Last night, Harper posted the cover for THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE on their pdf catalog, which meant that this morning, it had already been picked up by a few blog sites. My reaction? Yay, I get to show the cover earlier than I thought! 😀
Without further ado, the cover:
And now, the stepback!
I’ve wanted gargoyles in the background for AGES, and of course, I always love cemetery settings. As I mentioned in another post, yes, I know that Bones’s tattoo doesn’t match the description in the book, but if it had, you wouldn’t see it. Also, Cat’s not wearing her ring, but as my editor pointed out, when Cat’s out hunting, she’d leave it at home because she wouldn’t want something happening to it. So that’s why those things differ from the book description, but I am very happy with the cover and stepback. Big shout out to my cover artist, Tom Egner!
I LOVE it!!!!!!!!
Love the cover! Can´t wait til i have it in my hands!!
Looks awesome.
Love it! I’m even more excited about TSotG (if that’s possible)!
Wow! Jeaniene!! That is the best Cat has ever looked! For me, it’s the closest to my idea of Cat yet!! Congrats on another winner!!
LOVE the images!! of course this only makes February seem that much farther away….
Lovely! I wouldn’t mind seeing the real tatoo even if that meant Bones would have to, um, go without pants 😉
I like that Bones’ face is in the shadow -I still haven’t managed to put a face on him, in my imagination, to do him justice, so I like I don’t have one forced on me. I have a Mencheres and an Ian and even a Vlad in mind but for Bones and Spade I guess my expectations are too high and I can’t settle in just one face. Anyway.
The gargoyles rock -and so do Bones’ abs. 😀
Can’t wait for the book to be released!
OMG So beautiful. I cant wait> I just Absorb your books. I love Cat and Bones together!
So pretty!
Wooow!That looks great! That´s the best cover so far!I mean it!Stunning 🙂
Oh wow!!!!! It was certainly worth the wait. I LOVE THEM!!!
Squee! SO excited for this book, i need a Bones Fix =D
I am so excited!!!!! Love these Bones…ummmmm I mean….books more than anything
Loved it!!! I like the covers of your books because of the stepback also. It just adds a little more fun to the book. 🙂
WOW! I love it!
You should be happy with it, it’s beautiful! Love the red, and love that Bones’ face is in shadow, makes him sexier;) Is it release day yet?
Absolutely incredible! Cat is stunning – Bones is droolworthy. Now we just need the middle part and we will be all set;)
Wow ! Six months in advance. I’m impressed. You are right it is very early.
I love this cover, this is one of the best, i like the gargoyle, the crow, and cat red dress !
So when are we getting the wallpaper? And is it my imagination or is this model for Bones ACTUALLY a Blonde?
I have to agree, this is the most stunning cover from the night huntress series.
Love the colors on Cat! And Bones (Sigh), I don’t think any words are necessary!
that is amazing
i am so happy that its finally out,
i am so excited for the books!
Wow this is so gorgeous! Is it Feb. yet?
Best Cover Yet… and the Stepback, well, all i’ve got for that is WOW *swoon*! YAY!
Oh….nice…. very, very… 🙂
absolutely love it!! can’t wait! 🙂
Yum! Yeah!
Best cover yet omg cat looks so hot!!!!!!!!!
Great ! 😀
I’m impatient this book comes in France. Actually, we’ll have the third book in November… We’re late ! :'( And unfortunately, my english isn’t good enough to read it in original version.
I love Cat & Bones, you make a very good story !
Thanks, and good luck for the continuation !
OMG! OMG! OMG!…Yeah thats pretty much it!..I freaking love Bones and Cat is super HOT!…its a beautiful cover!..and the step back..HOLY SH*!
WOW!!! That’s HOT!!!! **THUD**
As I said on the forum…LOVE it, there really are not any words for how much I am in love with this cover! The cover artist/designer did a fab job! The gargoyles are perfect!!
Love the cover…This is exactly how i picture cat. i think this is the best cover so far.
I love it so freakin’ much that I’m going to have to buy a hard copy, not e-book form, FOR SURE.
I love to ogle your book covers.
And, OMG a RAVEN! 😀
But I’m almost forgetting how much I look forward to the good stuff on the inside!
Dang, Jeaniene, you’re a bundle full of awesome.
Oh My! Wow! Gracious me, I am having a severe attack of the vapors….*fans self*. Whew!
Is it my imagination or does Bones in shadow slightly resemble a character we all know and love…..Spike? My first glance made me do a double-take. LOL!
I can’t wait to read what is between the covers of this book!
The stepback and cover look great! 😀
WOW! =)
Excellent cover. Cat looks fierce yet confident. I wonder what Cat is whispering in Bones’ ear in the step back.
*Squeel* Happier than a kid in a candy store!
I love the cover and the step back is great I love how Cat is holding onto Bones!! Can’t wait until we can read it!!
Wow. Seriously. Wow. I hope there will be desktop thingies because damn…I need one.
Oh Em Squeeeeeeeeee!
I love it! Amazing!
Bones looks like he works out!
what an awesome cover and stepback, definitly preording this time. cant wait, it looks HOT
Very very nice, though I still like the cover of “Half Way To The Grave” best.
The stepback on this is a a close second though.
Any chance of new wallpapers from these?
Great going Jeaniene!!!! Gotta love Cat and Bones!!!!
The covers look awesome cant wait til the books come out. The covers are beautiful, Bones is sexy 😉 <3
Best cover yet!!! Awesome!!!
i am a big fan of your books ive read every single one about 30 times.. (each) i even was lucky enough to get an autographed book from you! 😀 in one of your contest
but im a little disappointed, i loved how you always used the same girl and guy in the covers. cause they are a spltting image of how i imagined them!! like identical… so i was curious,
how come you used a different bones in this new cover?? :/
Cat looks like a kick-ass vampire! I love it! And I do like Bones face in the shadows.. nice artwork. Thanks for sharing. Really looking forward to this.
Love the picture. This is my new desktop screen. Now to just get this on my phone!!! I don’t know how to pass the time until the book gets released. I have tried other series and they just can’t take the place of these books.
Bones is different in this one isnt he? Or he just looks really different here.
Cat & Bones are both very sexy.
Those covers are really excellent.
I can’t count how many times I have read the books and I’m getting very impatient & excited for the next book. I can’t wait til February…
Before I saw the covers I was thinking that Cat could looks like Amanda Righetti (The Mentalist) an Bones like Eddie Cibrian (CSI: Miami 8th season).
I’m not really wrong !!!
Kisses from Switzerland.
sexy and yummy! Bones looks soooooooo good! that body? O-M-G
Cat is gorgeous in the red dress and boots. Love it.
YES!!! Im So Absolutely Excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been waiting for the next Cat and Bones book!!! Keep it up Jeaniene, you’re my favorite author and I love you <3
These look fantastic!! I can’t wait for the next book to come out.
Ok so this is a diversion…sort of. I have a thing for smart alecks. I am one and I am also a very honest person with a faulty filter on my mouth (my brutal honesty USUALLY isn’t intentionally brutal). I’m also an investigator and have had profiling and interviewing technique training so I can spot BS from a mile away. Sound familiar? No wonder I (like Cat) LOVE Vlad, he’s been my favorite character since he first appeared in the Night Huntress series (taking Bone’s place from the minute he arrived) and I think I loved him even more from Kira and Mencheres perspective. Thank you so much for Vlad and if there happens to be a Eternal Flame of Darkness in the near future (hint hint) I’d just be in hog heaven. ;o)
is that a criss crose percing on bones arm, i know you can get ones like that but just somthing else
or are the cross bones tattoes?
Yayyyy loovee the new cover!!! I am so glad the same girl is on all the covers! She is so pretty its easy to make her “Cat”. Cant wait for this book to come out! SO looking forward to it!
Um, Wowza! Bones is looking soooo great. And, as always, Cat is georgeous. Awesome work you guys!
YAY! I thought there wouldn’t be another book but I can’t wait until this one come out and Cat&Bone is always sexy……………………I love your books and I LOVE YOU!
Great cover love it
I absolutely love it!! Your covers for this series have always been my favourite. Another great addition to the series! Can’t wait to read.
OMG! LOVE the cover! But I LOVE all the covers! YUMMY! Yeah for TOM! I can feel the book in my hands! Just read the short story and have to say I LOVED it! But it was such a tease! Left me having to re-read them all again for the 6th time! ; ) Can’t wait for this!
OMG I am so so excited for this next book to come out! I love the cover! Doesn’t Cat look like Katherine Heigl…? (not that it’s a bad thing) Maybe it’s just me. 😀
I LOVE IT!!! :>) And a big THANK GOD ITS FINALLY HERE TO EVERYONE INVOLVED! Can’t wait for the book to be released.
ohh, its absolutely beautiful, very creative, and finally we get to see what Bone actually looks like, and OMG not a dissapointment…drooling now actually. So sad i didnt win the name the cat comp i was dying to read the next book…i cant wait…please please feb 2011 come early. Cant remember the last time i was crazy about a book…actually this is the first time. Ur the best Jeaniene xxoo
love it… love it… love it!
good job! 🙂
There will be no cover bashing from me (this time). The cover for Cat’s new book is FABULOUS!
I absolutely love this, its the best cover out of all the books!
Kay, Bones looks absolutely hot! Drooling over him so badly, hurry up 2011!
Jeaniene, your amazing and my fav author x