I finally have permission to post the cover for ETERNAL KISS OF DARKNESS, releasing July 27th, 2010. Since I first saw the cover a couple months ago, I’ve been itching to show it off. I’m very happy with how it turned out. Some of my favorite things are the green in Mencheres’s eyes and how his hand is curled around Kira’s. Also what the .jpg doesn’t show, but you’ll see once the book is out, is that the entire cover has a sheen on the front, so in the light, it flashes a faint, hazy silver. SO pretty! The stepback is still being tweaked. I’ll post that once it’s ready.
Since everyone always asks, no, these models aren’t exactly how I picture Mencheres and Kira. In my head the best representation I could give would be Oded Fehr for Mencheres (but with longer hair than in that photo) and Milla Jovovich for Kira. But oddly enough, those two weren’t available to pose for the cover, lol. So I think my art director did a great job with finding replacements :D.
cant wait. awesome!!!!!!!!!
Great cover. I luv it
Wholley mother of Goddess! Those eyes really are intense! Oh my! Lovely cover! Can’t wait!
But I have learned a very important lessons about your books…Do not start them late in the day or I will be up until 4am…that happened with “First Drop of Crimson”!!!
Thank you for sharing this with us!
Love the cover! Thanks for posting! I do like the green in the eyes too…
Good Job! This book comes out on my birthday, can’t wait.
Nice cover! i love the eyes.. 😀
I LOVE IT! This is definitely one of my favourite covers for your books although I agree, it’s not quite how I pictured the characters! Pretty though, can’t wait to get it 🙂
It just needs to come out sooner than July. I hate waiting.
WoW!!! Mencheres looks hotter than expected, hehe (“,). I can’t wait for this novel to be released, I absolutely love your work, Ms. Frost! *hugs*
I love it…I can’t wait for this story…but truth be told I can’t wait for anything you are working on.
Wow – really nice cover. I like!
I must say, tho, that as hawt as Oded Fehr is, the picture I had in my mind was surprisingly close to how you have Mencheres portrayed on this cover, but with much longer hair. 😉 I’m a total sucker for green eyes and love how they subtly stand out against the blue.
I’ve recently fell in love with the NH/NHW series, and am waiting most impatiently for July! Congrats on all the well deserved success, and don’t you dare quit writing anytime soon! lol
Your ever-faithful fan…
Love the cover!! I can not wait to get my hands on it!!
I love it. You’re right about the hands – very loving.
Awesome cover!! Y’all did a great job 🙂
Love, love, love the cover! I’m a big fan of Oded Fehr – good choice 🙂
Absolutely can not wait for this to come out!
OMG I can’t wait until the book comes out. Love the cover. I have imagined Oded Fehr as quite a few characters from various books I have read.
love the GREEN eyes. AMAZING! i love the cover. all your covers always come out amazing. 😀
If you really could have gotten those 2 actors as cover models it would have been awesome, since we all have to now settle for actual cover models these 2 are not bad Jeaniene.. Thanks for sharing, now to wait for time to pass until release!
Ooh look at those eyes…
Awesome! Love the cover and can not wait to read it. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Want. I WANT this book. Sigh.
I love the color contrast between the pink text against the blue hue of the photo. My favorite has to be the hands. Also, for those who have not seen, Jeaniene posted a little snippet of EKOD on her site: http://www.frostfans.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=887
ok I just read the snippet…Holy Crow!! Now I am really freaking out waiting for this book..OMG…Hurry July! lol
Love the cover – awesome even without Oded! I am so excited about the book!…I love all your books and have to frequently re-read them all!
OMG im exiting chick is hot!
Wow! =D
Look great! I CANNOT wait!
Looks great! I CANNOT wait!
VERY exciting!!!
Hot..I cant’ wait.
I love the cover. Can’t wait for the book 😀
Once i found you as an author i loved your books ever since. Me and my best friend continue to enjoy the books you write. I cant wait for this one to come out. You’ve even inspired me and my best friend named Paije to write a series-and were are almost completed with the first book within the series. My book is called Stuck within the den of shadows and i still am contemplating on the series title. If you have any words of advice or help please fill free to contact me at Loveyloooo@aim.com
OMG what a great cover,i cant wait!!I WANT THIS BOOK…LIKE….NOOOWWWWWW!!!!
I have to agree, the eyes are amazing. They jumped out at me right away. Love this cover.
Ah, Oded Fehr, how I love thee. There needs to be more Middle Eastern Vampires….*le sigh*
Love it. I can’t wait to read the book.
OMG..the wait is killing me..I can only reread the other books so many times before I freak out..lol..I love the cover..Mencheres is smokin! Cant wait to read his book!
Oh My!!! Absolutely Delicious! Yikes! I so can’t wait for this book to come out! Yum!
when are u gonna make another book about spade and denise?
AWESOME can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love the Spade/Denise book — simply awesome. Please, please, write more 🙂
Love love this cover!!! The covers for your new series have really ROCKED!
love the love story of spade and denise…..read it twice and maybe will again!! wish there was more to their story…..will definitely be buying your mencheres story….
*Drool* Nice. xD
I just clued in to you books with Cat and Bones, I must say they are great. I can’t wait to get my hands on more of them. I will be looking for more of your books in the future. The cover of this new book is great, can’t wait to read more.
your newest fan.
hey!!!love all the books!!! i need to know if there will be more books about denise and spade, and ive heard that the new cat and bones book will be the last, please say this isnt true!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Denise and Spade will still be side characters in future books, but will not be in another full-length novel.
THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE is NOT the last Cat and Bones book. Wherever you heard that, it’s wrong. There are at least two more books after that.
Take care!
My sister recommended the Night Huntress & Night Huntress World books to me (have read all 6 now) and I have enjoyed each and every one of them immensely. I’m hoping Bones and Cat have a smoother relationship from now on because it sure upsets me when they get into it. I was depressed for a day after reading book 4 and that was even after I finished it. Can’t wait for the next one, though and wish there were more to read right now.
Hi: Jeaniene
I just love your books, I got my daughters and their friends reading them, we can’t wait for the others.
Is the vampire that Bones created “Tate” one of the men from Cats Crew be in any of the other issue’s.
I just loved the last 2 book covers, really hot, who were the models used.
Take Care
oh yes! I would so love to have Tate in one of the Night Huntress World books!
K.C.@VFG OMG you must read Cat and Bones books aka One Foot in the Grave, At Grave End, etc. There are 4 books and Bones is hands down one of the sexiest heros I’ve read in a book sereis. @Janna I’m sorry I forgetizes you.
I must have got a defective book cover or something because this looks sooo much better on this version (above). Makes me wish there was a way to unsend emails…