First, thanks SO MUCH to everyone who submitted an entry in the Name That Kitty contest. I received over four hundred name suggestions and they were so awesome, creative, and witty, I wish Cat had a farm of pets that needed names! :D. Many of you sent pictures with your suggestions (funniest had to be from Vampy, whose pic of a kitten in a cast was a perfect representation of how Cat’s kitty looked when she first got him). There were so many clever reasons behind the suggestions of what Cat would name her kitty. Some of you also included stories about your own pets in the entries, some of which were hilarious and some that were tearjerkers. Our furry family members can become such a big part of our lives, can’t they, and they are truly missed when they’re gone *sniffles in remembrance of my six deceased ferrets*.
But let me get to the part of the post that you’re all waiting for: the winner of the Name That Kitty contest! In this case, there were two winners, because they submitted the identical name that – after much tough deliberation – I chose for Cat’s kitty.
So the winners of an Arc (advance reading copy) of THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE *** are Miriam Struett and Angelika from Hungary, for their entry of HELSING. Yes, the name is an homageย to Abraham Van Helsing, famed fictional vampire hunter. Like Miriam and Angelika, I too thought Cat’s dark sense of humor would make this a fitting choice for her kitty…and it makes me doubly laugh to know that when she would have picked the name, Cat had no idea that Dracula was still alive and well. Might have to write a scene where Cat calls for her cat when Vlad is around. Something tells me his reaction might be funny *wink*.
Again, huge thanks to everyone who participated! I had so much fun reading all the entries. If you were one of he 400+ readers who didn’t win, never fear that this was your only chance to get an early look at THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE. I’ll be holding more contests once I have the Arcs, so you’ll have more chances to win.
Miriam and Angelika, congrats! I think the kitty was starting to get a complex about how long he’d gone without a name, heh.
***As mentioned in the original contest post, I won’t have Arc’s for THIS SIDE OF THE GRAVE until late November at the earliest. Once I do, however, I will mail them out to the winners.
Awesome name, perfect fit!!! Congrats to the winners!!!
Congratulations Miriam and Angelika! Great Name!
Congrats Ladies!! great name! would love to see Vlad’s reaction ๐
Congrats to the 2 lovely winners for chosing such a great name. I’ll be looking forward to seeing little Helsing in the next book.
Snowgirl, glad you liked my entry. I told you it’d be good for a chuckle or two. Now i can share it with everyone. ๐
This is the picture I sent. I don’t know how to get a pic to show so just click the link.
The name I submitted was Buttersnap. The Kitten is a buttery color and his little leg was snapped.
I still feel like a winner no matter. i had fun with this contest and I did get to meet Jeaniene in Charleston for the signing there. If you ever get a chance to meet her or any of your other favorite authors in real life go for it. Show them how much you appreciate their work. ๐
Perfect name because Bones will LOVE it he is always out to jab at Vlad. I’m sure he’ll insist on the cat being called when Vlad is around LOL.
Helsing sounds like a great name for the kitty, glad someone had the chance to come up with something wicked like Cat’s mind is! ๐ Vlad will just have a kick out of that name, I bet. Can’t wait for the books to finally be released. I’ll be outside Barnes&Noble and running to your book the day it comes! ๐ Oh Jeaniene and the two winners, you made my day! <3
Congrats!!! I love the name!..Certainly more creative than mine was and the win is absolutely deserved!…and I totally think Jeaniene should write a scene with Vlad when Cat calls the kitty by name…would be hilarious!…looking forward to more contests..
Congrats to the winners! I love the name and I’m just sorry that I didn’t think of it! I can’t wait to see Vlad’s reaction to Bones calling the cat by that name!
Six deceased ferrets?! (Actually, I’ve got you beat. Have had 13 of those little fuzzies cross the Rainbrow Bridge).
Dang! I only wish I’d thought of it! ๐ but it is perfect!
Congratulations ladies on picking a great name. You girls rock!
Great name! Congrats to the winners. Bones will love the name and Vlad’s reaction would be priceless.
oh, snap! What a great name (wish I had thought of that ). Congrats!
Congrats to the winners~! ๐ the name is perfect! love it! ๐
What a perfect name! Love it.
Love it! I want to see Vlad’s reaction when he hears Cat calling the kitty.
One thing is for sure -Bones will be thrilled!
Congrats to the two ladies who thought of a cool name. Lucky devils get to read teh story early, I wont give up though haha. I catually like that name and I so cant wait to see what scene with Vlad and teh Kitty Helsing is gonna be like. *Jumping with anticipation here people*!!! Wooopppeee!! XD
Excellent choice, and definitely sounds like a name Cat would choose for her kitty ๐
I didn’t even think of that name. I have to agree it’s perfect. LOL
Congrats to the 2 winners.
I wish I was more creative!
Congrats to the winners!
Congrats. Thanks Ms.Frost and may you always have health & lots of time to indulge us with Cat & Bones. BTW, I love Mencheres story and can’t wait for more NHW!
Congrats! What an amazing name! Vlad will be pleased!!!
Nice job ladies! So jealous! ๐
hahaha, that is such a purrfect name for him! and let me just say i cant wait to read vlad’s reaction! cant wait for the release.
Hi,Jeaniene I have a question for you, do you have a playlist to go along with the different scenes in your books? If you do could you please post it for those of us who adore your books:)