Hi everyone. From the silence on the blog, you wouldn’t guess that a lot has been going on lately, but it has. First, the reason for my recent hiatus: I’m delighted to say that Once Burned, Vlad and Leila’s book, is now in my editor’s hands. I finished it Tuesday night, then got up around 4am on Wednesday to start packing for a 12 hour drive back to Florida to visit my family. A note about me in the final legs of a deadline – I have total tunnel vision. If it’s not something to do with completing the book, I’m not thinking about it. Since I finished the book and basically jumped into a car 11 hours later, I didn’t do any of my normal pre-trip preparations. For example, it wasn’t until after I arrived in Florida that I realized I hadn’t packed any sleep wear. My husband thought this was a great oversight until I ruined things by going to the nearest Target and buying pajamas, lol.
I also neglected to put up the first three chapters of my story in The Bite Before Christmas anthology for a free preview (will have that done today or tomorrow). Thankfully, readers gave The Bite Before Christmas a warm reception anyway by putting it on the New York Times and the USA Today bestseller lists (You’re amazing!). I’ve also gotten many lovely comments about how much you’ve enjoyed the “reveal” of information I’ve long been itching to tell about Bones’s past – and more “We want an Ian book!” comments than I’ve been able to count, heh. Maybe one day, Ian fans. I’m getting more hopeful about Ian as time goes on. Until then, glad you’re enjoying seeing a more detailed view of him (and the secret in Ian’s pants, heee!), Bones, Cat, Annette and the rest of the gang in The Bite Before Christmas.
Back to Vlad and Leila’s book, Once Burned, for a moment. Here’s a very condensed version of something that I may write a far too long post on the in future: Because the book wasn’t turned in until November 1st, the release date has been pushed back from the end of March until June 26th. Basically my choices were these: rush to finish the book by October 1st and then have a less thorough edit done on it to make the March release date, or finish the book in the time necessary to give it my best effort and have the normal, multi-layered editing process done for an end-of-June release. I chose the latter. I’ve long said to readers that I can never guarantee that they’ll love every book I write (tastes vary, and subjectivity is the spice of life!), but I can guarantee that I’ve loved the book and given it my very best effort. Having Once Burned release on the earlier date would have made me unable to say that, and that wasn’t acceptable to me. So while I’m sorry that readers will have to wait a little longer, but I promise that you will get a much better book as a result.
I’ll also say that even if I hadn’t intended to write more than one book with Vlad and Leila before I started Once Burned, I would’ve insisted on it about halfway through writing their story. I haven’t felt this plugged in to a couple since I started writing Halfway to the Grave over eight years ago, so it’s a very happy time for me as a writer!
Speaking of Cat and Bones, once I’m done with revisions on Once Burned, I’ll start writing the seventh novel in the Night Huntress series. As many of you know, Cat and Bones’s storyline will end at book nine. These last three books will tie together lots of hinted-at information in the previous six novels, as well as reveal new information that will make it a rollercoaster ride to the finish. I can’t wait to see what readers think of the finale that’s coming. Not to tease – okay, I love to tease! – but when I told my editor two years ago how I intended to end the series, she said, “Wow. I didn’t see that coming.” Never fear, readers, this doesn’t mean I’m killing off Cat or Bones. I’ve said from the beginning that readers who stick with the the series will see an eventual happily-ever-after for the couple. Until that final resolution, however – game on! *wink*.
And in more Cat and Bones news, I’m flattered to say that This Side of the Grave is a Goodreads Choice Award nominee for Best Paranormal Fantasy. It’s in outstanding company, so I couldn’t be happier. Vote for your favorite novel here.
Furthermore, One Grave at a Time has been nominated for a Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice award for Best Urban Fantasy. Excellent company in that category as well, so once again, I’m beyond flattered and pleased.
That’s it for now. More updates soon! Hope everyone is having a nice fall season so far.
Wonderful! I am really looking forward to Once Burned. Vlad is my favorite character.
I found this series on audible.com. The narrative is so good that I can see the characters in my mind. This needs to be a tv series or movie series! Excellent fight scenes, grown up sex and I love the back and forth with Bones and Cat! Keep writing!!!
I completely agree with you Juli about being able to see the characters in my mind (course I do have a ridiculously overactive imagination… but still..), however, i truly hope that it does not become a TV or movie series. From my perspective, they have a tendency to ruin the experience that one has when reading a novel.
“Wow I didn’t see that coming!” I don’t know how to take that. At least you’ve promised us a HEA, so I can take whatever you throw at us.
Looking forward to reading Bite Before Christmas (it’s on my Christmas list!, Once Burned, and all the rest of the Night Huntress books to come!
I love all your books so I know I’ll love the newest one. Once I finish one, (usually in a day) I can wait for the next one to come out! Keep writing! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Sorry… I can’t wait until the next one comes out. 😉
I love your books!
They are, as Bones would say, “well worth the wait” 😉
Please just always keep on writing!
Thank you so much for all the updates. I’m glad the book is pushed out. Having a happy author makes for a great book :).
Too excited about Vlad’s book coming out and I agree that choosing to push back the relase date will be well worth our wait! As for Ian, love him and definitely looking forward to more of him in detail in books to come and his umm hum… attirbutes…he-he..and the other character’s too. Still have dreams about Spade in that shower in Las Vegas ha-ha.. Enjoy the family in Florida – sorry it is a little chilly down here right now. Happy Holidays and thanks for the fantastic world you have created for us to escape to!
So meant to spell attributes correctly! See I get all messed up thinking about Ian’s parts! Oh and too funny about the night clothes but maybe there are a few chapter’s I can think of that might turn your hubby’s frown upside down!
As much as I can’t wait for your books I’m glad that you kept writing until you were satisfied. When you’re happy, I’m happy. LOL Have fun with your family!
To be honest, I, and I’m sure all of your other readers, believe that it is better that you make the story the best you can rather than rush the due date and miss making those perfect moments just right.
I am always on the edge of my seat waiting for the next instalment of The Night Huntress World, whether it be Cat and Bones, Vlad and Leila, Mencheres and Kira or otherwise. Just this morning I bought Bite Before Christmas and got so stuck into it that I’ve already finished and it’s only lunchtime. It was litertally too good to put down.
I want the next three books to come as fast as they can, but at the same time I never want it to end. It will be sad to see them go when they do, but it is better to tell the story rather than drag it out until the reader gets bored. I’m sure you will give Cat and Bones the farewell they deserve when you reach it. I for one can’t wait to see how the epic saga ends.
I am in FL… have fun!
Congratulations on the nominations! I voted for you and you deserve it!
I also just bought my copy of The Bite Before Christmas and plan to enjoy it this weekend curled up on the safe.
OMG YOU ARE SUCH A TEASE!The part about “Wow I didn’t see that coming!” Now my mind is spinning wondering what it could be.
Thank you so much for give us Cat & Bones and I hope that we will still see them in the Night Huntress Wor4ld series books because I would miss them so much>
Have a wonderful trip. 🙂
You have been excluding Vlad from all of your Novella’s, not to mention your latest book.
Even mentioning his name seems to be taboo. Cat and Vlad were very tight and now they are like what? Especially with Bite Before Christmas. They were toasting to “all” of their dear friends and no mention of Vlad? That was sooooo rude. If it was not for him Cat and all of them would not be there.
I realize he might be busy with what’s going on in your new book, but that does not mean he should be excluded from you talking about him in the other books.
As you can tell I, and most of my friends, had a blast when it came time to Cat being with Vlad. It was …okay, now here comes the real fun. We miss the two of them.
We are looking forward to the new book. But, don’t leave the fun pairing completely.
They provide way too much entertainment. Throw us a bone.
We all thank you for all of your books. They are the best. We have them in kindle and audio formats, so you cannot escape us. Thank you especially for choosing Talia Gilbert for your narrator. We are spoiled now.
Have a great rest!
I love your books and eagerly await every new release, here in England we get them a little later than your American readers so only recently got One grave at a time but, it was well worth the wait!! I loved it!! can’t wait for the next one, keep up the great work!!
Your message…
I loved The Bite Before Christmas. I have enjoyed all of the Nighthuntress books. Cat and Bones are my favorite couple. I would love to see Ian and Justina have a fling. Just imagining Cat’s reaction to that makes me smile. I also thought it would have been funny for Cat to be able to read Vampire’s minds since she subsists on their blood. I am eagerly looking forward to Vlad’s story.
Great minds must think alike, that thought has been running around in my head too LOL
Love your stories so much.. Your loyal fan from Malaysia 🙂
Oh My God! I so in love with Night Huntress! The series just arrived in Brazil and when I saw it in the bookstore I freaked out.
I am already counting the days until Vlad’s book comes out!! I will be so interested in a book about Ian!!! I am one of the fans pushing for him to find love! Or give us a short story about Anette Finding LOVE!!!! I am really into that too!!!
Just letting you know I created a page for the Night Huntress series on FaceBook as I couldn’t find an official page to like there… I’ve mede the link to this page so the credit will go to you. I will gladly hand the page over too if you would like to have controll over it.
Oups sorr for bad spelling….
Gosh I’m so excited! Definitely looking forward to Vlad’s book. Though, I hate to say it, I don’t want an Ian book because I like him too much! Ian getting the girl and being romantic would totally throw me for a loop as to how I view him. But…I thought it would be that way for Spade and it didn’t so I’m torn.
Maybe Annette finds love, or Majestic.
Either way, counting the days til Vlad and Leila’s book! Can’t wait!
I totally agree about Ian. I don’t want him to be deep, he is too much fun. For all his shallowness I do love how protective he is of Bones and Spade.
First of all ‘HI!’From a huge fan in Australia…:)
I have just recently discovered Cat and Bones and, like many of your other readers, just devour their stories! You have made me laugh,lust, cry and talk to myself (I’m sure my husband thinks I’m nuts laughing while reading), when reading their adventures and always leave me wanting more! I love introducing them to my family and friends knowing how much they will also enjoy them.
I can’t wait to learn more about Vlad and any of the other key pleyers in this series that you write about. If a movie or show ever arises from this, count me in to see it! And if you ever come to Australia for promotion work, I wouldn’t miss it.
When I was in primary school I always wanted to be an author. If I ever decide to take that plunge instead of voracously reading everyone else’s writing, I hope that it will be as enjoyable and suspenseful an experience as reading about Cat and Bones.
Well, J, I am so glad to hear this news. As I have told you (ad nauseam LOL!) from the beginning of the Night Huntress series, I felt a personal need to hear Vlad’s story. I am so glad to finally get to find out more about Lord Hot Hands that I am squeeing inside my head! Hopefully it won’t explode! I do not mind waiting an extra 3 months for it because I know how hard you work at making the books the best you can and I appreciate every second you work at doing just that. Now if June will please hurry up and get here soon……
Can you tell me where I can find a man like Bones?!! LOL That is all I want for Christmas!! Can’t wait to read your new books!! You’re an amazing author!!
I LOVE your series, and I especially love the tangent books following all the different characters. I thought that I would always love Bones best, but after having read them all (so far) I LOVE Spade!! I really hope that there is more Spade and Denise coming up!
You are my favorite author by far! I am loving re-reading the entire Cat & Bones series.
I am so excited that a Vlad book is coming. He has been my favorite secondary character since he was introduced. He’s so brooding and sexy!
I also wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading “Night’s Darkest Embrace”. I think a whole series of books set in Nocturna would be great. (although I think it would be hard to top Rafael on the sexiness meter)
Iv read all 6 Night huntress books(im hooked).
Can someone tell me the name of the book the christmas story at the end of One grave at a time is.
That story is in The Bite Before Christmas anthology.
Your message…
If u get an Ian book it’s going to be the best one trust me. To read bout an spoiled character like Ian is gonna be fun jeaniene. I hope u write bout him….