Crimson Blood, am sure I will enjoy Eternal Kiss of Darkness. I was wondering who the next character you write about will be, I hope it is Ian, who seems to be a bit of a bad boy and for some reason a match between him and Kat’s mother would be interesting.
Love the C&B books, can’t wait for the next one!! I only wish it was sooner then Feb. of next year :<. I have read the first 4 twice now and am officially addicted! But, I also know you have other writings out there I can read! I hope you keep writing about Cat and Bones, though, they are two of my favorite characters and I can't get enough! And, I too would love to see books on the other characters for the C&B series including Vlad. I also read the the First Drop of Crimson with Spade and Denise and I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it! I love your writings and will continue to read anything you write solo or with others! Keep up the great work, and thanks for keeping it all interesting!!!
What a happy birthday it will be for me! With Eternal Kiss of Darness coming out prior to my birthday, and Death’s Excellent Vacation coming out the day of… I will be one happy birthday girl. Thanks Jeaniene!
Can not wait for book #5. I bought First Drop about 2 weeks ago and since reading it I had to go to every bookstore in town to get the first 4 on Cat and Bones. They are just amazing! Wish I could help you with the title, but all of your titles have a spot in each of your books so that would be hard lol! Either way, I am so happy that your imagination and amzing down-to-earth writing is here for us to devour! Hope you have a good time at the OH convention!
i have to say that i loved this first drop of crimson, bought it a couple of days ago and i devoured as fast as i could read
anyway i have to say that spade is kinda scary because he’s even more sly than bones (shower scene) at least bones was all on the open about his intentions (dunno why but spade reminds me of a black panther/jaguar), but i like him anyway, i was surprised and i loved every second of his not so expected behavior; i have to say tough that he’s my second favorite character, the first being vlad, i also hope that you’ll make a book of your own vlad tepesh because i’m sick of him being pictured in bram stoker’s style, this vlad is fresh and new, i’d love to read more of him in your books (also i am damn proud of him being one of my ancestors historically speaking at least)
also i can’t wait to get my hands on mencheres’s book and right now i’m thinking ooh this is goin’ to be fun…big bad mega-master vamp is ‘cornered’ by a woman theheheh, but seriously now, i’d love to see his sorry little ass happy for once because just like vlad this one seems to have one 2 many scars and just as denise said nobody deserves to be eternally punished for one mistake, and somehow these 2 are, at least that’s what i think from the glimpses you’ve given us during the series
so i’m not so patiently await your new books, thanks for your great work 🙂
How many times can i reread something before its called obssesive? I love love love your books. If only we all had a man like Bones (sigh) I like that the book releases are spaced out tho because I always get thru a new one in 1 day then my anticipation grows while awaiting the next one. (my husband knows not to mess with me on new book day!) Please dont ever stop writing because you are now one of my favorite authors 🙂
I feel almost like I’m being unfaithful to a couple of other favorite authors, but I have to say that ever since I read the first Night Huntress book, you have gone to the top of my favorite author list. I just can’t stop thinking about Bones and what a great character he is–so sexy and obsessed with Cat–and his sense of humor just slays me. Can’t wait until book 5 comes out!
I absolutely love your books! Good paranormal romance series are scarce; you have just the right amount of fantasy, sex, violence, and mystery to keep me interested. Thank you for your books, and please keep them coming!
Just feel the need to say that though I LOVE Cat and Bones, I will always read whatever you write. You rock. Good move on staying off the couch. When I take my laptop over to my favorite comfy chair in the living room, nothing gets done!
Wasn’t there supposed to be a Cat & Bones “short” coming out next week? I remember a blog entry she made about the upcoming schedule of releases. Hmmmmm? Haven’t seen nor heard another word about it.
I can’t wait for you to do Ian’s story. Hmmmm You killed off Cat’s Mom’s Beau…and Ian has been eyeing her (pardon the pun) Pairing in the mix mayhaps? I think they would make a good match strangely enough. But if not I know you’ll find Ian someone equally awesome! Anyone have any thoughts?
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