I’ve been sitting on this for a little while, but with the announcement out in Publishers Weekly and PubLunch, I can finally let it spill. Here is the news, copied from the Publishers Marketplace Deals page:
“Jeaniene Frost’s REALMWALKER, in which a young woman discovers she’s the last member of an ancient line with an unwanted destiny; and that her only ally, a mysterious young man is destined to betray her… and doom the world, to Tara Parsons at Harlequin, with Margo Lipschultz editing, in a major deal, in a three-book deal, by Nancy Yost at Nancy Yost Literary Agency.”
Please excuse me while I let out a loud Squee!!!!!!! Aren’t you glad I wrote this in a post instead of doing a video blog? ;-).
Now, some backstory. In 2007, I was ahead of my deadlines so I started writing a story I considered an older YA because neither the hero nor the heroine were in high school, yet they weren’t full adults, either. The idea came to me after a very vivid dream that gave me pieces of characters/a world I wanted to know more about (as regular blog readers know, that’s how the Night Huntress series was born). After I’d written about 15K words, I had to put it aside to work on more Cat and Bones books, but I never forgot about it. About a year later, I had my agent shop the partial manuscript to see if we had any takers. Here is a paraphrase of the rejections we received: “It’s great, but it reads older than most YA’s, plus the world is darker and more complex than what’s currently popular. If Jeaniene wants to rewrite it to make the characters still in high school and lighten the worldbuilding, we’d love to take another look at it.”
In other words, redo everything or shelve it. I shelved it because if I’m not emotionally attached to a story, then I’m not going to spend the time and effort to turn it into a book. Yet even knowing that it may never be published, I kept thinking about it.
Fast forward over four years. I wrote several more Night Huntress books, the two Night Huntress World spinoffs, the new Night Prince series, and a handful of short stories and novellas, yet I still kept thinking about Realmwalker. In fact, in my mind I expanded the world, added new subplots, and layered the characters to give them more depth. Something else happened, too. The Hunger Games hit it big, as did other YA’s that skewed older and featured protagonists outside of a high school setting, and some self-published authors gained popularity writing in a subgenre people started calling New Adult. A few weeks ago, my agent received a call from Harlequin (HQN) asking if I had any ideas for an upper YA/New Adult series because they were interested in expanding their line in that direction.
*grin* Why yes, I did.
A few days later, I spent over an hour on the phone with Tara and Margo telling them everything about Realmwalker’s plot, the world, and most importantly, the characters since characters are always the driving force behind a story for me. Since I’d had this simmering in my mind for almost five years, all of the details probably came out as a gushing, semi-coherent babble, but to my delight, they said they loved the idea. After my agent worked out the details on deadlines and other business-related issues, I formally accepted HQN’s offer. Now I finally get to write the story that I first dreamed up back in 2007. To say that I’m thrilled is an understatement.
I’m going to assume some of you have questions, so let me attempt to answer them.
Does this mean I’ll have to wait longer for the next Cat and Bones/Vlad and Leila book?
No. My deadlines with Avon remain the same, so all it means is that I’ll have less time to relax on my couch :).
Why are you starting a new series when you haven’t even finished the other two yet?
By the time the first Realmwalker (title subject to change, of course) novel comes out, the second-to-last Cat and Bones book will already be on the shelves and their last novel will be written and turned in. Likewise, the last Vlad and Leila book will probably be out or soon-to-be released. So although I agreed to this new contract now, HQN is well aware of my current commitments and they have scheduled my deadlines accordingly.
But I don’t want to read a story set in a new world. I want more Cat and Bones/Vlad and Leila/another vampire character’s book next!
I take this as a compliment, but each book has brought Cat and Bones closer to their well-earned conclusion and their series will end as planned. Vlad and Leila’s story will be finished at book three, and as far as another vampire character, I write the stories that are the “loudest” in my head, so we’ll see which vampire comes out on top *wink*. Because I’ve had Realmwalker in my head for a long, long time, I’m so excited by the chance to finally share it with others and to delve into it deeper myself. This doesn’t mean that I’m finished writing vampire novels, but in the meantime, I’ll be exploring this new world and I hope readers will take the journey with me.
So if there are no vampires in Realmalker, is it still a paranormal?
Other supernatural beings exist alongside humans in Realmwalker, so it’s still a paranormal. Much like with my vampire novels, however, most humans don’t know about the other species until things start to go haywire.
Okay, so what are these other supernatural beings?
I’m not saying yet :).
Is it going to be a romance?
There will be a romance, but there won’t be a HEA (happily ever after) in the first book. As with Cat and Bones and Vlad and Leila, my characters will have a lot of obstacles to overcome first.
When will the first Realmwalker novel come out?
We don’t have a firm date yet, but we’re planning for fall 2014.
How often will you publish them?
This is also still in the planning stages, but we’re hoping for at least one book a year.
I hope that answers some general questions. I’m out of town for my 20th anniversary (Happy Anniversary, honey!), so if you have more questions, please ask them here and I’ll get to them when I come back. Of course I can’t answer spoiler questions or questions that I’ve already said I’m not telling yet, but I’ll do my best.
And now, please excuse me while I pop the cyber-champagne :).
Congrats! That is really exciting news for you and for us, the fans. I can’t wait to hear more details about the new series as they are available. Your news proves the writing adage of write what you love and don’t worry about the market as well as never throw out anything. I’m thrilled the market has come around to the place where your story already lives.
Congrats on your anniversary AND OMG! This is so exciting! I can’t wait to know more 😀
Jeaniene –
This is very exciting and, as an author, I can understand how thrilled you must be to see this percolating series being brought to life.
Congratulations to you and YIPPPPEEEEE for us! I can’t wait. I stop everything I am reading on your new release dates. So excited!
Can i ask what is YA about?? I dont really get the meaning of YA but im sure i gonna love it.in fact i love each of you books so very much especially the night huntress and night prince series.alt u said that its gonna end but a part of me still hope that u’ll get a new idea pop up on ur mind so u can write for us.i do really love night huntress and night prince series.after all thanks for being such a great writer.u make my day 🙂 and i love ur writing 😀
Congrats anw! *cheers*
YA is short for young adult, think Vampire Academy (Richelle Mead) or The Hunger Games. What I have found with this genre is that it tends to have less sex especially of the explicit variety but still has a lot of action. I am a big fan as I have a teenage daughter and we can have an interaction through this. I would not want her to be reading Cat/Bones or Vlad/Leila yet if she chooses to read those when she is older fine. I am really looking forward this one.
Congrats!!!!! I love that ur doing something different then Cat & Bones. Don’t get wrong I love them and there world u have shown us. Just don’t stop doing what u do best. Love it!!!!!
This is great news! Congrats on a new series, can’t wait to hear more about it **CHEERS**
As sad as I will be to see Cat, Bones and all the others go I am glad you will be ending them while they are still good instead of forcing the series to continue and writing so-so books just for the sake of doing so. I have absolutely no doubts that your new series will be just as amazing as the Night Huntress series (and spinoffs) have been and they will become our new obsession!
Congrats on you 20th Wedding Anniversary what a great gift!
As your other series stories come to a close (of which I read them all) I am thrilled to know that I will, for some time more, have a bit more Jeaniene to run to at reading time! Congrats and looking forward to the new beginning!!
Congrats! I’m hooked already. 😉
I will gladly read anything you publish! I haven’t found anything you’ve written that I didn’t love and read over and over again. I would actually like you to finish the story you started in the bonus material in the Halfway in the Grave ebook. The one that was supposed to be between it and One Foot in the Grave. I love Cat’s character 🙂
Congratulations! As an author I know how rewarding it is to see a WIP finally get shown some love!!
Best. News. Ever! I’m so excited for you and for us (your fans)!!!
Happy Anniversary! *hugs*
That’s very amazing!
I love your books,but I am also into the YA known as Young Adult genre as well, so I’ll definately be on the lookout for your YA/NA book coming out soon
Wow congrats on your.anniversary and thank you.thank you thank you.for an early christmas.gift.I can not.wait!!!!!!you rock
Cogratulations! I look forward to reading anything you write on this plane of existence or aother!
Congrats!! Can’t wait to read!!! 🙂
Fantastic, and congratulations on your big year anniversary. I will be missing Cat and Bones, but the conclusion should be just that. Besides – they are definately re-reads so I will always have them. I wait with bated breath (awful saying,huh) for the YA which I rarely read but will definately try yours.
Congratulations, Jeaniene! Congratulations on both your Anniversary and this very exciting news! I’m a huge fan and I will buy and read anything that you come out with 🙂 I love Cat and Bones, Vlad and Leila and all of your other characters and I’m excited to see what you come up with in this new series! Happy holidays! 🙂
What about Denise and Spade??? Of course you can’t forget about Ian, he needs to find love too! lol
Congrats on your 20th Anniversary and your new deal!
Denise and Spade had had their story told. I agree about Ian. I want to read his story, too 🙂
Totally with you on the Ian story … my friends think he’s going to find a boyfriend though but i’m sure it would be a girl with lots of fight
Congratulations on the the new opportunity and the 20sick YEARS!!
Q- YA mean your cutting the sex or softenig it the violence too? My young teen and I read series together and you’d be the fourth of my favorite authors I could share with her.
Q-Is Cat and Bones still gettting 9 books?
Great news, Jeaniene!! Can’t wait to read this new series. Knowing there’ll be no more Cat and Bones books makes me a little sad. I love every single book of the Night Huntress series. Just like Mencheres, Spade and Vlad I’m sure the others will want their stories written at some point. Especially Ian. That vampire has alot to tell. Anyway, all the best for the new project!
Happy Anniversary and Happy Holidays!
Your message…
Happy 20 years so very happy for you and husband how many Cat and Bones books are left
First, Happy Anniversary!!! I hope you are relaxing:)
Second, congrats on the book. I think you will have a cool voice for YA– just a gut feeling. It’s really neat that you held on to it because it’s perfect for that New Adult audience that is out there, and those of who aren’t “new” but still love the books in that category. LOL
Awesome!!! I am SO Happy for you Jeaniene!!!! Any change you can make this an adult series and add some of your awesome sex scenes? LOL Kidding only kidding. Looking forward to reading it when it comes out … love your books!!!
Congrats on your 20th Wedding Anniversary 🙂
This is so great! Though I’m not a big fan of YA, I love Hunger Games and I’m pretty sure I’ll love everything you’ll ever publish, so I’m so glad. Can’t wait to see the new world and characters. And that means more books from you and still night huntress/night huntress world books coming out. So happy for you, congrats!
*squeeeeee* Congratulations, this makes me soooo excited, can’t wait to know more. 😀
Yeeaaahhh!! It’s great to see the way genres are evolving!! Looking forward to the new series, as well as learning more about Cat and Bones, along with other characters. Happy anniversary, Jeaniene!! Thanks for sharing the great news and congrats!!!
That sounds awesome, i’m so happy for you that you can finally publish your story – and of course i’m superexited about how it will be!!
I hope you don’t forget about your great sense of humor that I like so much in the Cat-and-Bones-series!
Much love and congratulations from cold, icy Austria
Very exciting!
What wonderful news! I am so excited for you and therefore us :). Also, thank you for answering the questions too.
Have a Very Happy Holiday Season!
Congrats!! I would like to know if the Realmwalker world is related to the characters of your novella Haunting for your touch… I am gonna miss Cat Bones Vlad and the others but I can’t wait for this new books!!
Congratulations! Very exciting news. Cannot wait to learn more about the Realmwalker series. Happy Anniversary!
Congrats on both your Anniversary and the news about “Realmwalker”. I am very excited and can’t wait!
How exciting! I’m so glad you aren’t doing straight YA. Something closer to new adult will fit better with your darker writing and sense of humor. I’ll be looking forward to this new series when it comes!
Congrats Jeaniene, it sounds amazing! I look forward to reading it. Happy anniversary.
Since you addressed my Bones/Cat and Vlad/Leila concerns….YAY! This is great news for you and us fans 😀
That’s fantastic news! The new series sounds very intriguing. I’m sure we’ll all be buying it. 🙂
Okay so I don’t know if you’ll get to answer this but…
*deep breath*
I know that you have to have publishers interested in your stories and what not but, wasn’t it difficult to write C/B V/L books with that annoying buzz at the back of your mind. I mean didn’t your brain had cramps or something?
I really admire you. I wouldn’t have being able to concentrate! ^_^
Oh and BTW congrats on your anniversary. I hope Hubby took you somewhere nice ^_*
Yay! I love all your work and will read whatever you publish. I love getting to know new worlds and characters. Congrats!
Squeeee!!! Congratulations on both, that’s wonderful news!!
Looking forward to finding out more… I will happily read anything you write 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! 🙂 SO very excited for you and I can’t wait to check out Realmwalker!!!!
Congratulations!!! I am so excited to hear about a new series!
And Happy Anniversary!!!
I’m very excited!! I’ll read anything you write!
Awesome!! I am thrilled to hear this news!!! Boy I have some reading to do!!!
Congratulations, super exciting news!!!
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!!
w00t w00t! Congrats! A good friend of mine and I will totally be celebrating this with fangirl squees now! ^.^
Happy Anniversary!! My question is, Will the New Realm Walker Series have “Love Scenes” *Wink, Wink* like some of the ones in Night Huntress?? I was just wondering bc I Love the way you write them..
Congrats. You seem really excited, so us as fans are excited for you (we get new great books to read). Happy Anniversary to you and your spouse.
I think it sounds exciting. I enjoy the YA and the little older YA. It must be really great to finally get to have a story that strong on your mind published.
Ooooo, Jeaniene gets to stretch her writing muscles, enjoy sharing/creating something new and we get new books, new worlds from Jeaniene.
Sounds like a win, win !
congrats on the anniversary and the new contract !!!
I don’t care as long as you write.
I agree with Lisa, I don’t care, just keep writing… Share your gift!! I love your work … it transports us to another world… and makes us wonder about the times when we felt a vibe or had a strange encounter… did we happen to brush up against the paranormal in real life… or what you think is real life… so yes please… keep wtiting!! and spoil yourself too with couch time or whatever is your most comfy break time thing to do.. you deserve it!!!! and Thank you Thank You Thank You!!!!
I agree with Lisa too — just keep writing!! I, too, love the escape you provide into a completely different world.
And how can it be that you’ve been married 20 years!! You must have been a child bride!!! Congratulations to you and your husband!! And a very Merry Christmas!!
hi jeaniene i have vivid dreams that seem much like yours but i just don’t have the mind set to start righting a book but evry time i do right something and its good something happens it gets stolen burned deleated…ect my famly and friends say i could be as good as you but i fall under missfoutune of looseing evry book i right how did you get started what was the point when you said im going to crack downe and wright this book i like to right books and reade them becouse each world i read of and rihjt of is like a real living world that dousent need to die
manny of my dream simaler to what i read and yourse have a grate effect
congrats on your 20th ano i love your stories cante wate to read the 7th night huntress book
Holy cow, that is awesome news! I love your writing and am so glad my husband gave me the first 2 books of Cat and Bones for Christmas all these years ago! After reading those 2 books, I was forever hooked and you took first place in my favorite author spot. A Night Huntress is my favorite series of all time and I can’t wait to read RealmWorld! Now, if we can only get Cat and Bones on the big screen, they would make the perfect vampire movie…Congratulations, Jeaniene, you deserve it!
Jeaniene you are an amazing author! I look forward to reading anything that you come up with
I am sad that your ending the nhs but cat and bones did have a good run….i can’t wait to read more from you. If you do a book tour out towards california….Sacramento/Fairfield area would be awesome!
In my opinion there is nothing better than the promise of a new series from my favourite authors, so I’m super excited to hear that, no matter what, I’ll be getting more Jeaniene Frost to read 🙂 Congrats! Looking forward to reading it!
So just being a courious kitten….how many more cat/bones(nhs) are going to come out? I have to say they are my number 1 series that I can read over and over again. I have told many friends that they gotta read them.
I agree. I’ve read the night huntress series so many times I’ve lost count. I’m sad that the series is coming to a close. I’m so in love with the idea of bones. But seeing as you are my favorite author (there are no books like yours, trust me I’ve looked and I read…A LOT) I look forward to reading your new series 🙂 congratulations!!
Congrats on 20 years and hope you and hubby had a wonderful time. Congrats also on Realmwalker. I’m ever amazed on all that happens in your mind so many stories waiting to come out. I’m now and always a big Bones and Cat fan and will be sad to see it end after a few more books. Any woman that loves Shibas and gets them shaved for the love of her hubby is loving with a lot to give. Best Wishes on all the new goings on.
P.S. Sorry if I have gotten into sending too many comments. I rather you not start wondering whom to get the restraining order for. 😉
Congrats on a well-deserved deal!!! While I love, love, love my beloved Cat and Bones and all of the characters in the Night Huntress world, it’s clear to me after a relatively new reading career, it’s the author I build a long term relationship with. You are an extraordinary writer with a talent for creating characters we love and identify with, and a world we can escape into.
I look forward to reading anything and everything you write for a long time to come.
Sincerely –
ps: Happy Anniversary! 20-years – sweet……. 😉
Congrats! It would be wonderful if your new series could release the same date as an announcement for a Kat and Bones Movie announcement… just really wanna see it on the big screen because the series deserves it!!!
PS… Nothing against sparkling, but thankfully Cat and Bones are more flame than sparkle! I’m more into fire.
I love Cat and Bones, and while I will be sad to see them go, I’m also very happy you are going to end their story when they are at the top of their game, and not keep dragging it out. Thank you for many hours of enjoyment, I look forward to your other series.
Wonderful news! Cannot wait to read the series. Your other books are amazing and I am sure that these will be a huge success for you as well! Congrats!
One of many reasons I love your books is because they are about adults. I’m sure I will love this new series as well – I simply can’t resist your books – but I am going to miss reading about real adults with life experiences outside of high school or college. All the best // Laila
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Are you not going to include Ian friend of Bones/Spade to find a mate and an individual adventure as well. You have done most of the other characters .
do you have any ideas for other series to wright while you also wright the realwalker series? or do you only do 1 series at a time
Obsessed doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings for Cat and Bones. Please have mercy on my soul and give us at least eight books! The thought of this series ending is sending me into a deep depression! Keep writing! You are such a great storyteller!!
Congratulations!! I’m very excited you will be creating a new world for us Jeaniene. I’m sure I’ll love it as I love all of your books and all the wonderful characters that you dream up!
I’m looking forward to reading it I loved all of your books so far and I’m sure I will not be disappointed. I won’t lie and say I will miss Cat, Bones, Vlad, and all the other characters.
Wow, I missed this announcement when you made it, so belated congratulations!
I do not regularly read YA or New Adult books, they have never really interested me; however, i love your books, your writing style and the amount of emotion in your books so much that I WILL buy this when it comes out. i am completely depressed that Cat and Bones are really gone after the 28th, but perhaps this can be just as good 🙂 *fingers crossed hopefully*
I love your Night Huntress/World/Prince series. I have reread each book 4 times so far. I will miss reading new stories from that series, but I am looking forward to you telling all of us fans a different type of tale! I did enjoy reading Pack and Night’s Darkest Embrace. I can’t wait to see what story you have to tell in Realmwalker …Of course, I will always wish for more Night World spin-offs! 🙂 … Congratulations on 20 years!!!!
I will support you in all your projects jean .. so go ahead and wait another year: D