Several weeks ago, I mentioned that I was getting together royalty-free pictures, music, and video clips for a book trailer on This Side of the Grave. Most of you know that a book trailer is basically another medium to tease about the plot elements in a particular story without giving anything major away that would spoiler. You could liken it to the description of the back cover copy of a book, only set to music and visuals. I’ve done book trailers for three of my other books (if interested, you can see them here) and while I don’t necessarily think trailers net an author any new readers, from the feedback I’ve received, a lot* of existing readers enjoy seeing a story teaser in video form.
I’ve also said before that I get a kick out of book trailers, so part of the reason why I do them is because it makes me happy. Doing something that makes me happy is why I started writing novels in the first place, after all.
So with all of that said, here is the book trailer for This Side of the Grave. I had fun picking out the various different elements in it, and I hope you enjoy watching it.
*As with everything, not all readers like trailers, and even among readers who do, not every one of you will like this trailer. Subjectivity means that I can never please everyone all the time, alas :)).
Jeaniene, it’s fantastic! I was excited to read the book already and now I can’t wait. Thanks also for sharing how you put it together. You can tell you enjoy making them. 🙂 Looking forward to meeting you at the book signing in Maryland!
OMG that trailer was AMAZING! The visual imagery was fantastic. I am always amazed at how people are able to do these. I would really love to know how you did it but I know it would take pages to describe what you did.
NOW you have me REALLY anxious to know what is going to happen in This Side of the Grave based on the words that you used in the trailer! I know just less than 3 weeks but it seems so far away! CAN”T WAIT!
This trailer was amazing Jeanine! I’m usually not an advocate for book trailers, but this blew me away. Now the wait is longer than ever. My sister & I have followed Cat since the beginning, & we adore your writing style. Cannot wait to discover what they’ve gotten into this time!
Oh Jeaniene I LOVE IT!!! Thank you for doing these! It really does amp the excitement for me, even though I didn’t think I could get any more excited for this:) You’re awesome, and I can’t wait!
OMG I LOVE it! I want the book NOW >.<
Can’t wait! The trailer just gets me that more excited for the book.
I love it!!! And I’m glad it makes you happy to make them.
This is a great trailer. Like all the other fans have mentioned, it makes me even more impatient for the book release. I really enjoy your books and cannot wait to read another Cat and Bones adventure. Thanks for being so great at what you do!! 🙂
Ooooh!! Can’t wait to read the book and find out what happens with Cat and Bones. It’s got me even more excited which I didn’t think was possible 😀
Thank you for the trailer, it was great. I’m glad it makes you happy as it makes us.
And of course, thank you for writing such wonderful books 🙂
Is it awful of me to notice that when it says, at the 1:00 mark, “Cat will go deeper in to the grave…” the picture in the background looks like some womans legs spread-eagle? O_O
That was amazing i am more excited than ever now cant wait for the new book 🙂
Thank you for the trailer it was amazing i love watching them xx
I love it^^
It was SO good I’m scared to read the book! Don’t Fret Luv…I STILL WILL! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!
OMG!!!!!!!!!! So can’t wait……..This is the best one yet!!!! But of course I have been saying that about all of your books…they just keep getting better and better….counting down the days….so EXCITED!!!!!
Thank you so much for writing your books…where would I be without them….nowhere.
LOVE it!!!!!!! I can’t WAIT for the release!!!! Gonna be the best one yet!!!! I can feel it! hahaha!!! ^_^
The trailer looks amazing! The book is going to be awesome 🙂
love it
why must you torture us with such amazing things…lol
cant wait for the book got a countdown clock on my desktop cant wait so far away those 17 days…
Best yet! Cant wait for the 22nd!!
I think my head is going to explode with anticipation.
Oooh, I just got chills watching that trailer! I can’t wait until the 22nd!!!
As if I wasn’t already jazzed enough about the new Cat & Bones, you give us this awesome trailer. Jeaniene you ROCK!!!
I can’t wait for this and more of these books, love them, have listened to them on audio over 3 times (all six). BUT, when is the audio book coming out for this one? Simultaneously, or are we audio junkies going to have to wait for a bit?
I loved it! Can’t wait for the book, I’m such a nerd, I read the books again every time a new book is out just so it’s fresh in my mind! It always feels like the first time I read them, I laugh, cry and aw… at all the right places! What wonderful talent you have! Best of luck.
Love the trailer, Jeaniene. I recognized from the beginning that COS did it. Sheila does great work.
I love watching trailers and enjoy the teasers. Sometimes, if I’m uncertain about trying an unfamiliar author, I’ll check to see if they have a trailer. It is sorta like reading the back blurb.
Glad you liked it, Liz! Actually, since I’m a bit of a control freak, I wrote the script, picked all the images/video clips, and selected the music. Then I sent all the above to COS with the layout denoting which words coincided with which images so they could put it in a wmv file and distribute it. Did I mention I’m a control freak? ;-).
Awesome job!! Just a different way of sharing your amazing creativity. I will be reading it the minute it hits my Nook!
The book trailer looks really good! Makes me soooo curious for the 5th Night Huntress book … Why, oh why does waiting take so long?