As you can see, my website has a new look, courtesy of the amazing Ilona Andrews who spent her weekend converting me to WordPress. Now I can do my own updates, news, post book covers, etc. I’m so excited! It takes me about the same amount of time to do the updates myself as it did to compile everything in a message and send it to a web designer, then wait for the updates. Plus now, I can post blogs directly to my website as well. So, I’m a happy camper :).
Please let me know if there are any kinks (pages not loading, etc) so I can fix them. We’re still in the early process of ironing all the bugs out.
Wow… Ilona does wordpress? Awesome.
I do my own site, but I’m waiting for my graphics lady who’s doing up a template so I can combine my site with my blog, which will be so much easier, especially when it comes time to redesign… shudder.
It looks awesome. :o)
Love the new look! I was looking for your book recommendations though. I found Rachel Vincent’s books on your old site and now I’m in need of something else to read while I wait for Denise and Spade’s book! LOL.
Love the site though. The green is great.
Just started HTTG last night and went looking for your website this morning . I am just a few chapters in, but I love the chemistry between Cat and Bones and I like your writing style. Your words flow well and I can picture everything in my mind. Cat is right up there with Anita Blake, Rachel Morgan, Maggie O’Neill and Pepper Martin! Looking forward to reading all your stories.
Jeaniene, I’m impressed. The site looks amazing. Well done!
The new site looks great!!!
I bow to your superior web master skills! As someone who can barely figure out email, I am most impressed!! The site looks beautiful, I hope you are so very proud of it! Can’t wait for 2-09-10! I really enjoyed the trailer for First Drop of Crimson. Best wishes!
LOVE THE SITE!!! awesome job….I will be introducing your books to a co-worker soon, i can’t wait, this will be co-worker #3!! we can not wait for spade’s book!!!
I think the ”read more” button is a mistake! Who wouldn’t want to read all your posts entirely? =)
Looking forward to the new book! Too bad I can’t share it with any friends as they all speak italian. =(
Love it! Truly it is beautiful. But I have to say that I am in favor of anything that makes your job easier to post updates and allows more time for writing Cat & Bones!
Jeaniene: You are right, Ilona did a terrific job. It’s great that you are able to have more hands-on control of your site. I especially love the new graphics at the top. The full moon highlighting the gravestones! How very JF!!