Here’s a snapshot of what I’ve been up to this past week.
Dame for a Day over at the Deadline Dames, blogging about e-piracy; what is is, and why it hurts more than just authors/publishers:
Interview over at All Things Urban Fantasy, chatting about book covers, who I picture as Spade, and inspiration for character names:
Interview at Bloody Bookaholic, talking about influences, the supernatural, Bones, and Bruce Campbell’s eyebrows:
And I have interviews/guest blogs coming up on The Book Pushers, SciFiGuy, Naughty Editions, The Book Lovers, and Borders True Romance. Will post links once they’re live, because some of them have book giveaways included.
Not posting another snippet from FIRST DROP OF CRIMSON today, but I leave you with something else; a collection of quotes from the book. Over at my fansite forum, readers who’d won early copies of the book have pulled out random quotes or sentences and posted them over the past month, deliberately leaving off who said what or why. Seeing which quotes/sentences were chosen made me laugh, and seeing readers making guesses as to which character was speaking/the context of the sentences cracked me up even more. So here’s the current list of random quotes & sentences from FIRST DROP OF CRIMSON. Have fun seeing if you can guess which characters said what — and maybe even why ;-).
I threw some soap, that’s all.
And angels fly out of my arse when I fart.
She appeared in the bedroom doorway, blood still staining her neck, her face even paler than his normally was.
Touch me again and I’ll kill you.
You haven’t come to your senses – you’ve lost them entirely, which is why I’m going to ignore everything you just said.
I want you to think of something small, something harmless.
Congratulations, you’re officially a Peeping Tom.
Blue bedchamber, purple drapes, bloody what were you thinking with all those peacock feathers everywhere?
He’d never seen such a thing before, not in all his centuries. Then the panicked, horrified expression on her face snapped him into action.
Very good. Are you someone’s property?
Lucifer’s bouncing balls, that’s why you’re acting like a nutter!
If you think I can strap on a parachute and go skydiving, you’re crazy.
Now there’s a subject I like to talk about.
Aren’t you the pep talker?
Black boots with crisscrossing chains adorned his legs, the same color as the leather pants that dipped low on his hips. And aside from the studded slave collar ….around his neck and the studs pierced through his nipples, that was all he had on.
Don’t you want to torture me when I’ll be able to heal over and over?
Villains of the world, beware!
When you put it like that . . . you sound like a sicko.
He didn’t like being threatened; it was clear from the fury that crossed over his expression. But just as quickly, his face smoothed into another smile.
“Are you certain? This will hurt.” / She braced herself even as she met his gaze. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
But then again, when Cat finds out, I hope she sticks something silver in you where the sun doesn’t shine!
I never tease.
So with all the affection I have for you, Crispin, I say again, this doesn’t concern you.
I’m allergic to cats.
Get some tuna and a bowl of cream.
You can always watch . . . again.
I’m a crazy human female, you know I’ll do it.
That was going in the opposite direction than she’d intended. Okay, one shallow, uninteresting female, coming up.
Maybe tonight will be our lucky night.
He was handsome even with his normal guarded expression, but when he smiled, he was breathtaking.
Nonsense. That’s just how vampires are. If you want something, it has a price, but then it comes back ’round again.
Look what happened the first night Rachel and Ross were “on a break”.
A sliver of crimson clung to the blade even as the wound closed.
We’ll have to test you before we begin the tattoos.
Wow, you’re good.
That’s not my tale to tell, poppet.
You look like a Dracula porn movie reject.
Isn’t there anything alive around here?
I’ve heard of altered blood being sold on the black market to young, stupid vampires seeking a thrill, but I didn’t realize . . .
Second floor, third door on your left. Springy mattress, too.
Right. Becuase with your world, death is the only choice. No other option exists.
I absolutely never needed to know that *censured for spoilers!* was pierced down there.
Trust me on this.
Why don’t you swim around until you find a shark? Then you can discuss how much the two of you
have in common.
I’m not just your best option; I’m your only option.
It’s my secret shame.
Bloody hell, Charles, what’s gotten into you? I didn’t believe Ian when he said that you were acting barmy, but now you’ve more than proved him correct.
Where do you put it?
I have a plan for that as a well.
Where’d that bloody statue come from? Er, imitation anyway. I know the scientific names of beings animalculous….
Ask me later, when I’m less overwhelmed.
Whatever happened to Timothy? I don’t think that I ever saw him around Bones or Cat.
Not in a million years.
You look like a Dracula porn movie reject. Ok I really want this book!! Too funny and that picture of Spade, nice way to start my Monday. Oh yes he will do.
more teasing its not fair,iam still waiting for it to arrive in the post!!
some great one liners,the banter and chemistry sounds like fun
I am a huge fan of the Night Huntress series and I can’t wait to read this book as well. Thanks for the great books, I love the humor in them….. I love the romace between Cat and Bones, the best I have read yet?
Can’t wait unit the next Cat & Bones book comes out!
Oh my goodness! I’m so psyched for First Drop of Crimson. I get to pick up my order first thing tomorrow morning. <3
Love these one-liners, completely personalized for each character, but easily distinguished as to whom they belong. Well Done, as always.
Keep writing, I can't consume these novels fast enough!
Ughhh,I cant wait for tomorrow!!! I am SO excited!
The quotes are great! Just finished the book. I should be packing for a trip but could not put down the book. And I am sure I will using many of the memorable lines in the book.
I tuhoght finding this would be so arduous but it’s a breeze!
Just bought the book and have only read a few chapters. Love it so-o far!!
Just picked up my copy today – cant wait to break it out after the kids are in bed. Nothing better than a good book, a fire in the fireplace,and snow falling outside. thanks Ms Frost!
Thank you for the snippets and the quotes! I am very excited to read the book. I just drove in a snowstorm to buy it!!
Ian is such a riot. Will he be the next book? I hope so. Seeing him fall for a woman will be poetic justice.
Wow, just finished the book! It’s fantastic.
Thanks so much, Jeaniene! What a satisfying read. Love it!
I just finished it. I’m very glad friends introduced me to your series. It’s become my favorite series. First Drop of Crimson was great. And, Sharon is right, Ian getting a woman – a very, very stubborn woman – would be great. Someone that drives him absolutely batty. =)
I always figured the author would end up pairing up Justina and Ian, but who knows…
Finished First Drop last night (WAAAAY too late, but worth it). Highly enjoyable. Have to admit, having re-read the 4 books in the Night Huntress series to “prep” for it, I prefer the character of Denise to Cat. Maybe because we get to skip over all the awkward stuff of the first few books as Cat goes from maladjusted overgrown kid to woman…
I will be rereading the first four books, again, before I read FDOC. I want to have the details fresh in my mind. Also, I’m purposely putting off reading it because it’s a looong time ’til July for the next one! I want to make it last.
But, when do we get the next Cat & Bones!
Jeaniene, you’re a goddess (Even though I didn’t win an advance reading copy)!! May the chocolate gods reward you eternally.
Hi Jeaniene. I see a visit to the local B&N in the very near future. Been waiting for this one to come out. Thanx for the heads up.
Love, Love ,Love this book!
Just finished it, and could not put it down until I did.Great job ,extremly funny and worth my money.Spade was a great leading man strong and sexy.I loved that some of the other people from the series was in this book as well.Thank you.Can not wait until July 27th
Can you provide more information on this? This is what i am studying at the moment. Thanks.
Great site! I love tattoos and have a few myself.