I’m happy to say that my bronchitis finally seems to be clearing up. No more sleepless nights spent coughing away, to my relief. As per the usual course of fate, this cold struck me at a bad time, deadline-wise. I have a short story due Monday, and the days I spent sick instead of writing means I now have a busy weekend ahead of me. If you sent me an email through my inbox/blogs and haven’t gotten a response, my apologies and I’m hoping to be caught up by later next week.
In other news, FIRST DROP OF CRIMSON is still holding strong in its second week. Current rankings are #10 on the New York Times, # 53 on the USA Today, and # 11 on the Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. Thanks so much, readers! Your support of Spade and Denise’s story has been awesome.
Speaking of Spade and Denise’s story, my fan site is holding a discussion about the book on the evening of the 28th. Link is here if you want to join in the chat: http://www.frostfans.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=815
Answers to a new interview I did about FIRST DROP, Cat and Bones, Mencheres, and more will be interspersed during the chat, so should be a fun time. I’ll try to pop in as well, word count productivity allowing :).
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I just loved the book. I have not read any of your other books, but after reading First Drop Of Crimson am going to start reading the Cat Series. I can’t wait for you to write about the others that are in the series. Maybe by then I will be caught up…lol
Mencheres. Groan. Am not impatiently waiting for HIS story.
And um… gee… does Tate get one? Vlad? :o)
I know this sounds so cliche’, but I LOVED First Drop Of Crimson just as I do the Night Huntress Series. Cat and Bones frikkin’ rock, but Spade in this book… Merrrooooorrrooow! 🙂
I think my favorite quote by Spade is, “No”. Lol.
You have become one of my favorite authors. You’ve got me hooked, and I will keep coming back for more as long as you keep the yummies coming. 🙂
OH! And the gritty stuff, too. Gotta love that as well!
I know Ian is the “bad” guy persay but I just enjoy his humor! Especially after reading FDOC!! I am looking forward to a story about him and maybe he will find “a unique different kind of girl” kinda like Cat and Denise! They are both unique. I think Ian needs to find someone who will keep him on his toes and drive him crazy…he needs that in someone. Just a “HOPE” hehe.
The books are so good.
I want to read more.
I can’t wait till the NH World book 2 comes out. I have all your books and wasw wondering if you are going to do a book on Ian at all? Oh yes and I can’t wait till Cat and Bones #5 comes out!
I can’t wait till the NH World book 2 comes out. I have all your books and was wondering if you are going to do a book on Ian at all? Oh yes and I can’t wait till Cat and Bones #5 comes out!